It's not over.

Feng had shaved phantom's hair last time, but she just put it away and didn't think about what to do. At this time, she made a set of clothes and quilts for Zhizhi. Of course, Fenglin's set could not be missed.

Therefore, will belong to the phantom translucent long hair also took out, and made a set of small clothes and quilt to Fenglin.

See here, the night from some impotent toward the Phoenix to wave.

"I've convinced you. What do you think I'll do to provoke you

Ye Li murmured, while controlling the vitality of his body and promoting the growth of his hair like the previous mirage. After a few rest, he changed from the previously funny big bald head back to the ethereal temperament of the night family beauty man.

It's no surprise to foreigners that such a small trick is not a surprise.

Had this small episode, after the night from pour no longer dare to provoke Feng to, only honestly did a lead people into the city master.

Youyecheng was originally located in the far west of the mainland. There were no special products here, so there were very few people in the city. Recently, a large number of human warriors were attracted to Fengzhi's alien exhibition, and the city finally became more lively.

At the same time, he also introduced the situation of Youye city to the public.

In fact, muyuan and other foreigners have known this for a long time, but Fengzhi and Fenglai have never been to youyecheng before, and they know very little about the night clan, of course.

After that, Ye Li placed Feng Zhi and others in an inn directly controlled by the night clan.

In fact, it's just Feng Lai and others.

Since Fengzhi and Longyan have accepted the invitation, they can't stay in the inn all the time.

They will go to the night city underground with Yeli and muyuan tonight.

First of all, she took a simple look at the night city with Yeli. Fengzhi took Long Yan and went back to Youye city. Although she was going to enter the night city at night, she was going to have dinner with Fenglai and other people before going there, and there were some things to explain to Fenglai and others.

However, it was about 100 meters away from the inn where Fenglai and others lived. Fengzhi heard a clamor coming from the front.

Feng Zhi and Long Yan both frowned.

Although the distance is still a little far away, but with their ears, they can't hear that there are still some Fengming and several angry voices in the noise.

Feng came to their place and had an accident?

With such a thought, Fengzhi took Long Yan and ran towards the inn. Because the speed was too fast, there were still two shadows left in the place where they had stayed. After a long time, the shadow disappeared.

When Feng Zhi and Feng Zhi arrived at the door of the inn, they just saw a woman in her twenties, whose appearance could be described as extraordinary, but her expression was extremely cold. In one eye, she seemed to have no feelings. She was just like waving a disturbing fly and patted her in front of her.

The woman's hands are white and slender, looking very beautiful, but her hands at this time seems to be caged with a light green light. She just patted Zhizhi in such a way. Although it didn't bring any news, there is no doubt that if it was photographed, even if Zhizhi was a dragon, she would be hurt.

"Since you can't take care of your children, I'll teach you a lesson."

The woman patted on the squeak and said such words. Her tone was so indifferent that it seemed to make the air ice.

Fenglai and others glared at the woman, but they wanted to save Zhizhi from the woman's hand, but compared with this woman, their strength was much worse, and in any case, they could not catch up.

Feng to see this scene, eyes immediately out of flames.

She was a very protective person. Those who she counted as her own might bully them at ordinary times, but she could not tolerate others bullying her own people.

Feng to the hand immediately turned into a mirage like, with a tiny difference in time will creak in the arms.

The woman did not hit, immediately stupefied, compared with the previous only indifferent appearance, at this time seems to be stained with some popularity.

She didn't expect that someone would save squeak from her hand here.

For women, it's a shame.

At this time, several onlookers who were watching the bustle moved aside to both sides, and the woman's sight fell directly on her holding the creaky Phoenix.

The Phoenix comes forward slowly.

She squinted at the woman and stood in front of Feng Lai and others. Then she said faintly, "have you ever heard a word?"

This saying is endless. How can a woman understand it.

"What?" The woman frowned slightly.

Feng Zhi hooked his lips and said, "if you want to be forced by thunder..."

Without saying that, Feng Zhi points to the direction of the woman at will, and suddenly drops a purple lightning in the clear sky, and it can't be more precise to chop on the woman.

And thenEveryone who saw this scene couldn't help laughing.

It's kind of funny.

The woman wore a long snow-white skirt, and against her cold and seemingly out of the world temperament, the whole person was as holy and noble as the woman who came to the world that day. Even if she had raised her hand and had to shoot it towards the squeak, this impression is still deeply rooted in the hearts of those onlookers.

But at this time, after being struck by the thunder from nowhere, the woman's long and soft hair exploded, just like an extra large broom. The snow-white skirt was black here and there was a hole there. A face of extraordinary beauty was also covered with black paint. Don't mention how embarrassed she was.

Compared with the previous nobility, they are two people.

However, everyone can be sure that this is clearly the same person.

For a moment, the onlookers who saw this scene all stepped back together.

They remembered the words of Feng Zhi.

Pretending to be forced is to be struck by thunder.

Although the word "Feibao" is a bit novel, they can probably guess its meaning.

So, is that woman really pretending to be attacked by thunder?

Otherwise, how could it be clear that the sky was clear and clear, and suddenly a thunder came out, and only split on the woman?

If you think of the woman's cruel hand to a child who is so young, these onlookers agree with Feng Zhi's words.

The woman was struck dumb by the sudden thunder.

Since she was born, she has lived with gold and jade, and her talent is the best in her family. She has never been to the human world in Xuanwu before, but no one can make her suffer.

But now, she did not suffer from any human hands, but was directly split by a thunder from the sky?

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