Feng to only feel a cool eyebrow, and then a lot of information in her brain.

All the information about the cave, as she had known for a long time, was known to her in every detail, even including many questions that Fengzhi had been puzzled about before.

When Fengzhi was handed down, she already knew that the earth, a long time ago, was a place where practitioners gathered.

However, they did not know when or why they left the earth all of a sudden.

And now, she knows.

As Fengzhi knows, the earth was indeed a gathering place for practitioners many years ago, and the myths and legends that are now circulating on the earth are only processed according to the supernatural powers of the practitioners.

At that time, the earth was a very suitable place for practitioners to live. It had rich aura, abundant resources and outstanding people.

But I don't know when, but suddenly there are changes on the earth. The first thing to bear the brunt is the gradual depletion of aura.

At that time, it was called the end of the law era by the practitioners.

For the practitioners, aura is undoubtedly extremely important. Practicing in the place where the aura is exhausted will not bring any benefits, but may lead to the retrogression of cultivation.

This is undoubtedly extremely fatal to the practitioners.

The reason why the earth is so rich in resources is also due to the rich aura. Nowadays, once the aura is exhausted, all kinds of resources become non renewable and can be used less.

In this way, how can practitioners survive?

In such a change, the practitioners naturally want to seek a new way out.

The practitioners have their own magical powers. Even the opening up of space is not a big deal, not to mention leaving the earth to find other places for them to live.

This is a very long time.

But Kung Fu pays off. With the efforts of the practitioners, we have found another planet that is very similar to the earth in every aspect, and even surpasses the previous earth in the rich level of aura.

Now that there is a new way out, where are the practitioners willing to continue to stay on the earth where the aura is exhausted?

Thus, an unprecedented great migration began.

Until the end of the day, there was no one on earth.

In the process of migration, the monks take all the things they can take away. Only those who can't take away will have to be abandoned on the earth.

Of course, the practitioners are just some people with strong power, and they will have the idea of being stuck in their native land. Therefore, many sects have left their inheritance on the earth and only hope to be obtained by the right people one day in the future.

Even if the earth is no longer suitable for cultivation, at least, their inheritance will not be cut off on this planet, will it?

Fengzhi, for example, was born in her childhood by chance.

Then, relying on the materials left by her master, she even practiced in the earth, which is not suitable for cultivation, to the yuan infant period.

Well, in fact, before it broke through to Yuanying period, it triggered thunder robbery and was chopped into the basaltic continent.

Let's talk about the cave of the five elements sect.

The cave is undoubtedly of great importance to the five elements sect. When the five elements sect moved as a whole, of course, they also took the cave together. However, when they passed through the space, they did not know how. The cave was pulled away from the sea of knowledge of the patriarch of the five elements sect at that time.

Basaltic finally appeared on the mainland.

The master's cave appeared in the Xuanwu continent, and Fengzhi himself was hacked to the Xuanwu continent by robber thunder.

This is a coincidence.

Even, Feng Zhi couldn't help but wonder whether she would come to the Xuanwu continent because she was led by the master's cave?

Of course, this is just an irresponsible guess of Fengzhi, which is not accurate.

At last, I understood the whole story clearly, and Feng Zhi was relieved.

However, it has been unknown how many thousands of years since the cave came to the Xuanwu continent. During this long time, there was no owner to take care of it. Therefore, compared with the five element sect, the cave has changed a lot.

As for the changes, we need to explore them by ourselves.

Fengzhi's method of excavation is to release his own divine consciousness.

However, to her surprise, her divine consciousness is now extremely strong. In any big city on the Xuanwu continent, she can spread every corner of the city at will. But even if she has exhausted her all her strength, her divine consciousness has expanded to the limit, but she still can't reach the edge of the cave.

There are two possibilities.

First, there are restrictions on divine consciousness in this cave.

The second is that the cave is so big that it can't be explored to the end.

Feng Zhi thinks, these two guesses are possible.She didn't worry. In a word, no matter what changes have taken place in the cave, she is now the owner of the cave. More exploration can make her more novel.

Feng Zhi then confirmed the direction and went to the center of the cave.

The central part of the cave should be a plain, and above the plain, the ancestors of the five elements sect set up a floating island by great creation. The floating island is the most important place of the five element sect.

When it comes to the most important place, most people will think that it is the place where there are some secret treasures.

However, in fact, there is a weapon storehouse of the five elements Sect on the island, but the really important place is the Tibetan Scripture pavilion where the five elements sect has always collected skills, and the Kongqing pool, which only the true disciples of the clan can soak up once.

Thinking of the empty green pool, Feng couldn't help drooling.

When the five elements sect gathered together, it was also one of the top schools in the world of practice. Its disciples were divided into four levels, namely, the outer gate, the inner gate, the core and the zhenzhuan. Even at the peak of the five element sect, among the tens of thousands of disciples, only a few could be called true disciples.

Choose one from a thousand li, and still choose one from a thousand li among many talents, so it is very rare for zhenzhuan disciples.

And this empty green pool, which is the disciple of zhenzhuan, can only soak it once in a lifetime. Naturally, it has miraculous effect.

Feng to think about some can not help.

However, no matter how anxious, Feng to can only honestly and quickly forward.

It's not that she doesn't want to fly, but there are restrictions on flying in this cave. No matter whether it's dragon or Phoenix, they can only give up their flying ability when they arrive here.

Feng to such a thought, can not help but feel some sympathy for Feng Chi and qingluan.

These two have wings. If their wings don't work, they are the slowest of all.

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