For Long Yan, as long as Feng Chi doesn't want to put a foot between him and Feng, everything is easy to say.

Feng Zhi looked at Feng Chi with some doubts, "however, I have nothing to do with you Feng family. Why should I go to Feng family?"

The others couldn't help rolling their eyes.

This has the body of true Huang, also said that he has nothing to do with the Phoenix family, they can't bear it if Fengchi is designated.

Of course, the others are not Feng Chi.

For the Phoenix to put aside the relationship, Feng Chi did not have any anger.

Without waiting for Feng Chi to speak, Feng Zhi has already made up a lot of brain.

"Is there a mysterious mystery in the change of the Phoenix family among you? Many thousands of years ago, some forefathers of the Phoenix family left a prophecy. How many thousands of years later, there will be a Huang family born in a human family. The appearance of this person will make the Huang family flourish again?" Feng to the combination of the earth when read the network novel, brain made up such a story.

The others were stunned.

When Feng reaches this level, he will go back to be a bard who makes up stories to deceive people. He also specifies that he can't eat less food.


After listening to Feng Zhi's words, Feng Chi had always seemed a little indifferent, but her eyes were more fluctuating, and her expression was quite strange.

Obviously, if not all of the stories mentioned by Fengzhi are correct, at least they are related to the real reason why Fengchi invited Fengzhi to go to the Fengzu.

Night from the open mouth, "can't it, really call her to say it?"

If you want to say that you are most concerned about this issue and feel most nervous about it, you have to count qingluan.

Qingluan was afraid that it was true.

What she always thought was that she could marry Fengchi with her own excellence. If the appearance of Fengzhi could really make the Yuzu prosper again, how could she still marry Fengchi?

Qingluan's eyes were fixed on Feng Chi, hoping to get a negative answer from Feng Chi's mouth.

But Fengchi failed to fulfill qingluan's wish.

He did not directly express, but said: "this matter is of great importance to the Phoenix family. If you are willing to go to the Phoenix family, you will be treated as one favor owed by the Phoenix family, and you will have a good reward in the future."

Long Yan looks at Xiang Feng.

Naturally, he came from Fengzhi. What's more, Feng Zhi is the only one who really wants to invite. Long Yan is just a tie-in.

Feng thought about it, but nodded.

It's not a big deal for her to go to the Fengzu for a visit. It's also good to go to the Fengzu to see different sceneries. Moreover, even if the Fengzu needs her to do something, the initiative lies in Fengzhi's own hands.

She believed that as long as she didn't like it, there was no one in the world who could manage her.

In that case, how about going to have a look?

"OK, after the ruins are over, let's go to the Feng clan together." Feng to the road, and then thought of waiting for her Feng to wait for others in the quiet night city, and quickly added, "by the way, can you take your family?"

Phoenix blazing mouth corner smoked.

He has lived for thousands of years and has never seen such a person as Fengzhi. Does she think that she is going to the Fengzu for sightseeing and to take the family group of no less than ten people with her?

But even so, Feng Chi only nodded.

Now it's the whole Feng clan who needs the help of Fengzhi. It's not asking him to go to the Fengzu. What else can he say?

The matter was settled in this way.

Now that the affairs between these people have been settled, it's time to discuss the trip to the ancient ruins.

Although the assembly hall has been completely destroyed, Yetong coughed softly and pretended that he was still standing in the undamaged assembly hall. He said, "now that the matter between you has been decided, shall we talk about the ruins?"

Then they looked at Longyan and Fengzhi first, then turned their heads and looked at the charming Mei who was still very embarrassed.

Because of the entanglement between Long Yan and Meizu, long yanle is not willing to breathe the same air with Meizu. This is really a problem. After all, Long Yan has clearly indicated his attitude before.

Under everyone's gaze, Long Yan finally nodded.

Previously, Fengzhi had made Meimei suffer a lot. Long Yan fought with Fengchi and destroyed the assembly hall of the night clan. If no one could enter the site because of his insistence on not cooperating with Meimei, he was afraid that he would offend all the other races.

From ancient times to the present, all people agree with the view that the more difficult it is to open the door of a site, the more good things it has inside, and the greater the benefits it can gain from entering it.

Therefore, the people present are undoubtedly looking forward to this ancient site.

If it is really because of the Long Yan and let all people can only be defeated, even if these people do not say the Dragon Yan to hate, but certainly there will be a knot in the heart.

Long Yan doesn't like to talk to unfamiliar people, but that doesn't mean he doesn't have Eq.Seeing Long Yan nodding, all the people present were relieved in their hearts.

Now that we have no objection to the site, we all look at it with a smile

So they went to the gate of the site with the night.

Of course, the ancient site was not in Yecheng, but the people of yezu were born with the gift of space. At the beginning, Yeli broke through the space and left Fengzhi's house, and escaped the fatal blow of Fengzhi.

See the night with the hands, seemingly casual in the void gently wipe.

The next moment, was wiped by the night with the air suddenly lit up a few lights, and then even opened a light door.

When the night gently pulls on the light door which has no substance, the light door is opened, so that people can see the dark behind the light door.

"I'll go first. Please follow me."

When the night had finished speaking, he first stepped into the light door.

Then, the crowd followed the night and entered the light gate one by one.

In fact, the light door is similar to the original gate of the Dragon pass. Before entering the gate, I saw that it was a dark area, but when I really entered it, I found that the space passage was actually grotesque and had a kind of majestic beauty.

People did not stay in the space passage for long. After about ten breaths, they suddenly felt that their eyes were suddenly bright. This light made people subconsciously close their eyes. When they opened their eyes again, they had already appeared in a very wide valley.

The valley is surrounded by several dangerous peaks, which are just a few bare stones. There is no vegetation and no place for people to borrow from.

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