Fengzu can also infer this conclusion.

It is also because of this, the Phoenix people are more sad.

is obviously not born without the Phoenix clan, but because of the mutation of the parasol tree, the Phoenix clan has no way to hatch smoothly, which makes the Phoenix clan desperate.

Later, as time went by, the number of Huang people in the family gradually decreased because of the passage of time. The feng people also decided to marry the Luan people, but this situation did not change at all.

Of course, there are some changes.

The children born from the union of Luan nationality and Feng nationality are Feng nationality if their gender is male, and Luan nationality is no exception if their gender is female.

It's true that she was born again.

Feng to before also did not connect these, but after listening to Feng Jiao several people's complaints, the heart suddenly had this idea.

According to the classics she read on earth, everything in this world should be divided into yin and Yang.

Male is Yang, female is Yin.

The sun is Yang and the moon is Yin.

Day is Yang, night is Yin.


the same is true of all kinds of forces, such as the energy emitted by the parasol tree.

Wutong Wutong Wutong Wutong can be regarded as the mother of Phoenix clan. The Phoenix clan cannot do without the growth of the wood of the parasol tree.

before, without the hands and feet of Lufeng, there was no change in the Chinese parasol tree. No matter Phoenix or Phoenix, they could draw strength from the trees.

but after the change, the Phoenix clan can not be born. The surviving Phoenix clan can not get strength from the wood of the parasol tree. The original strength is not only lacking in refinement but also a little backwards.

The same is true of Fengjiao today.

What's more, when Feng Zhi absorbed the energy from Mars, she felt that it was completely violent, only masculine and without any feminine power.

After all, Zhongfeng had a few ideas about what she had done.

Everything has two sides of yin and Yang, and pay attention to the balance of yin and Yang. If the balance is broken by external forces, it will naturally bring a series of unknown changes.

The so-called solitary Yin does not grow, solitary Yang does not grow.

Once the balance of yin and Yang is broken, it can be imagined that nothing good will happen.

if the Phoenix is right, the luanfeng of that year will not know what way to break the balance between yin and Yang of the parasol tree, so that the soft side of the wood of the sacred wood will disappear, leaving only the masculine side.

, in this way, it is impossible for the Yin nationality to get the right energy from the wood of the parasol.

Look at the feng people again.

Wutong is a Yang, and the force of the Chinese Wutong is all masculine and violent. It is the most suitable for the Phoenix clan. Therefore, even if there is a change in the Chinese parasol tree, there is no effect on the Phoenix clan, but even if it is influential, it will also be a good influence.

If not

How can the feng people, whose blood has been weakened from generation to generation because of their intermarriage with Luan, keep pace with the dragon?

, the only way to solve the problem of Phoenix clan is to restore the Wutong tree to the balance of yin and Yang.

wanted to see through these things, and Feng reached out a hand and touched the main stem of the Wutong tree. Wutong can Wutong Wutong such a race, the power of the Chinese parasol tree is no trivial matter. Even when Feng reached his hand, he had carefully wrapped his palm with the flame of the real fire and Phoenix Fire. But at the moment of touching the trunk of the tree, there was still a cluster of unseen eyes, but the temperature was very high, and the flame of the temperature rose from the main stem of the tree of the sacred wood. The main reason for this is that the

can not be seen. Teng but out, directly toward Feng to the hands of the past.

Even if the Phoenix to the fire has a strong immunity, at this time also by the temperature of the flame burning eyebrows repeatedly shaking.

The spirit of the body toward the hands toward the rush, only an instant to make the Phoenix to feel a burst of cool.

Although she only used spiritual power to do this little thing, it consumed a lot of spiritual power. Even though Feng is a master of practicing Buddhism in Yuanying period, she can't resist such consumption. She quickly took out a bottle of huilingdan which was recently refined.

Huiling pill is an upgrade pill of Huiyuan pill prepared by Fengzhi to Fenglai and others. The speed of restoring spiritual power and internal Qi is faster than that of Huiyuan pill. It can be said that it is a kind of pill with great use.

Feng to see also did not see, to God will return to the spirit of the bottle out, and then directly put a mouth.

As soon as the elixir is returned to the mouth, it will immediately turn into a torrent of spiritual power, which will supplement the rapidly consumed spiritual power in Feng Zhi's body.

With this constant spiritual power as a supplement, Feng Zhi was relieved at last.

a fair hand touched the main stem of sycamore.

At that moment, there was no wind around, but whether it was the scattered green silk of Fengzhi or the thin white clothes on her body, there was no wind. She danced wildly with a very public gesture.It's a bit scary.

at the same time, in the eyes of Phoenix people, standing in this world, it seems that its existence is telling Phoenix clan what is called eternal wood Wutong, this moment seems to suddenly come alive.


, or the phoenix tree, but Phoenix Phoenix and Huang Fei always feel as if they are different from before.

It is not only them, but also other feng people who feel this way. The whole Feng clan is quiet at first and then boils up.

, what happened?

two hundred thousand years ago, the change of the wood of Wutong made the Phoenix clan no longer have a phoenix family. It was a half life that the original Feng family had cut off. It has been so far that the Phoenix clan has been letting the Phoenix clan go up and down.

and now, the Wutong tree has changed again.

This time

What will it bring?

All the people of the Feng clan were terrified.

, as the beginning of all this, Feng is now trying to cover his past with his own God.

Fengzhi's divine consciousness has experienced her crossing and several subsequent growth. Now, the strength of her divine consciousness is far more than that of Fengzhi. If she only needs one idea on the Xuanwu continent, she can easily cover the whole city. Moreover, every movement in the city can be clearly understood, including who sleeps and snores Who is still hanging out with people in the middle of the night and who stays up late to practice


But now

Feng to but in distress, her divine sense, seems not strong enough.

actually, it is not that Feng Zhi is not strong enough, but that Wutong is really big.

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