Fengzhi and Longyan did not rest.

They were sitting opposite each other on the open space outside the tent. They were whispering.

Feng Zhi came close to Long Yan, and her eyes seemed to shine white in the moonlight. She blew a breath at the root of Longyan's ears, and then said in a soft voice, "brother Longyan..."

The word "brother" is still rising slightly.

I have to say that Feng Zhi usually shows her tough side. At this time, she suddenly shouts out such a few words with a soft voice. In addition, Long Yan has a deep love for Feng. Only these words make Longyan hear a shock, and then all of her body softens.

Longyan reflexively wants to take Feng Zhi's waist and hold her to his leg. However, he is afraid that the other five foreigners will touch her, but he also restrains and just holds Feng Zhi's hand tightly.

"Fengzhi..." Long Yan took a deep breath, "don't tease me. You know, I can never refuse you..."

Feng Zhi only thought that this kind of Longyan was too cute. He not only breathed a warm breath into Longyan's ear, but also put out his tongue and gently licked it on the earlobe of Longyan.

Sensing that Longyan was trembling again, she laughed in a low voice.

After a while, Feng Zhi stopped laughing.

As for what Long Yan was afraid of, she didn't put it in her heart at all.

"Brother Long Yan, don't worry. They are all asleep. Now no one will disturb us. Do you really want to hold high in your arms?" Feng to say words, the whole person just want to stick to dragon Yan body.

Long Yan's heart beat missed two beats.

Since he was born, he was indifferent. After meeting Fengzhi, he seems to have spent all his life's enthusiasm on Fengzhi. Only in front of Fengzhi, can he be like a young man who has just come of age. He will be short of breath because of her closeness and bewildered by her deliberate provocation.

Like this.

After all, Long Yan stretched out his hand and locked it firmly in Feng Zhi's waist.

Feng was still talking at this time, "as for brother Longyan, you're worried. The five foreigners don't know which rat hole they're hiding in. They can only stay in the dark and look at us. They dare not come here..."

That is to say, when the voice of Fengzhi falls, there is a sudden change.

The four figures seem to be coming out of the darkness, and as soon as they appear, they rush towards the Phoenix to this side as quickly as lightning.

Seeing that their attack was about to fall on Feng Zhi, Feng Zhi seemed not to notice it at all, and he was still talking to Long Yan If they really dare to sneak over, it is Fish, I'm hooked... "

At the same time, Feng to the four figures can not imagine the speed turned around.

All of them were sure that Fengzhi couldn't have seen them attack, but looking at Fengzhi standing like this without dodging, it was as if they were going to let them attack. It was clear that this was something to be happy about, but a sense of vigilance appeared in their hearts at the same time.

"No, it's not good to cheat."

The tall and strong man named the rock whispered. He had come near Feng. His body had a strange twist and turned to run.

But at this time, Feng to the face of a look at the pure but good smile, "want to run? It's already late... "

When Feng Zhi's words were finished, the rock felt that something was wrong.

Clearly, they are now standing in an open space, which is empty, and there is still a distance from the place where other people camp. If it had not been observed for a long time, there would have been no ambush where Fengzhi and Longyan were located, and several people in the rock would not have rushed out in this way.

But now, they confirm this open space, but do not know why suddenly appeared an inexplicable force, let them in action, suddenly more astringent.

They can't describe this feeling.

Feng Zhi looks at these four figures and wants to step back, but she still lets them run. Then she slowly opens her hands and opens her fingers.

"All of them have entered my net, so don't go away. Stay with muyuan and mirage for company..."

After that, Feng Zhi's ten fingers even shot.

Suddenly, there was a bright white light in the empty space. These lights were crisscross. In the night, it looked like a huge chessboard.

The four men, such as the rock, are the pieces in the chessboard.

"Star, stand up!"

With the fall of Feng Zhi's voice, the four rock people were extremely shocked to find that they could have run outside, but now they can't even move.

As if, they really became a pawn in Fengzhi's hand, and their every move was completely controlled by Fengzhi.

How could that be possible?

All four of them were staring at the rock.

After the failure of muyuan and mirage, they also believe that Fengzhi should be better than them. However, even if they had made any prediction on Fengzhi in advance, they would never have imagined that they killed Fengzhi by sneaking attack together, but in the end, they did not encounter the shadow of Fengzhi.So

The reason why they didn't try their best was not that they didn't try their best?

It's a pity that they realize this now, but they can't run away.


Although the rock several people are shocked, but also did not despair.

Even if they can't move, they're waiting.

Wait, wait, wait

After waiting for a long time, there was no news.

At this time, Feng Zhi was smiling at the four men of the rock. "Oh, by the way, you are waiting for your hiding companion, right? I almost forgot him. Who told him to be invisible. If you really forget him, he will die here and stink. I'm afraid no one knows..."

The four of the rocks were silent.

Feng Zhi just snapped her fingers at will. Not far from the four men in the rock, the air suddenly twisted, and then a figure appeared in the empty place.

The figure was dressed in black, and the whole person felt that there was a very weak sense of existence. Even if everyone could see him now, he would be ignored if he was not careful.

Very strange.

Seeing that this man was forced to show his shape by Feng Zhi, and that he was in the same situation as the four of himself, his face changed immediately.

Don't mention how depressed they are now.

It's like a peerless master who has been practicing martial arts for decades. When he is successful, he goes to find his enemy to avenge him. However, he is crushed to death with one hand.

They don't accept it!

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