It's not Feng Zhi tuoda.

However, He Fei is only in the early days of Yuanying, and his strength is absolutely low even in the early stage of Yuanying.

Such a person, even if he has a lot of resources in his hand, is absolutely impossible to win over more powerful experts. Feng Zhi thinks that at most, He Fei is almost the same as He Fei.

People with too much strength disdain to be seduced by He Fei, and even if there are people with much higher strength under He Fei, He Fei will be worried instead of happy.

Who are the practitioners who have big fists and who speak? How can He Fei not worry that others will eat everything he has with his powerful strength?

Therefore, Fengzhi is not afraid at all.

She herself was the most powerful group among the practitioners of Yuan infant period. How could she be afraid of people of the same level or even lower than her by one or two small realms?


It's really unpleasant to call such a means of siege if it can't be defeated.

Feng to wait until He Fei blows the whistle, this just one foot toward He Fei that side mercilessly kicks in the past.

When the strength is strong to a certain extent, you can ignore any other skills. Although Feng Zhi doesn't think that he is strong enough to have no rivals, at least in front of He Fei.

Like now.

Feng to really just kick out a kick, there is no other tricks, but Ren He Fei how to hide, but found that he how to hide, will still be Feng to this foot to kick in the end.

In fact, it is.

He Fei had a small footprint on his chest, and then he flew backwards. Finally, he fell heavily on the ground. He felt that his body was suddenly out of control. He Fei could not help but thrust himself into the ground and flew towards Feng. Finally, he handed his neck to the foot of Feng Zhi.

In the eyes of the outsider, He Fei took the initiative to take the neck to the Phoenix to step on the general.

Feng Zhi put her foot on He Fei's neck, and then pressed her strength. He Fei's pale face suddenly turned red.

Why is this your style Feng to Yang Yang eyebrows, "hit the small to the old, hit the old will call on a group of people to besiege? Well? "

Listen to the Phoenix to the end of the voice gently raised "um", He Fei and He Fei Er in the eyes of some confusion.

Of course, those who dare to flatter the old city have never been attacked by the old ones, no matter where they come to the East, they don't need to be attacked by the old ones.

But now

Of course, although embarrassed, He Fei did not want to give up the idea of letting people besiege Feng Zhi.

He was trampled by such a little girl's film, and his face accumulated over the past few hundred years has been lost. If he doesn't get this face back, how will he be the city Lord of Donglai city in the future?

Therefore, He Fei glared at Feng Zhi fiercely. He could not but tear Feng Zhisheng and drink her blood and eat her meat.

Feng Zhi didn't care.

Do the strong care about the weak's eyes?

Of course not.

After a long time, the three helpers called by He Fei came to control the sword one after another until Feng Zhi was bored.

Seeing the scene in front of them, they all gasped.

The three of them have been sacrificing to the he family for decades. They usually only take the resources given by the he family and devote themselves to practice. That is to say, they have never received the call of He Fei. They were very surprised when they suddenly received a message from He Fei. However, they only thought that Jianglong had been there, but they didn't expect that Jianglong was so powerful that he could directly trample He Fei under his knees?

This made the three people a little embarrassed.

The three of them, like He Fei, were all the practitioners in the early days of Yuanying. According to the truth, the three of them should have some confidence in one. However, from the current situation, we can see that the little girl defeated He Fei just because she was extremely relaxed. Then they could do something in the little girl, no, it should be the elder?

In fact, they wanted to turn around and leave.

But as the saying goes, holding people's hands short, eating people's mouth soft.

They have been worshipped by the he family for so many years. I don't know how many cultivation resources they have used. If they run away at the sight of danger, who dares to deal with them in the future?

Therefore, even if the three people have no bottom in their hearts, they can only work hard.

Feng Zhi looks at the three people.

Although these three people seem to be middle-aged on the surface, they are actually over 150 years old. Only at this age can they cultivate themselves to the early stage of Yuanying. It can be imagined that all three of them are not of high quality, that is to say, they are just passable.

"You're the helpers he got?" Feng Zhi smiles at them three people, "do you want to come to my trouble?"

The three were asked by Feng Zhi.

As a matter of fact, it is obvious that they are here to make trouble for Feng and vent their anger on He Fei.But!

This kind of words was asked by such a young girl who was so young and so beautiful that they all felt blushed. They could not say what they had said.

Feng Zhi had some accidents.

"Well, it seems that you are not as thick skinned as the father and daughter of the he family." She said.

When he said this, He Fei and he fei'er, as well as the three of them, felt flushed.

However, these three people can practice until Yuanying period. Of course, they will not stop because of this embarrassment. After taking a deep breath, the three look at each other. One of them points his sword to Fengzhi from a distance. "We are the sacrifice of the he family. Naturally, we have to contribute to the city master and his family. Girl, you should release the LORD he quickly!"

"Let him go? Yes

Feng zhijiao'er kicks heavily on He Fei's shoulder. He Fei's whole body is like a ball. She kicks him towards the three people and smashes them in the face.

The three people are in a hurry and want to make He Fei the next.

If there was anything else, they could follow it without any burden, but this was the master of He Fei. If something happened to catch him, they would jump into the Yellow River.

The three men held out their hands and caught him. However, because they did not cooperate well, they fell into a group.

That embarrassed appearance, straight see a few bystanders in the yard in the side snicker.

The jokes of congratulating the city Lord can not be seen by everyone. They are also blessed with their eyes.

When he fei'er heard the laughter, she glared at Yunxia and others. Yunxia and others quickly gathered their smiles and pretended to be serious.

If it had been put in the past, Yunxia several people would not dare to do so, but now I don't know whether it is because of the figure of Fengzhi blocking them in front of them, or what they have just seen that has also drawn out some wild hopes in their hearts, but there is no meaning to be afraid.

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