Feng to the heart moved.

She had a guess, but she wasn't sure she was right.

Therefore, in order to verify her conjecture, she thought about it, and then towards the seemingly ordinary grass played a wisp of flame in the past.

As before, the grass not only was not frightened by the fire, but also shook its leaves with great excitement. Then two leaves fluttered towards the flame, and the flame was extinguished twice and then disappeared.

When the Phoenix arrived, he felt thoughtful.

Although it seems that the grass swallows the flame, in fact, in the induction of Fengzhi, the flame is not eaten by the grass, but it should be said that the grass absorbs the aura contained in the flame.

Without the support of aura, the flame naturally went out.

It looked like grass ate the fire.


What this grass really does is "eat" aura.

This let Feng to affirm the conjecture in his heart.

If she did not guess wrong, then, this grass should be the one that Jiang Xu and long Xianxian met before.

The pitiful vine has a voracious love for aura. A single vine is not terrible. It can be easily handled even if its cultivation is not high. However, if the vine grows up, it is absolutely not willing to be provoked even if it is cultivated to the height of transforming God into Mahayana.

Once they are entangled by the psychedelic vine, these things are like maggots attached to bones. They can not only inject into the body of the cultivator something that has anesthetic effect for the cultivator. The anesthetic effect is not strong, but I don't know why. As long as a cultivator, no matter how high or low his cultivation is, he will always be affected by this anesthetic effect. The difference is only the size of the influence 。

However, such an impact only needs a short time.

Taking advantage of the anesthetic effect of that moment, a large number of Psychedelic vines can attack each other, directly devouring the aura in the body of the cultivator, turning the cultivator into a dead bone.

Even Yuanying can't escape from being devoured by lingteng.

This is undoubtedly extremely terrible.

Therefore, in the territory of Xuling, as long as it is mentioned, it is unknown how many practitioners will turn pale at it.

Fengzhi had heard Jiang Xu and long Xianxian mention the Lingxiang vine before. Long Xianxian was entangled by the Lingxiang vine. It was only by the means of protecting his life that Jiang Zhen gave him that Jiang Xu saved longxianxian. On the contrary, he was pushed into the Lingxiang vine by Longxian.

At that time, long Xianxian was convinced that Jiang Xu couldn't escape from the siege of lingteng, which was because he knew how terrible it was.

Now, Feng Zhi looks at the scorched earth.

Want to come

Jiang Xu also had other means to protect his life. It was because of this that he could completely eliminate the original piece of Lingxiang rattan, and directly transformed the land into the present situation where there is no living.

And this little thing in front of me

If Feng Zhi is not wrong, it should be a newly born lingteng.

Even if there is only one tree, it shows such urgency for aura, and even forgets the danger of swallowing the Phoenix to the fire. From this, we can imagine what the pieces of Psychedelic vine that Jiang Xu and Longxian met before were like.

Fengzhi was interested in lingteng.

She thought for a while, and then took out some spirit stones, and directly pumped out all the aura in the spirit stones, forming a spirit mass about the size of a washbasin and holding it in her hand.

At this time, the small psychedelic vine seemed to have found something very delicious. The two leaves extended to the aura in Fengzhi's hand, and looked like a child's hands reaching out to his desired toy.

Feng to see a smile.

She didn't disappoint the little psychic vine, and at the next moment she threw the big aura into it.

The next moment, the psychrophilic vine can't care about anything. It's like a hungry person who has seen delicious food for thousands of years. He can't even pour a large basin of food into his mouth. With a very greedy attitude, the whole plant doesn't enter into the spiritual mass. The two leaves are bulging up one by one small pimple, obviously It's a little indigestion.

But even so, the little psychedelic vine did not stop.

With more and more Aura devoured by Lingzhi rattan, its body shape began to have a great change. Originally, it was only a small plant about the size of Phoenix to palm, but it began to grow up a little bit.

Obviously, there is nothing to climb on, but the rattan that grows out of the pygmy psychrophilic vine just spirals around the air and stretches a little bit towards the air until it reaches the height of the Phoenix to the waist, which can be regarded as stopping.

"Still like that?" Feng Zhi was a little surprised.

However, when the rattan grows up, it is not as cute as before. Even if it is just standing there quietly, it can always make Feng Zhi, who has a keen sense, feel the threat from its not strong body.Feng Zhi gently took a breath.

She now believes in the stories about the psychedelic vine.

It is her own, if she is really trapped in the siege of a piece of psychic vine, if there is no other means, it is difficult to say whether she can get rid of it.


Feng to want to think, "pa" a hit a ring finger, there is a wisp of pale real fire appeared in her fingertips.

She wanted to see if there was anything to be afraid of.

For example


Of course, ordinary fire can't work. Fengzhi has tried it before. Not only did it not intimidate the rattan, but it also directly swallowed up the aura.

So, what about her fire?

The true fire of Fengzhi is not the samadhi fire practiced by ordinary practitioners, but a flame that transcends the two by combining the samadhi fire and the Phoenix Fire of the Phoenix family. Its temperature is so high that even the Phoenix people who are born with the ability to control the fire can't stop crying.

Such a fire, the spirit of the rattan will be afraid?

It is because of uncertainty that Feng Zhi wants to have a try.

If the answer is no, the Phoenix will not hesitate to extinguish the newly grown Lingxiang vine. She can't allow anything threatening her to grow in front of her eyes.

If the answer is yes

Then Feng Zhi is a little interested.

In this way, Feng to index finger slightly a flick, fingertip that ray of true fire toward the spirit of the vine light floating past.

Different from the excitement of seeing the two strands of ordinary fire before, the real fire just flew away from Fengzhi's fingertips. Because of being satisfied and happily waving the leaves of the wisteria, it immediately had to face the enemy.

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