However, Luan Yue saw that although the number of Meizu was so large, in front of the young couple Fengzhi and Longyan, they didn't even have the strength to fight back, so she became more and more anxious.

It's just a slap on the shoulder.

With the strength of the Phoenix emperor, Luan Yue's palm was photographed. Immediately, the whole shoulder was covered with blood, and the whole person flew out, looking very embarrassed.

The Phoenix Emperor didn't want to keep his hands. If his toes were on the ground a little, the man already appeared in front of Luan Yue. One hand turned into a sharp and cold claw against Luan Yue's throat. "Luan Yue, untie the prohibition, this matter can still be good..."

But Luan Yue did not have any intention to have a good talk with the emperor.

Her face is a little sad at first, and then turned into a resolute.

"You don't have to be hypocritical. For so many years, I have already understood that since you feng people only regard our Luan people as tools for reproduction, don't look so disgusting now. Do you think I'll be as good as before?" Luan Yue sneered. In order to express her determination, she even put her slender and beautiful white neck together with the Phoenix emperor's claws, "it's nothing to say, you can kill me!"

Of course, Fenghuang didn't mean to kill Luan Yue. His original intention was to hope for a good result.

Therefore, at this time, seeing Luan Yue's heart wanting to die, the Phoenix emperor's heart was awe stricken, and his claws tightly pressed to Luan Yue's neck were also collected.

The moon of Luan then flashed in her eyes.

She is the leader of Luan nationality, and has made up her mind to unite with Meizu to attack Feng clan. How can she really be as weak as she just showed?

As soon as the Phoenix emperor retreated, the grip on Luan Yue naturally loosened a lot. Luan Yue quickly pressed her hand on the wound on her shoulder, and then the whole palm stained with blood was firmly pressed on the bronze mirror of Luan family's treasure.

Almost at the same moment, there was a faint light on the mirror.

"Untie the ban?" Luan Yue sneered, "yes, but after you untie it, it's hard to say who has the good luck to escape."

It is a madness to let the elite of the three ethnic groups die together.

The Phoenix emperor also immediately realized that there was something wrong.

Originally, this space seems to be isolated because of the bronze mirror in Luan Yue's hand. At the same time, the surrounding space can be blocked. Even the Feng clan can't open the gate of the boundary.

And in this isolated space, people seem to be in a space where even time has stagnated.

But at this time, after Luan Yue pressed the blood fingerprint, along with the flow of light in the mirror, the surface of the bronze mirror gradually appeared many fine lines with the "click" sound, which was obviously already a little unbearable.

At the same time, this originally static space gives people the feeling that it suddenly changes from extreme static to extreme motion. The most terrible thing is that a storm suddenly blows up in this sudden change space, and with this storm becoming more and more violent, even if a strong man like Feng Huang has exhausted all his strength, it is gradually becoming more and more fierce I don't get up from my heart.

This is similar to Tianwei.

No matter human beings or other races, no matter how strong an individual is, they will always be unable to cope with Tianwei.

This is what the emperor Feng is now.

In the gaze of the emperor Feng, a small black spot appeared in the air at first, and then the small black spot gradually grew larger and became a crack which made people feel palpitating when they saw it

"Damn it!"

Feng Zhi suddenly scolded secretly.

Long Yan also looked at the crack, holding Feng Zhi's hand tightly in one hand, for fear that the Feng Zhi would disappear.

Feng to the heart of more sense of crisis.

In the face of so many enemies before, she did not have any fear, but now she saw this crack, she tightened her eyebrows tightly.

Only because this crack is a space crack.

Time and space are still untouchable power for practitioners. Feng is just a monk in the period of Yuan infant, so it is impossible to master the power of space.

Therefore, in the face of this space crack, her heart is actually some collapse.

This is not an ordinary force. No one knows what it will look like after this crack. If it is involved in it, it can reach another space, such as Fengzhi's crossing from the earth to the basaltic continent. It's OK, but it's just a change of life. If you find the right way in the future, you can come back.


If the space crack is followed by space turbulence

As long as anyone has not touched the law of time and space, once involved in it, there is no doubt that they will be engulfed to death.

Don't mention the bones, that is, the soul will be torn to pieces by the turbulence of space.

Feng Zhi sincerely hopes that she and Long Yan will not be so unlucky.Why is she worried?

Because of the God killing, that space crack just appeared right above her and Long Yan's head, OK?

As time goes by, the space crack is not only getting bigger, but also the pulling force is increasing at a very fast speed.

Fengzhi and Longyan have already exhausted their efforts to take root in the ground, but they can barely withstand the pulling force of the space crack. They are afraid to move for fear that they will be pulled into the space cracks mercilessly.

What a jerk!

Feng to live two lives, or for the first time into such a mess.

If she can get away this time, she will definitely catch the woman named Luan Yue and give her a good beating!

Fengzhi and Longyan are separated from this space crack, and the pulling force they feel is of course the strongest. The other Meizu who were besieging them, seeing that the situation is wrong, resist the pulling force while twisting the tail of the snake to swim far away from here.

Although this space is small, other places are safer than Fengzhi and Longyan.

As long as there is a tiger running after the earth, it is like this.

At this time, Long Yan seemed to be under some kind of heavy pressure. His handsome face was flushed, and the blue veins on his forehead appeared from time to time. He let out a roar, as if he had got rid of some shackles. In an instant, he changed from the human form to the Dragon shape. The dragon tail swayed several times, and then he slapped the space crack in the air with the force of thunder.

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