In fact, although the empty green pool can help people break through the bottleneck, it does not mean that anyone can break through any bottleneck as long as they soak in the empty green pool for a day.

Among them, it is also a matter of human effort.

It's just like the wind.

Feng Zhenren has lived for thousands of years. Although he has only a very thin membrane, he has never been able to break through the out of body period. However, his own accumulation is enough. Because of this, after a day in the empty green pool, he can break through to the early stage of the out of body.

Feng Zhi looks at Feng Zhenren.

There is a great difference between fengzhenren and the one before bubble in Qingchi.

Once upon a time, Feng Zhenren not only had white hair and whiskers, but also had faint signs of decline in the spirit and spirit of his body, which was totally irresistible.

But now, Feng Zhenren not only has his hair and beard changed back to black, but also his eyes are full of divine light. He looks like a middle-aged man in his prime.

As a matter of fact, after the breakthrough to the out of body period, the life span of Feng Zhenren has really increased by 20000 years. It is appropriate to say that he is a middle-aged man.

Feng Zhenren also stares at Feng Zhi tightly, his eyes twinkle with excitement.


He couldn't say it any more if he just called out these two words.

Feng Zhenren's qualification is above the average level. He also relied on his hard cultivation for many years, which led to his cultivation in the later period of Yuanying.

However, Yuanying's breakthrough to OBE is a threshold that requires qualification in addition to hard cultivation, so fengzhenren has been blocked by this threshold for thousands of years.

He was already ready to accept the facts, and he wanted to cultivate a disciple who could take over the position of patriarch from the younger generation in a period of time.

In this way, when his longevity yuan is exhausted in the future, Fengyun Zong won't even receive a cultivator in Yuan's infancy.

But I didn't expect that God gave him such a big gift that he could meet Feng Zhi when he didn't hold any hope. He also broke through to the out of body stage with the power of empty green pool.

Immortal Feng couldn't say a word for a while.

Feng Zhi smiles at Feng Zhenren, "elder elder, it's natural for you to break through. In addition to the influence of empty green pool, it's also your own thick and thin hair. There's no need to be so excited."

Feng Zhenren nodded again and again.

For a practitioner, there is nothing more appreciated than being able to make him go further on the road of cultivation.

Feng Zhenren also has a trend of developing brain powder to Fengzhi. He feels that every sentence of Fengzhi is like a famous saying.

If Feng Zhi knew that she had such a large number of senile cerebral palsy, she didn't know what feeling it would be.

"Now that the elder has broken through, then don't think about the common things in the next period of time. If there is a spirit deficiency, they will not have any trouble in their management. Everything will be until the elder master has consolidated the realm." Feng Zhi Dao.

Of course, there is nothing wrong with Feng Zhenren.

Later, Fengzhi opened the use right of a quiet room on the floating island to fengzhenren.

Feng Zhenren settled down and Feng stretched himself.

She's going to do her big thing next.

Well, of course, it's a bit of a scandal.

However, Phoenix to where tube can see people, donglaizong people repeatedly want to her when soft persimmon pinch, she always back to the color.

Empty donglaizong's treasure house?

That's a good idea.

After that, Fengzhi came out of the cave again.

Still in the hiding place where she had stopped before, she withdrew the border and went out.

Donglaizong, as the largest sect gate in the East China, has gradually become a small town where the mountain gate is located. The prosperity of the town is not inferior to that of Donglai city. There are many practitioners who come and go every day. These practitioners will exchange some things they don't need in exchange for what they want, so you can find them here To many treasures.

It's still daytime. Feng Zhi is not so stupid as to rush into the mountain protection array of donglaizong at this time.

The most important reason is that in the jade slips that Fengzhi exchanged with he fei'er and the map records, the weakness of donglaizong's mountain protection array could not be revealed until midnight.

Therefore, it is useless to go early.

It's a great choice to go to this small town which is very close to the Mountain Gate of donglaizong.

This nameless town is indeed very prosperous. There are many practitioners coming and going. From the mouths of these practitioners, Feng Zhi also understands the frustration of Jiang Zhen and others more clearly.

At this time, Jiang Zhen, even if he was not angry, was probably half dead.

However, he had to run after the bald and others.If Jiang Zhen is asked to find Mo Di at this time, he may not want to save him, but will be the first to kill him, so as not to be used by those evil cults.


It's good to have a look at these small things in Taoxi.

When it was getting dark, Feng Zhi first spent some spirit stones in the small town to live in the inn. After setting up the border, she came out of the Inn and touched the Mountain Gate of donglaizong.

The situation of donglaizong is so tense that it is always guarded by someone.

When Feng arrived at the foot of the mountain, he saw another two disciples guarding the gate.

However, the most of these gatekeepers are the strength of Jindan period. After all, those of yuanyingqi were intercepted by Jiang Zhen under the leadership of Jiang Zhen. How could they be overqualified to guard the gate.

Donglaizong is also very confident in donglaizong's mountain protection array, so no one ever thought that he would be touched by outsiders.

With the strength of Fengzhi, let alone her body shape, even if she swaggered to the two disciples, she would not have been found by these two people.

As a result, Feng to the most relaxed on the Donglai mountain.

According to the map that he got, Feng Zhi came to the weak place in the mountain protection array of donglaizong.

It's a small hill.

Donglaizong's mountain protection array covers a wide range of mountains in the middle. As long as there are no array cards issued by donglaizong and no unique skills of donglaizong are practiced, it is absolutely impossible to escape from the eyes of donglaizong and enter into it.

Of course, there are always some coincidences and accidents in this world.

Fengzhi has found this xiaoshanao, which is the accident.

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