Ten days ago that war, until now the monks in Dongyang city still remember clearly.

Mo Di, the great elder of donglaizong, became a famous master in the middle of her out of the body. Unexpectedly, she had a big fight with a woman in her early twenties. The key was that the final result did not make anyone think that the young woman had not been beaten into meat cakes by Mobi three or two times. On the contrary, she was very powerful. She summoned a sun in the night Mo Di was seriously injured!

After that, the young woman and Mo Di all disappeared, and they did not know where they had gone.

Such strength naturally deterred many practitioners. Therefore, even though it had been ten days since then, no one dared to come to the inn.

At most, just like that night, Yu Jian flew in the air and looked at it from afar.

Because of this, Feng to five people just came out, immediately someone saw.

Young woman, leading four not high cultivation of the true

Isn't this the man who defeated Mobi with the power of attention?

So, Dongyang City followed up on the lively.

Since Fengzhi has such strength, she can naturally get the respect of those who practice in Dongyang City. Therefore, when she comes out of the ruins of the inn, the news has spread all over Dongyang City.

Even, some of the more daring practitioners also took out the same mentality of those star chasers on earth, who followed Fengzhi from a distance, as if they regarded Fengzhi as an idol.

Feng to where can not find these people, but she did not get angry.

Anyway, these people have no hostility, so follow them. She looks like a flower. She's not afraid to be seen at all, OK?

Well, Fengzhi is really a very confident person.

With a lot of tails, Feng came to the gate of the city last time.

There is no accident that the two thugs who took over the work from Fengzhi last time and finished them perfectly still stood at the entrance of the alley, holding a pair of small eyes and looking at the people who went back and forth, they seemed to be measuring who might be their potential customers.

See Feng to, two people first is a Leng, then also don't know what to think of, unexpectedly turn around to pull out a leg to run.

Feng to immediately happy.

She was not a big devil, and she didn't think about how these two people would be. How could they see her just like seeing a ghost?

It's really embarrassing.

Feng to also not in a hurry to chase, she even stopped in place, toward two people have run out of a distance of the back, gently hook hook index finger.

Then, the two people who were running at full speed seemed to be caught by an invisible rope. Their feet didn't stop at all, and their hands were still swinging regularly as if they were running, but

Is has been only in place, no matter how hard efforts can not go forward.

In that case, the four people couldn't help laughing.

Feng to with their happy laughter came to the two people, stretched out his hand on the shoulders of two people with panic, she raised her lips, "why, you are not happy to see the old customers?"

The two men's faces were obviously full of fear, but after hearing Feng Zhi's words, they had to hold on to a smiling face Happy, happy! "

Tut, on that expression, ghosts believe they are happy.

Fengzhi didn't want to know whether these two people were really happy. Seeing that they were no longer struggling, Fengzhi raised his hand and snapped his fingers. After a sound of "pa", the two men finally had control of their own bodies. The original panic on their faces was dispersed.

Both were relieved.

God knows how frightening it is to feel that you can't control your body when you are clear that everything is normal.

After relaxing, one of the two looked at Feng Zhi, and said in fear: "elder sister, what do you want to talk about with our brother? How exciting is it?"

Feng to sneer, "you do not see me with a thief like to run, I will have nothing to do to chase you?"

Then they lowered their heads again.

Feng to this time pour some curiosity, asked: "talk about it, I didn't intend to do you what, see me to run what mean?"

It took them a long time to explain why.

It turns out that the two men helped Fengzhi to do that last time. They took 5000 spirit stones from Fengzhi's hand. This reward is undoubtedly very high. So they always feel empty. They are afraid that Fengzhi will come back from their hands when Fengzhi comes back to God.

This time, Feng did not turn around.

Feng couldn't help rolling her eyes.

She has already taken out the spirit stone, is it difficult to regret it?These two people, however, are only 5000 spirit stones, and they are scared to such an extent.

Seeing what Feng Zhi meant, the two people were not happy.

Five thousand spirit stones are a lot of wealth for people like them, OK? How much work do they have to work here to earn 5000 spirit stones?

What did you say?

A full man knows not what a hungry man is!

Feng to also did not say what with two people again, direct ask a way: "this time look for you is to send work to you again."

So they were happy.

As long as Fengzhi doesn't plan to take Lingshi back, they will like to do Fengzhi's business any more. After all, no one's Lingshi is easy to earn these days. They seldom meet a generous owner like Fengzhi all the year round.

"Don't worry, auntie. As long as you tell us the work, our brother will definitely do it for you, and we will never disappoint you!"

The two men clapped their chests and packed tickets.

For a few spiritual stones, the two even called "aunts and grandmothers.".

Feng Zhi took a look at them and asked, "well, do you know the evil cultivation, and are you the kind of evil female monk who likes to take and mend men?"

As soon as the words came out, the two men were silent.

Two people hold a kind of very strange eyes to look at Feng to, almost no hands cross in front of the chest, make a pair of panic.

Then, one of them swallowed his saliva and said, "Auntie, don't scare us. Although our brothers take over the work, we just want to earn some spirit stone cultivation. We don't sell ourselves..."

Feng to a slap on his head.

"What do you think? Just tell me the truth." Phoenix to anger road.

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