However, these Luan women who can't get their love in their hearts, at this time, they talk about their reserve and need to keep their own body. They think that if they are separated in this way, they can be bridged by magpies like Cowherd and Weaver Girl

Oh, what a joke!

Of course, although the Phoenix to see, but she can not point out.

These Luan people and she are enemies, both sides are fighting to death, where can she be mean to point out these?

If this is the case, is it difficult to send these Luan and Feng clans into piles before they die, so that they can have a companion on their way to death?

Feng is not so generous.

Since these Luan women can't see through it, let's go on like this until death.

Feng then sneered at Luan Yue twice.

As a sober bystander, Fengzhi sneers just to see jokes. But Luan Yue doesn't know where she is crazy. She even catches Feng Zhi and doesn't let go. In her anger, she smashes the bronze mirror with fine lines in her hand to Fengzhi.

"Maid, when you die, you dare to talk a lot..."

Feng Zhi raised his hand and took the bronze mirror in his hand.

Although she didn't hit her, she was never a good tempered person who could fight and scold at any time. In addition, she was angry because of the space crack on her head. Since Luan Yue had to bump into her head like this, Fengzhi did not intend to get used to her.

Holding the bronze mirror tightly in one hand, Fengzhi grabs the other hand toward Luan Yue in the form of claws. The traction force is added to the palm. With the space crack, it reaches everyone's feet, which is weaker than that of Fengzhi and Longyan. However, it also needs their force to resist. At once, Luan Yue, who is caught off guard, sends out a cry of surprise, and the whole person is there A deep mark was drawn on the ground and forced to slide towards Feng.

Only a moment, Feng to that white tender hand tightly pinched on Luan Yue's neck.

"Tell me, who are we going to die in the front now?" Phoenix to the cold voice.

Luan Yue was choked by Feng Zhi, but she couldn't breathe any more, but she was probably wrong for a long time. She could break away from here and hold hope. Even if she had fallen into Fengzhi's hands, she not only did not struggle, but used her last strength to stimulate Feng supreme.

"It doesn't matter. You can't escape after you die first. I don't lose a bit if you can have so many people buried with you..."

Feng to a tight hand, "you think I dare not?"

After saying that, he grabbed Luan Yue and threw it up.

Above her, it was the space crack that put everyone in crisis.

At this time, Long Yan seems to be deliberately cooperating with Fengzhi. The action of shooting the tail of the Dragon at the crack of the space was stopped for a moment, and Luan Yue was thrown to the edge of the space crack by Feng Zhi.

Everyone's heart stopped for a moment.

In such a short time, the space crack was like a sleeping giant beast suddenly woke up. When it found that there was prey on its mouth, it just opened its mouth and swallowed the prey into its stomach.

That prey, of course, is Luan Yue.

Luan Yue is extremely afraid that she was thrown to the edge of the space crack created by her own hands.

Although she knew that she might die when she put her hand on the bronze mirror, it did not mean that she was really ready to die. When death came, she could not help but show her fear.


The space crack, however, didn't even leave her with the skill to make Luan Yue speak. She saw that the originally slender crack suddenly opened its mouth to both sides. Luan Yue, such a big living person, was so engulfed and then disappeared.

In other people's eyes, Luan Yue's final impression on them is her extreme fear.

After swallowing Luan moon, the space crack has changed back to the previous appearance of not warm and not fire, but I don't know whether it is because of swallowing a person. Everyone can clearly feel that the traction force from the foot is much stronger than that before.

Go on like this

Maybe they will soon follow the footsteps of Luan Yue.

Among them, Feng Zhi and Long Yan bear the greatest pressure.

They are closest to the space crack, which is of course the object that the space crack focuses on.

Even Long Yan's huge body, which is now in the shape of a dragon, has a faint tendency of instability. He has to shake a few times from time to time, as if he could be pulled into a space crack at any time.

As for Feng, she held Longyan's claws tightly.

Her whole person hangs under the dragon's claw, looks at the small regiment, this body shape is extremely does not match.

Long Yan is already a little out of his ability. He looks down at Fengzhi, which is hanging on his dragon claw. He stares affectionately for a while, and suddenly says, "Fengzhi, you release your hand..."

He didn't know how long he could hold on to, but he thought that he could send Feng Zhi as far as he could before the last moment arrived.Even if

Even if all the people are still unable to escape the fate of being engulfed in the end, Longyan is willing to let Feng be swallowed up later.

He believed that, among all the people here, if there is one person who can escape from the swallowing of this space crack, then this person must be Fengzhi.

It's just

He may not be able to accompany Feng any more.

Thinking of this, Longyan's eyes softened again.

Feng to but lost a cold eye to Long Yan, "you shut up, good stay on line!"

She certainly won't leave Long Yan behind.

As she said before, no matter what, she will accompany Long Yan.

If Feng Zhi is holding up on the top now, Long Yan will never abandon herself.

Long Yan also understood this, so after listening to Feng Zhi's rebuke, he stopped talking. However, the deep feeling in the golden longan seemed to drown people.

Feng to twist eyebrows, also thinking about how to get rid of.

She does not have the habit of waiting for death, even if this is a space crack, even if her strength is not enough to let her shake, but she always has to try to find that vitality.

There is no way out of heaven, Fengzhi is so convinced.

So, where is the vitality?

Seeing the swing of Long Yan's body getting bigger and bigger, Feng Zhi even took out the sword scabbard and took out the sword to kill the immortal and threw it upward

Only such a small action, but brought unexpected results.

The pull force coming from the space crack, under the block of Fengzhi holding the sword of killing immortals, suddenly became a little lighter. At least, Long Yan didn't have to shake left and right by the gravity as before.

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