Long Yan felt his heart burn.

There, he did not know what was injected, as if he could get endless power from it.

He wanted to say something to Fengzhi.

However, at this time, the two people whirled around, and in the whirlpool there was a pulling force so strong that they could not compete with each other, and attacked them respectively.

It's like

An invisible big hand must separate the two people nestling together.

Even if the two hands grasp how tight, but in such an invincible force, the two originally tightly held hands, even a little bit apart, until they can no longer grasp each other.

"Phoenix to!"

"Long Yan!"

Two people only had time to call out each other's name, they were pulled back by the force behind each other.

And then

As soon as it was dark, they knew nothing.

When Feng woke up, she found herself hanging on the branch of a giant tree.

Just wake up, did not know their own situation before, Feng Zhi did not move at will, but only a pair of eyes to look around the situation, this look, she was glad that she had not been rash decision.

It turned out that she was now on a cliff.

To be exact, it was the giant tree where she was growing on the cliff, and Fengzhi didn't know where she had fallen. She just landed on the branches of the giant tree, so she didn't fall directly under the bottomless cliff.

Feng is now a practitioner of Yuanying period. If she was awake, no matter how high the cliff was, she would never have counselled.


She did not forget that she had just woken up from her coma.

If she falls under this cliff when she's unconscious

Ha ha ha, I'm afraid she can't wait to wake up. She will become a piece of soy sauce meat cake in a coma.

Tut Tut, it was too bloody and disgusting for her to think about.


Feng Zhi looks around with a heart.

The most important thing is that she is the only one in the tree. Where is Longyan?

Feng Zhi stepped on the sword of killing immortals to control the sword. She first came down from the huge tree, then twisted her heart and looked for it carefully nearby. But she quickly picked up every small stone on the cliff and studied it again, but she did not find any trace of Long Yan's existence.

Long Yan

Feng Zhi of course believes that Long Yan is OK.

She and Long Yan have made a mutual agreement. It is enough for her to know that Long Yan must be safe.

So, she and Long Yan are separated?

Feng Zhi frowned.

But she immediately adjusted her mood. As long as long Yan was ok, even if it was a temporary separation, they would always be able to meet again. As for now, she had better find out where she was and then make another plan.

After making such a plan, Fengzhi was in a mood to look around.

She is now on a very barren cliff. The reason why she is said to be barren is that there is only a piece of black stone at the entrance of the cliff, and there is no green at all. It seems that this place can not tolerate the growth of any plants.

Well, the giant tree on the cliff is probably the only exception.


Feng Zhi gently took a breath, but was extremely surprised to find that although the cliff is extremely barren, but the aura here is extremely abundant, which is more abundant than the Xuanwu continent. I don't know how many times.

The feeling that you can inhale the full aura into your stomach with only one breath is the most wonderful taste in the world for a Buddhist like Fengzhi.

Fengzhi is no exception.

Before she was rolled out by the whirlpool, she had suffered a lot of injuries, and now she still felt faint pain in her body and soul. Naturally, she found that it was an excellent training place, and Fengzhi would not waste it. She immediately took out some spirit stones from the space, arranged a simple array that could hide the breath, and then sat cross legged on the big black stone On, concentrate on training.

This practice is a day and a night of Kung Fu.

When Feng woke up, she found that the sky outside was dark.

No matter where it is, the night is always more dangerous than the day, and of course it is the same here.

When I woke up before, there was nothing on this cliff except those black stones. It was barren and desolate. But now at night, through the array, Fengzhi can see the twinkling green eyes around her.

Those are


A vulture that is only ten times larger than a normal vulture. Some of them stay on the giant tree at the edge of the cliff, some hover in the sky, and many others are outside the array where Fengzhi is located. It seems that they can see through the hidden formation of the array, and only stare at the direction of Fengzhi.That pair of green eyes, full of indifference.

It can be imagined that if the Phoenix showed her figure at this time, these vultures would not hesitate to rush towards her, and look at their sharp beaks and claws. They would really catch or peck them, for fear that they would have to bring out a large piece of meat.

Its lethality can be imagined.

Blue eyed vulture.

Such a name appeared in Feng Zhi's heart.

It's not that she didn't know the truth, but she once saw this kind of blue eyed vulture in the demon animal Atlas of the Xiuzhen world handed down by her school. It is said that this blue eyed vulture likes to eat rotten corpses, and can advance quickly by devouring the corpse of a monk.


The blue eyed vulture is a monster in the Xiuzhen world. How could she see it here?

Is it that she and Long Yan were engulfed by the space crack and shuttled through the space for nearly a year, but they came directly to another time and space, and this is the Xiuzhen realm?

Is there such a coincidence?

A big question mark appeared in Feng Zhi's heart.

If it is as she thought, it is no wonder that there is so much aura on this barren cliff.

Of course, the first thing we need to do is to solve these problems.

As for how to solve it

Since these things are not interesting, she has to guard her, so she naturally doesn't have to be polite to these uninteresting things.

Feng Zhi sneers at those blue eyed vultures outside in the array.

They're just animals with no eyes!

According to the school's monster map, the combat power of blue eyed vultures is not high. At most, it is equivalent to the practitioners in the early days of the golden elixir. The only trouble is that the blue eyed vultures live in groups.

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