Feng to two hands are on the knee, holding his face, smiling at the uncle, "uncle is a Dan Shi."

The middle-aged stall owner looked at the Phoenix in surprise.

Although it was strange how Feng Zhi knew it, the uncle didn't mean to talk to him.

Fengzhi didn't mind, and said: "uncle wants to refine Peiying pill, but there is still a main medicine Jiuye Zhi."

Hearing this, not only the middle-aged uncle, but also the four people of Yunxia were also shocked.

They don't understand that mingmingfeng does not have any accomplishments. Why does she know so much?

But that middle-aged uncle was surprised, but a face of vigilance, "who are you, how do you know?"

There is no doubt that Fengzhi is right.

Feng Zhi reached out her index finger and pointed to her nose, "because I was born with a very smart nose. Of course I smelled it out!"

Of course, no one believes it.

If you can smell out who is the Dan master, what kind of elixir you want to refine and what kind of elixir is needed, those practitioners who try their best to please the high-grade Dan master will not have to rack their brains like that.

Feng Zhi didn't explain any more, just waved, "Oh, I don't need to pay attention to these small details. As long as Uncle knows that I have nine Yeats in my hand, now it depends on what the uncle wants to exchange..."

When talking, Feng Zhi laughs like a fox.

Hearing that Feng Zhi said she had nine Yeats in her hand, the uncle changed her previous love and ignored her. Her face showed a bit of excitement, and her eyes also had some fanaticism.

As Fengzhi said, this uncle is a famous Dan master, and he really wants to refine Peiying pill. All the other materials are ready, which is worse than Jiuye Zhizhi.

Peiying Dan, as the name suggests, is taken when the baby is born, and its function is to increase the success rate of jieying.

Although Peiying pill can only increase 20% of the success rate of infanticide, we should know that the success rate of general practitioners is only two or three percent. Twenty percent is already a very high number.

In the realm of practice, there are many practitioners in the golden elixir period, but few in the yuan infant period. This is because the success rate of birth is too low, and there are not many practitioners who are stuck here.

Once the birth fails, the cultivation will be retrogressive and damage the foundation. If it is serious, the body will die, and the Tao will no longer exist in the world.

Therefore, Peiying pill has always been regarded as the most popular pill in the Xiuzhen world. No matter in the market or auction house, the appearance of Peiying pill will not cause the competition of various forces.

However, on the one hand, it is extremely difficult to refine the Peiying pill, which can not be refined by non high-quality Dan masters. Secondly, it is extremely difficult to find the main material of Peiying pill, Jiuye Zhizhi, which is the main material of Peiying pill. Even if the cultivation reaches the golden elixir, it is difficult to find the Peiying pill.

This middle-aged uncle is now stuck in the realm of golden elixir.

As a cultivator, there is no one who does not want to get more powerful strength. It is this uncle who has painstakingly collected the materials for refining Peiying pill and added some points to the chance of winning the birth of a baby. However, Jiuye Zhi has not been found.

But I didn't expect that Feng Zhi, a little girl without any accomplishments in her body, said that she had nine Yeats in her hand?

The middle-aged uncle was in a good mood

When he was staring at her, Feng didn't change her face. She took out the Jiuye Ganoderma from the bag in her hand and said, "is it true? You can see for yourself."

As soon as he saw the nine Yeats in Feng Zhi's hand, the middle-aged uncle's eyes lit up, and then he gave Feng Zhi a look of heartache.

Jiuye Zhi is so rare that it has to be packed in a jade box. How could it be packed in a rag bag?

The nine Yeats have just been harvested, otherwise we don't know how much will be lost.

The middle-aged uncle confirmed the authenticity of nine Yeats, and then refused to give up.

Fengzhi was not afraid that the middle-aged uncle would default. She let her take Jiuye Zhi, and then said, "uncle, you have already seen the authenticity of the things. Now we should talk about the price. We paid half a life to get it. Uncle, if the bid is low, we can't do it."

The four of Yunxia were terrified.

They didn't pay the price of half a life. Moreover, the uncle was not only a monk of the golden elixir period, but also a Dan master. If Fengzhi offended people, could they go out of Donglai city today?

Fortunately, the situation that Yunxia four worried about did not happen.

In fact, this uncle is really not a master of good temper. As a Dan master, he is also a high-level Dan master. He is sought after everywhere he goes. It is rare to bargain with others like this.

If usually, the uncle is afraid to have some impatience, but looking at the girl who is smiling in front of her, I don't know how. The uncle's heart is with some inexplicable vigilance.

Always feel that

If you annoy the little girl in front of you, something bad will happen.Uncle did not know where his feeling came from, but he chose to trust his intuition.

"Well, tell me, what do you want in exchange?" Uncle.

Feng to no accident.

She picked up several kinds of elixir from uncle's stall, which added up to be not much different from the value of Jiuye Ganoderma. "These miraculous medicines, together with some pills that uncle gave them enough for their cultivation to reach the golden elixir, such as the poly Lingdan and yanglingdan, were almost the same..."

The four of Yunxia were delighted to hear it.

They are all in the foundation period now. They should have used Yangqi pill at least when they were practicing. But because the four of them were so poor, they could only take the Qi gathering pill which had a very limited effect.

However, Fengzhi's "Juling pill" and "Yangling pill" are the upgraded versions of "Juqi Dan" and "Yangqi Dan". The effect is much better than that of "Juqi Dan" and "Yangqi Dan".

What's more, Fengzhi said that it was enough for them to practice until the golden elixir

It made them a little nervous.

Although the Ganoderma lucidum and the nine pills together are not as good as those of the master of Ganoderma lucidum and Ye Feng, are you willing to take them together?

No, their worries are superfluous.

Listen to Feng to such a say, middle-aged uncle just slightly frowned, should come down.

As a Dan master who can refine Peiying pill, pills like Juling pill and Yangling pill are nothing at all. At most, it is just a waste of time. Therefore, this uncle deserves nothing.

At this time, Yunxia four people are finally relieved. They look at each other and see the surprise from each other's eyes.

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