Feng Chi's head is aching.

I think he was trained as the successor of the next generation of the Feng family. He never had to consider anything else except practice. Therefore, he developed his cold temper.


Ever since she got to know Feng Zhi, she felt that she was always challenging the limit of her patience.

Along the way, not only Fengzhi, but also those people from Fengzhi, were like the most difficult to serve. They dared to ask Fengchi for any strange requests.

If Feng Chi ignores it?

Oh, well, they will sue Feng there.

And Fengzhi will find various reasons to delay her trip. Either it rains today, she doesn't want to go, or tomorrow the sun is too big to move, or it's cloudy and gloomy. What's the way to go

There are many reasons for this.

Feng Chi was tossed for a few times, then also suppressed all temper, no matter who put forward what request, absolutely handle well, never let them have the opportunity to go to Feng there to complain.

Who let him now eagerly hope that Feng Zhi will follow him back to Feng clan?

All the way down, Fengchi felt that he had rounded all the edges and corners of his character. Now let alone those strange requirements, even if it was more strange, he would certainly be able to deal with it without blinking.

Well, now he seems to be a male babysitter for Feng Lai and others.

I have to say, this is really a kind of painful understanding.

All the way through, now all have come to the door of the Feng family, Feng Chi of course will not fail.

Therefore, Feng Chi did not have any accident with Long Yan's words.

Golden Xia Hua Feng, such a spectacle is of course extremely rare to those human warriors who do not know the inside story, but it is also a common thing for Fengchi.

In fact, there is nothing magical about such a spectacle.

Qixia mountain is the gateway of Feng nationality.

If you want to go to Feng nationality, you can go up to the top of Qixia mountain, and then enter the border. You will arrive at a land not connected with the basaltic continent.

Indeed, it is not connected with the basaltic continent.

To be exact, the Phoenix family lies on the clouds in Qixia mountain. The unique scenery of Golden Phoenix is that the only remaining member of the Phoenix family, Huang clan, loves dancing. When he gets excited, he always goes out of the secret place of Feng nationality and goes to the clouds to dance.

Under the dance posture of the elder, Xiaguang changed into a Golden Phoenix under its influence. Isn't it easy?

It's not as magical as those warriors on the basaltic continent said.

Since we know the origin of the Golden Phoenix, it is not a great thing for Fengchi to solve this matter and let Fengzhi see such a wonderful scene as soon as possible.

With the same complexion, she took out a small Phoenix flute from her arms. After blowing a few times, she saw a very small Phoenix shaped virtual shadow flying out of the Phoenix flute. The Phoenix shaped virtual shadow first nodded to Fengchi, then raised its head and flapped its wings and flew into Qixia mountain.

Phoenix to see strange, asked: "Phoenix blazing, what are you doing?"

Phoenix blazing mouth corner smoked, "you don't want to see Jin Xia Hua Feng, I'll let you have a good look later."

After watching, you can follow him back to Feng clan.

Qingluan, however, had been angry for a long time. Seeing Feng Chi, she tried every means to amuse Feng. How could she bear it? She immediately burst out like a firecracker.

"Phoenix to!" Qingluan's pale green eyes almost turned red. She glared at Feng Zhi like a cockfight eye. "Don't think you can make an arrow with chicken feathers. Brother Chi's temper doesn't mean that you can toss around at will. If you don't want to go to Feng clan, you can give it to me..."

The last angry word "roll" was interrupted by Feng Chi, whose face suddenly turned cold.

"Qingluan!" Feng Chi looked at qingluan coldly, and was not moved by qingluan's fighting against injustice for him, "shut up!"

After listening to this sound, qingluan seems to have been hit by something. Her lips trembled and looked at Feng Chi. "Brother Chi, you, you even let me shut up for such a person as Fengzhi?"

You can't be aggrieved.

Feng to see the situation is quite impatient roll a white eye.

Obviously, she is a strong fighting force overlord flower, but she still has to pretend to be a little white flower. She is bored with it.

However, Feng Zhi did not say anything.

For qingluan, some words are spoken by Fengchi himself, which can give her the biggest blow.

And Feng Chi, his performance did not disappoint Feng.

Her eyes seemed to be frozen. Feng looked at qingluan coldly. "This is the business of me and the Feng family. How to do it is up to feng people to decide on their own, and outsiders will not open their mouths."

A sentence of "outsider" makes qingluan's joy congealed."Brother Chi..." Qingluan trembled and retreated a few steps, "you, unexpectedly said I was an outsider?"

I can't believe it.

Qingluan really did not regard himself as an outsider.

Since the change of Feng nationality, no Huang nationality has been born again, which is equivalent to that all the people of Feng nationality have to fight single. In this way, in order to inherit and propagate the Feng nationality, they never intermarry with other nationalities, so they choose Luan people who have some Phoenix blood.

This intermarriage lasted for many thousands of years.

Qingluan is the most outstanding son of this generation of Luan people. She originally thought that it would be a certainty that she married Fengchi, the most outstanding son of the Phoenix family. There would be no ups and downs.

For this day, even if we have to wait for how long, qingluan will not have any complaints.

However, she did not expect that she just took the invitation of the yezu to explore the ancient ruins, and even let Fengchi meet Fengzhi, which can be regarded as the Huang nationality, and Fengzhi seems to be very important to the feng people.

Qingluan has a kind of faint premonition, if really let the Phoenix to go to the Phoenix clan, she is afraid that the biggest wish in her heart will be defeated.

How can qingluan tolerate this?

For this reason, qingluan did not miss the way to find Fengzhi. He only hoped to obstruct Fengzhi's going to Fengzu. It was better to let Fengzhi fall out with Fengchi and never mention going to Fengzu.

However, her calculations were blocked by Feng Chi, but it did not affect Feng Zhi at all.

Up to now, it even directly leads to a "outsider" from Feng Chi.

Qingluan is so sad that she can't restrain herself. Even if she doesn't want to show weakness in front of Fengzhi, she still can't help but shed two lines of clear tears. She looks very pitiful.

It's just

There were a lot of men present, but each of them seemed blind and could not see the amorous feelings of qingluan at all.

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