About 100 years old, but most of their strength is in the later stage of Jindan, and only two or three of them are in the early stage of Yuanying.

Feng couldn't help but curl her mouth.

Tut Tut, although there are many flower protectors, their quality is not so good.

There is so much aura in the virtual spirit realm. If you enter on time, these flower protectors are all second generation practitioners. They have no shortage of cultivation resources. They can't reach the period of Yuanying in a hundred years. That can only be said that these people are embroidered pillows.

Take Feng as an example. When she was on earth in her previous life, the aura on the earth at the end of the law era was extremely barren. If it were not for the spirit stones and pills left by the ancestral sect, her path of practice would be extremely difficult.

But even under such circumstances, Fengzhi still took less than 30 years to cultivate to Yuanying period.

Well, it can't be called Yuanying period. It should be said that a foot has been chopped by thunder when it enters Yuanying period.

Later, when she came to the Xuanwu continent, the environment for her practice was much better than that on earth, but it was still much worse than that of the virtual spirit realm. She could also break through to the yuan infant period at the age of 17.

What she can do, why can't the second generation of practitioners in the virtual spirit state fail?

Feng to know their own qualifications, but she does not think that their qualifications are good enough to call anyone can not catch up.


Or is it that these second-generation students are too cowardly?

It must be!

In the heart of such a conclusion, Feng to also no longer continue to sleep on the idea, get up after dressing up directly congealed a water ball for their own washing, and then opened the door and walked out.

Yunxia four people are already waiting outside.

They all have some uneasiness on their faces. There is a lot of noise outside. Of course, they can't find out. When they know that these people are all seeking justice for the "slender Fairy", their hearts are hanging up.

So many people, but also all have extraordinary origins, Feng to that small body can block it?

Seeing Feng Zhi come out, the four people look a Su, "Feng Zhi, there are a lot of people out there who want to take the lead for the slender fairy. Do you want to avoid the limelight first?"

All four were sad.

They are not worried about themselves. They are just small shrimps in the foundation period. Even if it is because of their face, no one will deliberately trouble them. They are worried about Fengzhi.

In terms of strength, Fengzhi is certainly much better than those outside, but those people outside are all of extraordinary origin. If the younger one is beaten and the older one comes, then Feng will never have a peaceful day?

Feng to but not worried at all, she patted four people on the shoulder, "come on, you don't have to cry with a face, this matter I have a plan."

Then he went straight out of the inn.

There were about a dozen angry men standing outside the inn. All of them were very handsome and had extraordinary temperament. Their clothes were very well dressed. It was obvious that they were all from very good backgrounds.

This is the flower protection mission of the dragon.

In addition to these flower protectors, there were also many melon eaters at a distance.

Don't think that the practitioners just sit in the cave every day. If possible, they also have a heart to watch and gossip, OK?

Even some people open a bet on how long the Phoenix can persist under the dragon's delicate flower protectors this time.

But it's just a little bet.

This let Feng to some regret, if meet again like the original Si Bei no matter how big the note dare to accept the master son, she can put all of his spirit stone up.

Seeing Fengzhi coming out, the flower protectors all looked over, and then

And then there was no and then.

After only glancing at Feng, these flower protectors turned their heads as if they didn't look at her. They were still staring at the inn, as if the people they wanted to block would come out at any time.

Phoenix to see strange.

She moved forward and gathered her white face to one of the flower protectors.

Of course, the flower protector couldn't have seen Feng Zhi, but he was inexplicable on his face. He even regarded Feng Zhi as an ignorant little girl and immediately yelled, "what do you do with the little girl?"

Feng to some speechless.


These are clearly to block her people, in fact, even what she looks like do not know?

If Longxian's flower protectors are all like this, she really doubts whether Longxian is particularly liked by the mentally retarded.

Feng Zhi shook her head and said, "this Well, brother, what are you doing here? "

The flower protector immediately felt as if he had been beaten with chicken blood. "Hum, of course, I came to teach the madman who called Xian Xian wronged yesterday, because that man robbed the Dragon vine of Xian Xian Xian, so that Xian Xian Xian didn't sleep well last night. The whole person was haggard a lot. Xian Xian Xian was kind-hearted and didn't like to be difficult for others. But of course, we have to ask for a man for Xian Xian Xian TaoIt's just and serious.

Feng was amused.

If you change someone who doesn't know it, I'm afraid they will think that they are just teachers to fight against evil. How can you think that this is a group of people who have nothing to do but run after women and want to vent their anger on their sweetheart?

Feng Zhi looked at the flower protector with adoring eyes, "Aiyou, you are all admirers of the slender fairy. It's for her, then Have you not inquired carefully before you came who was the man who made your fairy haggard? "

The flower protector was stunned.

He felt that Feng Zhi's words didn't sound right, but he couldn't tell what was wrong. After a long time, he said, "of course we've inquired about it! It is said that she is a woman who looks ugly and envies the beauty of the fairy. This will deliberately embarrass the fairy and snatch things from her hand

Don't say it's Fengzhi. Even the four Yunxia people are speechless when they hear this.

It's only one night. How can the rumors become like this?

No wonder these flower protectors didn't take Feng as their target at all when they saw Feng.

Yunchuan was quick witted. He thought about the words that Fengzhi said when he bid yesterday. He asked, "wasn't it in the auction house yesterday? Since the Dragon vine appeared at the auction, of course, the one with the highest price will get it, and the one with the highest bid also took 30000 spirit stones. How could it be the snatching from the hands of the slender fairy?"

The flower protector is stuck.

Everyone knows this truth.

But he immediately waved to the Phoenix to several people and drove them out, "I said you guys, hurry away, don't hinder us blocking people!"

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