Said to leave, Fengzhi will not be muddled.

He went back to the inn for a night's rest. When he got up the next morning, Fengzhi led the four Yunxia people out of Dongyang City and went to the nearest Dongyao city.

Although Dongyao city is the closest to Dongyang City, the distance between them is also two thousand miles. If the cultivators of the golden elixir period are asked to control the sword with all their strength, it will take about four or five hours to get there. If the cultivators above Yuanying are more advanced, they should be faster.


If Fengzhi is like this, in order to get more people to take the bait, he not only does not control the sword to drive the road, but also leads the four Yunxia people to measure the land of virtual spirit state with their feet like ordinary people without spiritual roots

Without a month's hard work, it is impossible to specify.

Speaking of it, Feng Zhidao is also a little surprised at the vastness of the virtual spirit realm.

There is only one Eastern continent, and the distance between each two cities is thousands of miles at least. There are hundreds of such cities in the East China, so we can imagine how large the area of the eastern continent is.

Not to mention that most of the eastern continent is still famous mountains and rivers where there are no monks.

And such a continent

Four dollars in all!

Compared with the earth, compared with the basaltic continent, the virtual spirit realm is much broader.

But think about it, if the area of the virtual spirit realm is so small that the practitioners can travel around the world in one day with their swords

That's a bit inappropriate.

Feng to think of these have no time, she has led the four Yunxia to the East Yaocheng.

The four of Yunxia have gained a lot of insight during this period of time following Feng Zhi, and their courage is also rising against the wind. If we put it in the past and think about the news that Fengzhi asked Xu Da and Xu Er to release, I don't know how many practitioners who are inspired by the spirit stone will come to rob them. They are scared to death, but now

Yunyan looked at Feng Zhi curiously and expectantly, "Fengzhi, when will those people come and how many people will there be?"

After her brain has been mended, when those people come, what kind of war will there be.

Feng to in cloud smoke's forehead son to play a bit, "really when I am an immortal, this call me how to answer?"

Yunyan spat out his tongue.

In fact, Fengzhi is not wrong. No matter Yunyan or Yunxia, Fengzhi is regarded as an immortal. In their eyes, Fengzhi is omnipotent.

When Feng came to speak, she looked slightly.

She looked at the clouds and said with a smile, "Cao Cao, Cao Cao has arrived, isn't this person coming?"

Of course, Yunxia several don't know who "Cao Cao" is. Fortunately, they are also used to Feng Zhi's words from time to time that they can't understand, so they directly ignore the question of who Cao Cao is. Instead, they begin to look around, hoping to find out the hidden enemy.

Of course they can't find it.

If you can come to the idea of making more than one million spirit stones, its accomplishments will never be low. Otherwise, if you have a life to rob, I'm afraid it will be spent. How could it be that several young monks in the foundation period could easily find it?

The reason why Xu Lingfeng didn't want to take the initiative to send her a lot of news is that she didn't want to send so many news to her?

It's just like beating a child on a rainy day. In any case, being idle is also a reason to be idle.

At this time, she played on Yunyan's forehead again, "OK, OK, just like you. Even if people really want to rob us, they will scare you away."

So the four of Yunxia were quiet.

Feng to this just raised an eye to the front somewhere to see in the past, "since already came, why hide your head and tail?"

There was a silence ahead.

The four of Yunxia followed Fengzhi's line of sight, but no matter what they looked at, there was only a tree about two people hugging in that direction. In addition, no matter how they looked, they didn't see anything famous.

Of course, the four people of Yunxia would not doubt Fengzhi's judgment. They had already settled on Fengzhi's brain powder, so they opened their eyes wider and looked over there. They could hardly wait to catch all the ants under the tree and torture them.

Waiting for a long time did not see any movement, Feng to some impatient, "come out by yourself, or I will pull you out, you first one!"

After these words, there was finally a movement there.

Just under the gaze of the four people, the air suddenly twisted in the empty place next to the tree, which gave people the feeling that something completely transparent was moving.

And then it starts with a human shadow.

Is it an old man with gray hair and sharp eyes?

The old man showed his body shape and made a strange smile towards the "Jie Jie" of Fengzhi No, you are a little girl

Feng to a very outsider stretch, a white long skirt on her body will her fine figure outline a light shape, straight call the old man's eyes are almost straight.If Long Yan is here, I'm afraid I'll have to dig up the old man's tricks first.

Thinking of Long Yan, Feng Zhi is thinking about the problem he has been thinking about these days. He doesn't know when he will wake up.

Then, she took a look at the old man who had some originality in his way of playing. "It's not a problem whether the tone is small or not. The important thing is whether the fist is hard enough..."

The strong are respected. Whoever has a big fist will speak.

This is the only criterion of virtual spirit state.

The old man listened to Feng Zhi's words, but he was quite surprised to see Feng Zhi.

Xu Da and Xu Er are very conscientious. After taking the spirit stone given by Fengzhi, they were stimulated by the spirit stone and used a faster speed than last time to spread the story that Fengzhi had 1.6 million spirit stones.

1.6 million spirit stones, which is absolutely a huge sum of money. These days, Dongyue city and the destination of Fengzhi's next stop, Dongyao City, can be said that no one knows it.

It's hard not to be moved by the news.

Of course, in order to let those greedy people have the courage to attack, Xu Da and Xu Er hid Fengzhi's identity very intimately when they passed the news, saying only that she was a little girl who had just come out of the hermit family.

After all

Now in Dongyue City, it can be said that no one knows the Phoenix.

To let them know that the 1.6 million spirit stone is true, but it is held in Feng Zhi's hand, it is strange that some people dare to make up their minds!

Just because I don't know, when I know that Fengzhi and his party are going to walk to Dongyao City, we can imagine how many "surprises" they will encounter along the way.

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