Phoenix to see the music can not be squeaked.

However, what made her dissatisfied was that the green haired man did not know what "green hat" meant.

For Feng Zhi, since he wants to attack people, of course, he has to let the other party understand what kind of situation he is in now.

So she said with great kindness, "you don't know what green hat means, do you?"

At this time, the green haired man was still immersed in regret. He shook his head subconsciously.

Feng to hit a ring finger, toward Feng Ming Yang chin, "younger brother, quickly explain to him."

Although Feng Zhi called himself "little brother" some dissatisfaction, but think of the green haired man know the meaning of green hat son will have reaction, Fengming is happy again.

He is most willing to do such a thing.

And then

After listening to Fengming's comprehensive explanation of the profound meaning of the word "green hat son", the green haired man thought that he was wearing such a hat on his head. His sharp vision was just as bad as not poking a few holes in Fengming's body.

This makes Fengming a little unhappy.

It was Fengzhi who captured the green haired man, and Long Yan, who made his hat on his head. He just explained the meaning of green hat son with kindness. How could he hate him?

This man is really ungrateful!

This is the voice of Fengming.

At this time, Fengzhi did a more intimate thing.

"You're suffering from not seeing what you're like now, aren't you?" Feng Zhi patted the hat on the man's head, but he didn't know what Long Yan had done. The hat seemed to be fixed directly on the man's head, which was not as soft as the hair.

This makes Feng Zhi very satisfied.

Then, without waiting for the man to make any response, Feng Zhi congealed out a large water mirror and placed it in front of the green haired man.

Now the man saw his green hair.

Since he was born, he wanted wind and rain in the Muling clan because of his outstanding talent. Now he comes to the human territory. On the contrary, Hu luopingyang is bullied by such a wicked girl as Fengzhi. This is simply

The man just didn't cry.

"Ha ha.

That's what she wants.

After that, according to Feng Zhi's practice over the past few years, she took out a spirit stone and recorded the man's present appearance with Xuanguang technique.

When collecting the spirit stone, Feng Zhi looked at the spirit stone which had been sealed up for the past few years. "Oh, I have saved so much unconsciously. Now I can hold an embarrassing exhibition. I don't know if anyone will come to see it if I get a gold coin ticket."

As soon as the others heard this, they immediately dropped a few drops of cold sweat.

They did not forget that most of them were embarrassed in Fengzhi's inventory.

If they are seen in the eyes of others, they will lose their face?

Think about the green haired man's mood now, everyone thinks, such pain, they are some can not bear.

Fortunately, Feng Zhi seems to be just thinking about it. He doesn't really intend to do such a thing. People feel relieved again.

Put away the spirit stone, Feng Zhicai slapped the green haired man's hat, "Hey, how about you? Now it's time to introduce yourself?"

They have already tossed people like this, but they don't know their names. It's really rude.

The man glared at Feng again.

However, now that people are trying to force me to fish, even if the man is so angry that he can not do more things to him, he can only answer Fengzhi's questions honestly.

"My name is muyuan. I'm the Lingzi of this generation of Muling clan..."

The Muling clan is a bit like the spirits in the fantasy novels that Fengzhi has read on earth before. Although there are also men and women who will become husband and wife, there are very few of them who can really give birth to their offspring like human beings and other races. Most of the new members of the Muling clan are injected with their own strength by their parents in front of the most important spirit tree of the Muling clan And then it was born out of the spirit tree.

For the Muling people, the affinity with plants is the highest, which means that the more they can use various plants on the mainland to play a more powerful role.

Therefore, in the eyes of the Muling people, measuring a person's potential level, affinity with plants is the most important indicator.

In each generation, the one with the highest affinity will be the spiritual son of each generation.

Now the wood yuan, who has been tossed to no temper by Feng Zhi and others, is such a person.

Hearing this, Feng Zhi was sneering, "I really should call you people of Muling clan to have a good look. What kind of Lingzi they are now? See if you can think that you are superior to others in front of human beings."

Wood yuan heard here is a stare.However, he also knew that he had no way to take Feng, so after staring, he went on.

Three years ago, the yezu sent out invitation cards to all ethnic groups. They also said that each tribe would only have one invitation, which was only for the most talented and potential people in the younger generation.

As the Lingzi of the Muling clan, muyuan naturally got the invitation card of the Muling clan.

When the night clan makes such a big noise, other ethnic groups will certainly ask why. After this inquiry, we can find out that the reason why the night clan sent invitation cards to all ethnic groups is that they want to gather the most powerful young people of all ethnic groups to explore the ancient ruins that the night clan has discovered for many years.

Ancient sites.

These four words are enough to attract many people.

Every time we discover ancient sites, we can always get many benefits that ordinary people can't imagine. Of course, this is a great good thing that everyone wants to get involved in.

However, only one invitation card is available for the whole clan. I'm afraid only about ten people can participate in this matter.

Of course, this has caused many people's dissatisfaction, and muyuan is one of them.

The so-called persimmon to pick soft pinch, wood is far from sure that he can press down on other big alien people who received the invitation, but he thinks that he can not be weaker than the little girl of the human race, so it should be a very simple thing to grab the invitation card from the little girl named Fengzhi?

This is when muyuan inquires about Fengzhi's news through the sun's family in Pingyang.

After saying that, muyuan said with a little gloating: "Fengzhi, don't be complacent. As far as I know, I'm not the only one who makes your idea. Even if I'm planted in your hands, others may not necessarily..."

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