There are also reasons why these four people will behave like this.

"Did you come down from heigang peak?" One of the 21-year-old man could not hold his sword with a smile. "Little girl, why don't you speak louder? Even if it's a boast, at least it's going to make people believe that you came down from heigang peak... "

It is obvious that the "black gang peak" in his mouth is the peak with black stones that Fengzhi left before.

Feng to white this person one eye.

Probably, in the eyes of these people, that black gang peak is a very terrible, so terrible that they do not believe that there will be someone from it.

At such a thought, Feng Zhi also showed a shy expression that he had done something bad and had been caught. "Eh, you can see it..."

The man then looked very proud.

"Of course, it's heigang peak. It's also a famous place in our virtual spirit realm. The great powers of Yuanying period don't dare to go up there, let alone you little..."

Feng to in the heart, ha ha.

She won't tell the boy that her "little" is what he calls the great power of the baby.

The man was a nagging man. After that, he didn't use Fengzhi to speak, so he said all his words. His three companions had already understood his temperament and probably recognized that Fengzhi was not threatening. However, he only stood aside and did not stop him.

The man introduced himself first, "my name is Yunchuan. Over there are my elder martial sister Yunxia, my elder martial brother Yunzhou, and my younger sister Yunyan. We are all disciples of Fengyun sect. This time, I heard that someone found silver scale fish around here, so I came here to take a chance. If I could catch a few of them, it would be enough to exchange for our cultivation resources in the next few years..."

Virtual spirit state, Fengyun Zong.

Feng has never heard of it.

However, from Yunchuan's mouth, she also knew that there were many practitioners in this virtual spirit realm.


This virtual spiritual realm is the realm of cultivation, but it is not the one known by Fengzhi in the classics handed down from his school.

It's not surprising that there is only one place in the world with the civilization of cultivating the truth.

As long as you come, you can live with it.

Yunchuan continued.

“…… Little one. Well, your name is Fengzhi. You can see how old you are. You can't be more than 20 years old. You haven't started to practice. You haven't even done anything in Qi refining period. How dare you say you've been on the black gang peak? It's also a pity that you met some of us. Otherwise, we would have been laughed to death by others. Who doesn't know how strong the vigorous wind is on the black gang peak. Over the years, those who are not afraid of death and go to the black gang peak are all powerful practitioners. How can they ever come back alive? "

Not long after Yunchuan built the foundation, he managed to catch Fengzhi, a little Meng Xin who had not yet begun to practice. Of course, he was addicted to being a teacher. For a moment, he was speechless.

Meng Xinfeng looked forward to her face. Hearing the last sentence, she looked at Yunchuan with great innocence, "are they all dead?"

Yunchuan smothered, then waved, "Oh, where are you paying attention to? Well, over the years, many people have identified what heigang peak is and want to explore it. Among them, there is no lack of high-strength cultivation ability, even the predecessors in the period of leaving the body. However, those who go to heigang peak, no matter how strong they are, will be better It's like disappearing from the world if you haven't come back. You can't live or die, so no one has gone there in recent years. Now we know why we can tell you're bragging? "

If it wasn't for fear that he had too much strength and was afraid to hurt Fengzhi, Yunchuan would have reached out to pat Fengzhi's shoulder.

Feng to this time pour to feel in front of these people some lovely.

It is a very difficult thing to cultivate oneself. Only by combining one's talent, the efforts of the day after tomorrow, and various resources, can we go against the sky and gain a strong strength.

And the cultivation world is also extremely cruel.

You take my chance, I take your treasure. There are so many things like this.

Although the strength of these Fengyun sect's disciples is still low, and the strongest Yunxia has just built the foundation, and there is still a long way to go from jiedan to jiedan, their temperament is still good. They have no evil intention because they see Fengzhi alone.

Feng to then is very embarrassed to smile, "originally is like this, I also go out for the first time, still don't know these things outside, just also want to boast, where can I expect to make such a joke?"

Seeing this, the four people of Yunchuan only regarded Fengzhi as a little girl who had never been out of the house, and because of her lovely appearance now, she completely put down her vigilance.

The little sister named Yunyan is also a very lovely girl. She simply pulled Feng to stand beside Yunxia.

"Fengzhi, you don't have any accomplishments. Why did you come here alone? I don't know how many monsters there are in this forest. Thanks to your good luck... " Cloud smoke Road.Feng to blink an eye, made up a story.

"My father and mother are disappointed that I can't run into the forest for the sake of my father and mother, but I'm not the only one who can't run into the forest, but I'm not the only one who can't run into the forest for my father's sake, but I'm not the only one who can't run into the forest Speaking of this, Feng Zhi's face was startled, "are there many monsters in this forest?"

Yunyan quickly patted Feng Zhi on the shoulder to comfort him, "don't worry. Although there are many monsters in the forest, they are in the deep forest. We are only outside now. Even if there are monsters, they are just low-level ones. They can handle it completely."

"So I can rest assured." "Fortunately, I met Yunfeng, but I'm afraid I'll be swallowed by a monster

That face of worship, almost let cloud smoke several people almost float to the sky.

They have only been in Fengyun sect for 20 or 30 years at most. They are only junior disciples in the sect. How can they be worshipped like this?

As a result, the four people are more fond of Fengzhi.

Pull Feng to, a few people came to the river where Feng had stayed before.

After searching for a long time in the river, I didn't find what I wanted to see. It was Yunxia, a calm elder martial sister, who was also frustrated. "I should have thought of it. Where is silver scale fish so easy to meet?"

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