After listening to Feng Zhi's words, Jiang Xu did not say a word. He quickly grasped the Pearl of Yuanying, which was sealed with the dragon's slender shape. Then he immediately turned around and left.

Anyway, Feng still has a grudge with donglaizong.

If she doesn't leave now, will it be difficult for her to change her mind?

Jiang Xu is not so stupid.

When Jiang Xu goes far away, Feng Zhi confirms that there is no one around to look at him, so he thinks that he enters the space.

Although the space is very large, Feng Zhi sees Long Yan at a glance.

Long Yan is now in the space above that piece of medicine field, is floating in the air, he has not changed back to human form, his small body is floating in the air.

There was a continuous stream of golden mist escaping from his body. It was not known how much thinner the mist was than his hair. As soon as it came out, it was again entangled in Longyan's body.

As a result, the number of filaments on Long Yan's body increased.

In the end, it gradually formed a golden cocoon that completely covered Longyan.

After that, the golden cocoon grows bigger and bigger, until it looks like a person with a normal figure in the middle, and finally stops growing.

Feng to see the heart of a joy.

She can feel that Long Yan has now changed back to human form.


Now just wait until Long Yan comes out of the cocoon?

Feng Zhi thought so.

But obviously it's not that easy.

When Feng Zhi thought like this, he saw that in the field of medicine under the Dragon Yanzheng, there was an original vigorous elixir. The leaves first trembled a few times, and then the green leaves began to turn yellow.

But in an instant, the elixir had withered to death.

You know, the most precious elixir in the space is planted in this medicinal field. Under the abnormal time addition of space, the one with the least age is more than ten thousand years.

The elixir of ten thousand years, which contains aura is extremely abundant, and even can directly support the practitioners below the golden elixir to death.

It can be seen from this.

But now

At the same time, Feng was surprised to find that the miraculous medicine withered and died, not because there was not so much nutrients in the space medicine field, but because all the aura of this miraculous medicine was pulled out at that moment

They were all absorbed by the golden cocoon wrapped by Longyan.

Just as Feng Zhi thought about this, he took the first withered and dead elixir as the center, and the precious miraculous medicine around him began to turn yellow and wither.

However, with a few breaths, there is already a small vacuum in the middle of the field.

If you ask other Dan Shi to see this scene, I'm afraid it will be heartache to cover the chest curse mother.

Alchemy is also a process in which practice makes perfect.

No matter how complicated things are, as long as you have more experience, then the success rate will naturally come up.

Because of this, most of the time, the biggest reason limiting the improvement of Dan masters' level is not because of how bad their qualifications are, but because they don't have so many miraculous medicines to practice.

Even if you have thought about it thousands of times in your mind, but you haven't practiced once, how can you have a high success rate when refining pills?

Everyone knows this.

There are many elitists in the virtual spirit realm, but few are really high-level ones. And which of the famous high-quality elites didn't spend a lot of miraculous herbs to refine their hands before becoming famous?

If the cost of miraculous medicine is replaced by a spirit stone, even a large number of doors will definitely feel headache.

After all, rare elixir is rare. Sometimes you can't buy it even with a large number of spirit stones.

This is where Gao pindan is valuable.

But now, there are so many rare elixirs that can make Gao pindan master snatch his head and blood. The frequency of destroying one in one breath time is reduced

If there is another Dan master here, he has to rush to find Longyan and Fengzhi.

Of course, this is Fengzhi's space, and there is no other Dan master in it.

Feng to pour is nothing heartache.

Her space is a cheater for Lingzhi, a miraculous medicine. As long as she can get the seeds, she can copy a lot of them in a very short time.

This is not, in the warehouse of space, I don't know how much the miraculous medicine has accumulated. Feng can't even count it.

Therefore, Long Yan just took the aura of these miraculous drugs away. How could Fengzhi feel heartache?

Feng is now thinking about why the golden cocoon draws aura from these miraculous herbs.The aura in the space is not more abundant than that in the outside. Even compared with the abundant aura of heaven and earth in the outer virtual spiritual realm, the aura in the space is much poorer.

This is why Feng Zhi never practiced in space.

Is it possible that

After absorbing long Dan, Long Yan also needs a lot of aura to support his breakthrough?

Feng to the brain is a burst of Qingming.

She had a vague premonition that her conjecture was not wrong.


Now she wants to help Long Yan, just give him enough aura?

Now that I have thought of it, Feng Zhi has no hesitation.

When she was in the basaltic continent, she had a whole vein of spirit stones. For more than ten years, the Qiao family had never delayed mining the spirit stones in that vein. Therefore, even though Fengzhi usually spent a lot of spirit stones in her practice, the spirit stones in her hands could be described by the words "piling up like a mountain".

If not, where did Feng Zhi's courage to eat in the Cyclamen come from when he threw all his gold for the dragon bone vine?

Not to mention Fengzhi, he also got a large number of top-grade spirit stones in He Fei's treasure house.

In a word, Feng is a local tyrant. Lingshi is just like gold coin. She can't be short of it.


Feng to a wave of hand, there is a pile of spirit stone in that only wrapped in the golden cocoon of Longyan.

To Feng's conjecture, there is no proof of the fact.

As soon as this pile of spirit stones appeared, the golden light floating on the golden cocoon in the air was eager to expand for several meters, and those rare miraculous herbs in the medicinal field stopped withering.

In Fengzhi's mind, naturally, this is because the golden cocoon has found a spirit stone with more abundant aura. Naturally, it will look down on those auras among the miraculous medicines.

Then, this is a process of constantly spending spirit stone.

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