If it had not been for Yunxia's four people who had watched Fengzhi put on his mask and changed his appearance, they would not have connected the man standing in front of them with Fengzhi.

At present, Fengzhi's appearance, that is, the upper part of the middle part, will not make people feel ugly or amazing. Compared with other nuns in Xuling state, Fengzhi's appearance is nothing special. It belongs to the kind that people can't find out if they are thrown into the crowd.

Feng to change is not only appearance, but also her temperament.

Everyone's temperament is different. Fengzhi used to be like a sharp sword out of its sheath. If anyone dares to bump into her, he must be prepared to be stabbed. But now, Fengzhi has collected all the publicity and tax profits. The whole person's temperament has become as gentle as jade, adding a little bit of playfulness that belongs to the little girl

No matter how you look at it, it's totally different from before.

Yunxia four people all feel a little surprised.

Feng to smile, also did not speak.

She was wearing a mask made by the five elements sect with the seeds of grimace flower in a special way. This mask not only makes people completely invisible, but also explores with divine sense. As long as the divine consciousness does not surpass Fengzhi, it is absolutely impossible to find any clues.

Fengzhi's divine consciousness is much stronger than her own strength. Her divine consciousness is even stronger than her. At least, she has to be a cultivator in the later stage of transforming God. All of these practitioners are powerful. How could they do this robbery for the sake of more than one million spirit stones?

Therefore, Fengzhi is almost impossible to be found easily.

In this way, Yunyan has new problems.

"Fengzhi..." Facing such a strange face, Yunyan was still a little awkward, but she immediately adjusted to it, "don't you mean that there are people staring at us secretly? If people find that you have changed your face, will they still take the bait?"

Feng Zhi is not worried about this.

"Don't worry, those people won't give up on me, a fat sheep with more than one million spirit stones on me. It's very common for the virtual spirit state to change faces. As long as you recognize me as the fat sheep who dares to bring so many spirit stones around, let alone I just changed my face. Even if the sky goes up and down, they will come one after another." Fengzhi affirmative tunnel.

She changed her face, that is, she didn't want people who had seen her before to recognize her.

The four of Yunxia put their hearts down.

Feng to follow then led four people on the road.

They are only just at the beginning of the journey of two thousand miles with their feet step by step.

As Fengzhi said, she was not easy to look, and there was no influence at all. In the next journey, those practitioners who wanted to kill fat sheep, one by one, looked like a fishy shark. They all rushed to Fengzhi's party at all costs.

At the beginning, all of them were the later practitioners of the golden elixir who were similar to the old man.

Encounter such a person, Feng to still act as before, every time is "exhausted all one's strength" after the person is tired to lie down.

It has to be said that Fengzhi's plays are very effective.

If Fengzhi showed the strength of Yuanying period or out of the body stage at the beginning, the practitioners of the golden elixir period who were too different in strength would not dare to make her idea. Only by looking at it like this now, as long as they try hard to lose it, they will be able to take down Fengzhi and the more than one million spirit stones, which will make the later practitioners of the golden elixir unable to stop.


Even if there is any temptation, after the number of practitioners in the golden elixir period folded in Fengzhi's hand is more, the strength of those who come after them to Fengzhi has risen to the age of Yuanying.

Feng Zhi's performance is still the same as before, just like a spring. The enemy is strong, and the enemy is weak. When the first practitioners of Yuanying come to her, they are always too tired to move.

Later, the people who rushed to Fengzhi, in addition to wanting to get the more than one million spirit stones from her, still held back their strength.

They don't believe in this evil!

Thus, Fengzhi was so tired that he laid down one after another of the cultivators, and harvested a lot of spoils, that is, the four of Yunxia. After such a experience, his pocket also swelled with the speed visible to the naked eye.

Yunyan held his face and sighed, "if such a day can go on all the time, how wonderful it would be!"

There are so many people in line to deliver good things to them. Can't it be a good day?

Along the way, there are at least 230 people who want to rob Fengzhi. The strength of these people is from the later stage of Jindan to the later stage of Yuanying. The more powerful people are, the more good things they have.

When they first met Fengzhi, they didn't even have the cheapest Qiankun bag, but Fengzhi gave it to them. After robbing those practitioners in the golden elixir period, each of them had several Qiankun bags in their hands. Later, some yuan Yingqi practitioners offered to deliver them to the door, and Fengzhi seized several space rings and bracelets.

Fengzhi has space and caves. It's no use holding these space rings and bracelets. So the four Yunxia also come to exchange shotguns for cannons, and change the bags of heaven and earth into space rings.As for the rest, Fengzhi has kept them. When they return to the Xuanwu continent in the future, they can take them to Feng.

Yunchuan also has a smile on his face. He gently stroked the little black storage ring on his hand and pretended to be annoyed: "there are too many heaven and earth bags in hand, and this thing can't be put into the storage ring. When dongyaocheng comes to dongyaocheng, let's just set up a stall to sell all these bags..."

I don't want it too much.

Feng to white their eyes.

As a matter of fact, although those who want to rob the truth hold a breath in their hearts, they regard Fengzhi as the boss in the copy. However, as one master from the early stage to the later stage of Yuanying is planted in Fengzhi's hands, those who are confused by more than one million spirit stones are no matter how stupid they are There's something wrong with people.

Therefore, the frequency of meeting a fat sheep in a day has rapidly dropped to once in several days.

It is conceivable that the good thing of slaughtering sheep will not last long.

Yunchuan is also get a se, was Phoenix to white this one eye, immediately followed "hey hey" laugh.

After that, as Fengzhi had expected, after a practitioner with the strength of the initial stage of his disembodied life was also paralyzed by Fengzhi, until they could see the gate of Dongyao City, no one with open eyes of spirit stone came to the door.

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