He Fei turned his head and looked at Feng Zhi.

At most, the little girl in her early twenties had an exquisite face. A white finger pointed at the tip of her nose, and her two big Danfeng eyes were wide eyed, which made people feel a little innocent.

Well, there's no objection to the cute girl.


Such a little girl who doesn't seem to be any threat even thinks that she hurt her daughter?

This is called He Fei. I can't believe it.

He Fei is the master of yuanyingqi, but he doesn't feel that she has any accomplishments in this little girl. There are only two reasons for this.

First of all, the little girl is really not cultivated.

Second, that is, the strength of this little girl is extremely high, at least two small levels higher than He Fei.

But how could that be possible?

Bihefei is two small levels higher than that. Should it be the later period of Yuanying?

Can a little girl in her twenties be a master in the later period of Yuanying?

He can't believe He Fei.

If Feng Zhi knew what he was thinking at this time, he would probably say, "if you can't fight to death, you will believe it.".

In the heart does not believe, He Fei also directly expressed, "Oh, on you such a little girl girl even dare to pretend to be an expert?"

A look of scorn.

Since you don't believe it, I'm still angry

After saying that, jade sword suddenly appears in her hand. Without saying a word, Yang Jian splits toward He Fei's direction.


A light purple thunder and lightning fell from the sky, just right on the top of He Fei's head, which directly turned his neat hair into a big broom.

Not only that, He Fei's face also became dark, not in a mess.

All the people dare not speak. Even he fei'er doesn't cry to He Fei any more.

He Fei is the Lord of Donglai city and the elder of donglaizong. In the past, as long as he shows up, he can only be seen in his neat clothes and elegant demeanor. When has he been in such a mess?

Such a moment's effort is enough to wake him up.

His face was red in the black, and his eyes were staring at Feng Zhi, "little bitch, you dare!"

Feng Zhi's eyes narrowed.

She likes to see others hate her to death, but can not help, but does not mean that she is willing to hear people scold her.

The jade sword was raised again.

If he's not reflexive, he'll stay back.

He turned into the hair of a broom and his dark face, but how could he make himself fall twice in the same place?

Daofeng wants to chop him, but how can he avoid it?

At the beginning, when Fengzhi was still in the golden elixir period, it took a long time for Fengzhi to use the nine star thunder control skill. However, with her current strength, the nine star thunder control skill only needs her one thought, and its power has increased with her strength.


Feng Zhi just points to He Fei symbolically. The next moment, He Fei is hit hard again.


This blow is more powerful than the previous one. I don't know how much. Previously, He Fei was just a little embarrassed. But this time, He Fei was directly split into a big hole in the yard, and He Fei was heavily smashed into the hole.

It has to be said that Yuanying master's ability to resist beating is really stronger than that of those with lower strength. I don't know how much. If the nine star thunder control skill is used by Feng's current strength, if those martial artists on the Xuanwu continent were replaced, the whole person would be directly chopped into a corpse. However, He Fei was not hurt by anything except some skin injuries.

It's called Feng. It's more interesting.

"A little more than I expected." She looked at He Fei, who was lying in the pit for a long time.

He Fei was so angry that he almost jumped.

He is a great talent of Yuanying, and he is usually pursued by many people. Even in donglaizong, where there are many masters, those talented children should call "elder" respectfully when they see him?

But now, in front of such people, he was hurt by such a little girl?

Whether he Fei's self-esteem or his young baby's powerful face, he was not allowed to give up.

Therefore, after jumping out of the pit, He Fei put away all his previous carelessness, and immediately sent out the momentum belonging to Yuanying's great power, and there was a small seal in his hand.

Feng blinked.

Previously, he fei'er's magic weapon of life was also a sign of turning the sky. Now He Fei is the same.

Want to come, this is the magic weapon of his family?

Fengzhi didn't pay attention to it. He Fei was also a cultivator of Yuanying period. She could hit him so easily before. I think it's also because He Fei didn't pay attention to her at all. But now He Fei has become serious. How can he be worthy of his realm.Therefore, Feng Zhi took a sword flower in one hand and danced the jade sword in her hand, and then the shadow of Phoenix began to emerge from the void in front of her.

Dan Feng sword code!

When Fengzhi was still in the golden elixir period, he used this Dan Feng sword Scripture to beat the two elders of Murong family to vomit blood. At that time, the strength of Fengzhi was much weaker than that of the two elders of Murong family. Thus, we can see the power of the Danfeng sword code.

It's not that Fengzhi has never met enemies before, but those enemies are not true practitioners like her. What's more, she can't give birth to the idea of going all out. When Feng Zhi confronted the enemy before, Feng Zhi had some free will and did not deliberately use the unique skills she had learned.

But it's not the same now.

She's a master and a real cultivator here. She's a real spiritual cultivator.

The jade sword stabbed out from among those Phoenix shadows

I saw that those virtual shadows, like heavenly maids scattering flowers, rushed to the opposite He Fei because of the traction of the jade sword in Feng Zhi's hand.

He Fei, with a dignified face, lifted his hand and threw the sky turning seal in his hand into the air. The sky turning seal quickly became bigger and bigger, and at the same time, it brought great pressure to the crowd. Finally, it was like a hill hanging over the heads of people, which directly made the light in the yard darken a lot.

It's like

All of a sudden, it changed.

The Phoenix snorted coldly.

Compared with hefei'er, He Fei is certainly stronger, I don't know how much.

It's just

"Not enough to see!" The Phoenix whistled softly.

The jade sword in the hand draws a circle in the air, and those Phoenix virtual shadows also follow the wings to sing together, and then merge into one in an instant.

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