The bald head was so pricked by Feng Zhi's words that he was not angry. He only reached out and touched his big bald head.

"Well..." "I don't know if Miss Fengzhi is looking for us this time, and what good things are there?"

Feng even gave him another look.

The man was convinced that she was sending them benefits.

But he was right.

"You have a good nose. I really want to talk about cooperation with you this time." Feng Zhi Dao.

Talk about cooperation?

Everyone was a little bit surprised.

The other evil cults didn't think that Fengzhi was wrong to speak with bald head in such an equal tone. Bald head is the strong one in the out of body period, so is Fengzhi. Moreover, Fengzhi can kill all the enemies in the middle period of leaving the body by sword, and dare to capture Mo Di, who is the elder of donglaizong, and sell them to the evil monks separately as flesh and soul

Based on this, the evil cults who were present actually thought that Fengzhi should be with them and be a happy and free evil cultivation.

Fengzhi has such strength, means and courage to have such an equal dialogue with bald head. No one can say "no".

However, he was bald. Listening to Feng Zhi's saying, he was interested in it.

"Cooperation?" "Miss Feng Zhi might as well speak more clearly," she said

Fengzhi was not vague, and said it once again that donglaizong was forced to Fengyun Zong Of course, I don't want you to follow me to fight with donglaizong people. We can use some circuitous means. The last time you got the Mo Di's body and soul, you won't die so soon? "

That's not true.

Speaking of it, Mody is really pitiful enough.

He was defeated by a girl like Fengzhi in front of the half city cultivator of Dongyang City. Without saying, he was captured by Fengzhi, took away his soul and sold it to these evil monks twice.

As for the evil cultivation, the way of doing things is a little cruel. Donglaizong always thinks that he is decent. There is no one who doesn't hate donglaizong.

So, Mo Di, who can also be regarded as shangdonglaizong's appearance, will the nun and the bald head have any hands?

That nun's strength is in the period of Yuanying. Naturally, she can't do it in one move. Instead, she chooses the way of boiling frogs in warm water, trying to absorb all the accomplishments in modi's body.

A bald head is also a loss.

After getting Mo Di's soul, he used all kinds of means to toss Mo Di's soul. What's more, when the nun wanted to collect Mo Di's soul, he went to watch with Mo Di's soul.


The female nuns of the evil way, how can the men of collecting and mending avoid being surrounded by people?

Therefore, there is also the soul of the invincible who has his own consciousness. He looks at his body again and again by the evil female nun as a furnace cauldron.

If the soul could commit suicide, Mo Di would have committed suicide.

As a great elder of donglaizong, no matter where he went, he was admired by all people. Where did he suffer such humiliation?

But it's a pity that Mo Di is now a soul who has his own consciousness, but has no strength to fight back. He can only look at it with shame and indignation.

After such a month of tossing, in short, the Mobi, both physically and spiritually, have been extremely depressed.

If he is picked up several times, it is estimated that all his accomplishments and potential in his body will be hollowed out.

It's the soul. If you let the bald head play like this again, I'm afraid I'm going to lose my soul.

At this time, listening to Feng Zhi asking about Mo Di's body and soul, the bald head and the nun who bought Mody's flesh all stepped forward and said, "it's still there."

The nun's figure was extremely enchanting. After saying that, she thought of something funny. Suddenly, she said with a smile As expected, he deserves to be the elder of donglaizong. The taste of tonifying is really good. These days, I'm still thinking about whether to let the sisters taste it... "

Just heard this, is being held in the hands of bareheaded transparent ball, Mo Di's soul has begun to roar up.

Of course, no one cares about him.

Feng as for is nodded, "since still, that is good."

"Miss Fengzhi might as well tell us what kind of cooperation she wants to talk with us. If she can really make donglaizong lose her reputation, even if she can't make any profit this time, we are also willing to join in."

This was unanimously agreed by the evil cults.

As a matter of fact, although some of the skills of evil cultivation are different from those of orthodox monks, it doesn't mean that evil cultivation must be a person with extreme crimes. However, orthodox sects like donglaizong don't care about this. As long as they identify them as evil practices and there is absolutely no good after they encounter them, they don't know how many skills can be called evil, but they have never done anything The practitioners of evil things lost their lives.Therefore, the hatred between the righteous monks and the evil monks is as high as a mountain as deep as the sea.

Under such circumstances, it is not surprising that bareheaded people would rather lose money and earn money.

Feng to slightly hook hook lip solution.

She knew that these evil cults must be willing to let the people of donglaizong look good.

Therefore, Fengzhi didn't hide it. "Well, you should know that they are all Fengyun Zong's disciples. Because of me, the donglaizong's people directly take the Fengyun Zong's people, just to force me and the four of them to show up, thinking and knowing that they have absolutely no good idea."

Hearing this, the eyes of many evil monks are more cold.

Fengzhi then said: "although I have always been confident, I also know that donglaizong is such a big gate. This time, the master Jiang Zhen personally led the master of the clan to surround Fengyun sect. It's absolutely impossible for me to compete with donglaizong alone, let alone relieve Fengyun Zong."

A bald head nodded.

"So, my plan is like this. Since donglaizong people can not face like this, we may as well make them more shameless. Don't you have the flesh and soul of Mody? Mody is the elder of donglaizong, which can represent donglaizong's face. If donglaizong's people surround Fengyun sect, you will not be far away You can't do something with the flesh and soul of Mo Di. Can't donglaizong just watch it like this? "

Feng Zhi began to talk about her plan.

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