At this time, the sun has completely set, the whole Dongyang City officially entered the dusk of light.

After that, all the practitioners of Dongyang City could not help looking up in the same direction.

There, I don't know what happened, but gradually began to have enough light to compete with the hot sun. The light was only the size of a fist at first, but then quickly grew larger. Finally, it was like a round of hot sun coming there. It was so bright that these practitioners could not help but raise their hands to cover their eyes.

What is this?

Many people in Dongyang City cried out.

After that, they realized that there must be great powers in the fight. The practitioners in Dongyang City were just like fighting chicken blood. They didn't care whether their strength was enough to watch the war. They ran to the source of light one by one.

If you can fight with great power, if you can watch the war and learn something from it, it will be a great wealth for the practitioners.

In order to enhance the strength, who can think of their own safety at this time?

Fengzhi and other people are in this area, which is immediately lively.

Of course, in the game, whether it is Feng Zhi or Mo Di and others, there is no leisure time to pay attention to these.

When Mody put these elite disciples of donglaizong into cages to ensure their safety with the word "prisoner" in his books, Feng arrived there and the light group on the sword of killing immortals had reached the size of the washbasin.

It looks like

It's like a round of sun shining on the earth, blazing and bringing light to the earth.

Because the light is too strong, even with the strength of the enemy, they dare not look at the light directly with the naked eye, but can only fill the eyes with aura and then look at it.

Just when Mobi was on guard, the sun on the tip of the sword had been completely formed.

Feng to gently pick the tip of the sword, the round of sun has been gently jumped, jump to her right above.

At this time, Feng Zhi took a look at Mo Di and said, "Mo Di, right? Take me a move, Danfeng Chaoyang, try..."

After saying that, the original number of countless, is around the Phoenix to the circle of the Phoenix, as if to find a home in general, vied with each other to send out a cheerful chirp, toward the sky in the sun in the past.

Every time a phoenix doesn't get into it, the sun's light and heat will increase a little bit. When all the phoenixes enter the sun, the sun's light, which has already been able to flash blind, is blazing again

At that moment, the whole heaven and earth seemed to be suddenly darkened, and people could only see this round of blazing sun.

And then

This round of blazing sun, as if with its own consciousness, smashed at the place where the enemy was.

Don't be surprised.

As Feng Zhi's opponent, he is probably the most clear about the power of this round of sun. He never thought that the little girl who had not been seen by him before could have such a means.


Can you accept this move?

Has always been like their own name as confident of the enemy, this moment unexpectedly began to shake up their confidence.

However, no matter how to waver, even if you know clearly that you can't use any means to confront the record of Danfeng Chaoyang by Fengzhi at this time, Mo Di doesn't mean to be captured.

The book in his hand flipped wildly, and one after another, the golden words which were believed to be beneficial to him flew out of the book, enveloping Mobi and the elite disciples behind him. His aura was pulled out from the Yuan Ying and was injected into the judge's pen which had begun to shine.

In the end, all the characters formed a "Yu" character which was almost the same as the entity.

Resist, defend.

Mo Di is naturally belligerent, and his means are mostly offensive. The word "Yu" is the strongest one in his books.

If he has never used this word before

Mo Di dare not think.

He can't fail because he can't bear the consequences of failure.

The word "Yu" didn't stop Mobi. The judge pen in his hand was almost filled with all the aura he could use now, and then he continued to draw it in the air.

And it's not like writing in a few strokes.

It's really painting.

Looking at the sun is about to come, Mo Di's pen suddenly appears a three legged golden crow.

As soon as the three foot golden crow appeared, it had already made a shrill sound, and then met the sun which was falling towards this side without fear.

According to legend, there are golden tripods in the sun. The reason why the sun rises and sets in the evening is that there are three golden crows that bear the sun on its back, so there is the legend of "Jinwu negative sun".

At that moment, the light of the whole world seemed to be concentrated on the sun and the golden crow.The two collided without any pause.

Is the sun stronger, or is Jinwu more competitive?

The answer comes in the next moment.

The sun in the sky stopped for a moment, and then it shone again. Under the light, the golden light on the three legged golden crow quickly turned gray. With the setting off of the sun, it really looked like a common crow.


Three feet of the golden crow issued a shrill cry, and then in the hot sun under the crushing, and finally turned into a broken light, completely dissipated between heaven and earth.

After the disappearance of the three legged golden crow, the sun in the sky did not suffer any damage, on the contrary, it was more powerful because it absorbed the power of the three legged golden crows.

How fast does the sun fall?

No one thought about it before, but now they all see it with their own eyes.

It's like ignoring the space and distance at all. This round of sun is holding all the light, and in a short time it comes to the front of Mobi and others.

In this record of Danfeng Chaoyang, there is not only the power of killing immortal sword, but also all the power that Youfeng can mobilize up to now. The word "Yu" of Mo Di is just a short moment. It can no longer bear such a powerful force, and it directly disintegrates and disappears.

But Mo Di, although he has already stretched out his hands to resist the situation, how can he resist the fierce sun?

In a moment, his hands had turned to coke, and then the whole person had been hit hard, flying backward.

At the same time, Mo Di's mouth is still gushing out the golden red blood.

However, under the scorching sun, the blood was completely evaporated in an instant. Even Mo Di himself, all the hair on his body disappeared, and the blood and water in his body were rapidly lost, only to be a corpse.

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