After adjusting good mentality, Nie seven Niang to this kitchen knife pour is particularly unable to put down.

She was originally a madman for cooking. Now that she has such a kitchen knife, will she not be even more powerful in cooking in the future?

Now the dishes she has made are so delicious that people would like to swallow their tongues when they eat. With this kitchen knife, it can better handle the ingredients. What kind of dishes should be made in the future?

Just thinking like this, Nie Qiniang can't help but start to look forward to it.

If it wasn't for all the people who were still in the treasure house to see if they could be selected by some treasures, Nie Qiniang would rush out to try her new kitchen knife.

Feng came to Nie Qiniang at this time.

She looked at Nie seven Niang, slightly picked pick eyebrow, "how, get this kitchen knife, you still have some disappointment?"

Nie Qiniang was a little disappointed at the beginning, but at this time, the kitchen knife in the opponent was how to see, how to like, and where there was any disappointment.

So he shook his head toward the Phoenix.

"No, I like this kitchen knife very much." Nie Qiniang said.

Feng Zhi also followed with a smile. Her white hand stretched out to Nie Qiniang. The next moment, when Nie Qiniang had no idea, she took the kitchen knife from her hand.

She looked down at the kitchen knife that recognized Nie Qiniang as the main one.

Just looking at the shape, it is really a genuine kitchen knife. It is a little longer than the palm of an adult, and its body is thicker. There is also a handle made of wood that I don't know what kind of wood it is. I feel very moist when I hold it in my hand.

I don't know how old this kitchen knife is. The body of the knife is very dark black. But when I hold the kitchen knife to the sun, I can see some bright light from the knife.

Feng to look up to Nie seven Niang, "have you ever heard a word?"

Nie Qiniang is at a loss.

It didn't tell her what it was. How could she know if she had heard it?

Feng Zhi didn't know what she thought of. First, she could not help laughing, and then she solemnly said, "no matter how high your martial arts skills are, you are afraid of kitchen knives."

Nie seven Niang looks at Feng Zhi, only feel oneself silly.

How could she not understand Feng Zhi's words?

Feng Zhi continued to keep her serious face, "so, it's just a kitchen knife, but it's also very powerful!"

Nie Qiniang nodded faintly.

In addition to the small regret at the beginning, she actually likes this kitchen knife very much now.

Feng to hand holding a kitchen knife gently waved a few times.

I don't know if Nie Qiniang is hallucinating. She always feels that when Feng Zhi is waving a kitchen knife, the thin blade of the kitchen knife seems to have scratched out traces that are hard to heal in the air. She also hears a very subtle "whirring" sound in her ears.

Feng to this time the action is suddenly fast up.

Her five fingers moved with great dexterity, and then she saw the kitchen knife which only gave people the impression of clumsiness. In this way, Feng Zhi's five fingers rolled and swayed. The blade of the knife made a white mark in the air. Occasionally, it was touched by the sun, and a snow shining cold light reflected directly into Nie Qi Niang's eyes. She had to close it subconsciously Eyes.

"All right." Feng to suddenly said, "you come to see the effect."

Nie seven Niang then some curiously opens an eye.

It is just half a meter in front of Fengzhi. At this time, it looks like the whole space has been cut off by human beings, showing a very frightening black hole.

At this time, the space behind the black hole is not crushed by the debris, and the space behind the hole is not crushed by the debris.

"This..." Nie Qiniang was so surprised that she couldn't even speak.

But what surprised her was still in the back.

Space, this is a very stable existence, everyone lives in space, if the space is so easy to be destroyed, human probably will not develop to the present situation.

And once the space is destroyed, its lethality is also amazing.

Like now.

After swallowing up the space debris, the black hole was like a giant beast opening its mouth full of tusks, which made people feel scared at a glance.

After that, a strong suction suddenly gushed from the hole, and there was a kind of horror that everything around him was sucked in.

As for, once inhaled, what will happen, Nie Qiniang always felt that she would not want to know the answer.

Although the hole is only the size of a fist at most, Nie Qiniang can't resist the burst of suction. Even though she has concentrated all her internal Qi on her legs in order to stand firmly in place, she is still pushed forward by the suction.If it wasn't for the special treatment of the floor of the treasure Pavilion, I'm afraid that Nie Qiniang could drag out two deep marks on the ground.

This makes Nie Qiniang pale.

Seeing her getting closer and closer to the little black hole, Feng Zhi suddenly reached out and gently pressed on her shoulder. Nie Qiniang immediately felt that she had suddenly become a mountain standing for thousands of years. No matter how strong the suction was, she could not move forward any more.

Then, see Phoenix to a pair of white palm gently in that small black hole place wipe.

At the next moment, the black hole in space that Nie Qiniang felt helpless was repaired. It was as if there had never been a black hole that had shocked Nie Qiniang.

Nie Qiniang was relieved.

Previously, she had been extremely nervous, but did not feel it. At this time, she suddenly relaxed, and Nie Qi Niang felt pain all over her body. It was as if she had experienced a desperate struggle just now.

It's terrible!

Looking at Feng Zhi's kitchen knife which is still inconspicuous, Nie Qiniang is surprised and afraid.

Afraid of the horror of this kitchen knife, surprise in such a terrible kitchen knife, it will be her later.

Looking at Nie seven Niang this pair of appearance, Feng to smile will kitchen knife to her there a throw, "now believe it?"

What do you believe?

No matter how skillful you are, you are afraid of kitchen knives!

Nie Qiniang is in a hurry to connect the kitchen knife in her hand.

She has seen the power of this kitchen knife with her own eyes. If the kitchen knife is allowed to scratch a hole in the air, she will not have the ability to lift her hand to restore the broken space.

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