What would he have to be if he was stung?

Taking advantage of this time, the rock quickly left the medicine field in two steps.

Fortunately, as long as he left the scope of the medicine field, those hidden jade bees would no longer follow him, so the rock was considered to have escaped a disaster.

And ice sheets and shadow spines.

The ice field only gently grasps outward, and there is a thin layer of ice around his body, which is like a protective cover to protect him. Although the ice layer is very thin, it can't hold back the hidden jade bee for long, but it is enough for the ice field to step out of the medicine field.

Shadow stab is to let oneself hide directly.

Those hidden jade bees probably didn't expect to meet a person with the same skills as themselves. They lost their target for a while, and gave hidden sting a chance to leave the medicine field.

Then, in the field of medicine, he was stung to death by Yinyu bee, and only muyuan was alone.

Even if Mu yuan's face is too swollen to see now, but who can see from his face, "mud stuffy "I'm so surprised that I'll lose my job."

Before the words were finished, the swarming crypto jade bees had surrounded muyuan. If it wasn't for the hidden jade bees, the situation would have made those people with intense phobia live to death.

Then, the crowd saw muyuan jumping around like a flea and crying and howling.

After suffering these hardships, muyuan also succeeded in coming out of the medicine field.

However, to his great despair, he did not know whether it was because of the Yinyu bee that he crushed to death just now. After the rock people left the medicine field, the hidden jade bee stopped chasing them. But even if muyuan left the medicine field, those hidden jade bees would not let him go as if they had recognized him.

You know, after being stung by Yinyu bee, the taste is painful and itchy, which makes people want to scratch their hearts out, not to mention Mu yuan has been stung so many times. The itching and pain on his body almost makes him doubt about life.

Now it is not easy to rush out of the field of medicine, those hidden jade bees still do not give up, muyuan almost did not cry out.

He didn't mean to kill the cryptic bee, OK?

Why can't we let him go?

However, muyuan is also a smart one.

Even if he was stung to death, he would not rush to kill another one, for fear that it would cause a new round of revenge.

But, he can't help it. There's always someone who can't?

There is no doubt that the man who has a way is Fengzhi.

As the saying goes, when the sky falls, there is still a tall man to hold it. In the eyes of muyuan at this time, Feng Zhi is the tall one who can hold it in front of him.

Therefore, as soon as he confirmed that Yin Yufeng had to follow him, muyuan ran to Feng without saying a word. Regardless of Long Yan's black face, muyuan ran directly behind Fengzhi and took Fengzhi as a shield.

After all, only Fengzhi knew the origin of the hidden jade bee, and Fengzhi didn't seem to have any advice on the appearance of the hidden jade bee.

Unexpectedly, he was right.

Wood far just close to the body of the Phoenix, those hidden jade bees have followed, and then there has been a change.

Originally, all the hidden jade bees were invisible before they were touched by people. But now, they didn't meet anyone. When they got to the Phoenix, they took the initiative to show their shape.

Then, people saw the Phoenix to the air, one after another like jade general hidden jade bee gradually show their body shape.

They thought that these Yinyu bees were going to be cruel again, but what everyone didn't expect was that these Yinyu bees, who had been wandering for many years, just like the abducted children who had been wandering for many years, saw their mother again. They all flew to Fengzhi one after another, clinging to Feng Zhi's face and gently touching her hands.

That small appearance, said how tame, how tame.

Mu yuan's eyes widened.

He thought Feng Zhi must have been on.

These little things don't sting the dead when they see others. When they see Feng Zhi, they become cute. Is that right to discriminate against him?

However, wood far still rely on the Phoenix to just dodge the chase, and where dare to say what come out?

Feng Zhi looks at these hidden jade bees with a smile on her face.

Of course she knew why they were so close to her.

These hidden jade bees were originally moved from the cultivation world for the problem of the miraculous medicine and the spiritual plant pollination planted in the cave by the five element sect. They were domesticated by the five element sect people with the animal control formula, so as to recognize the aura that only the five element sect could cultivate.

Even though such a long time has passed, those things rooted in the instinct of cryptojade bees have never been forgotten by them. Now there is only Fengzhi left in the wuxingzong. How can they not be close to each other when they see and feel the breath of Fengzhi?Feng to also did not refuse these small things close.

With a gentle sweep from these hidden jade bees, she felt the pure joy from them, and even could easily control these small things with divine consciousness.

Feng then turned to look at wood far.

In contact with the wind around the Phoenix, these hidden jade bees have given up the encirclement and suppression of muyuan, so muyuan has relaxed a lot at this time.

When muyuan murmured about the different treatment of Yinyu bees, they suddenly flew towards the place where muyuan was.

Be stung afraid of wood far, so cry out, cover the head and squat on the ground.

He's really desperate.

Although his strength is high, muyuan's speed is not as fast as that of Yinyu bee, and he doesn't dare to die. He is afraid that if he kills another one, he will have to fight with him even more. He has not the ability of rock, hidden thorn and ice field to protect himself from being stung by Yinyu bee. What can he do if he doesn't arrest him?

Such cover the wood of the head far of course can't see what happened behind, but only heard the Feng to a laugh.

"Oh, look at your bear." Feng Zhi Dao.

Muyuan waited for a long time, but did not wait for the pain in his mind. So he carefully let go of his hand and looked forward to see a large group of dense cryptojade bees. Although they had already flown in front of him at this time, they did not stung him as they did just now, but

With their bodies, they quickly formed

A word?

Of course, muyuan is literate. If he doesn't make a mistake, is the word "stupid" composed of bees?

Without waiting for mu yuan to understand, the formation of bee colony like jade is changing again.

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