Jiang Yuefei looked at Tang Xiaorui with angry eyes: "what do you mean?" Tang Xiaorui just issued that voice, is obviously mocking himself!

"Since other people Jun HaoChen don't like you, why do you keep pestering others?" Although Tang Xiaorui doesn't like Jiang Yuefei, or even dislikes Jiang Yuefei, Tang Xiaorui always thinks that love is something that can't be clapped in the palm. If Jun HaoChen really doesn't like her, what's the meaning of Jiang Yuefei chasing people every day.

"You don't have to take care of my affairs. You can take care of your good friend and let her not seduce HaoChen."

"Cut! Who do you think is rare for a gentleman! I also want to say that you should take charge of Jun HaoChen and ask him not to take the initiative to talk to us Qingqing, and we Qingqing don't want to pay attention to him either! "

Jiang Yuefei angrily looked at Tang Xiaorui, bit her teeth and twisted away.

Even in the cold greetings with the visitors, the eyes of pool night Che are staring at Josh foam from time to time.

After exchanging greetings with the people who just came, Chi yeche touched Tang Yunchen, looked at a man and asked, "who is he?"

Tang Yunchen also followed the pool night Che's eyes to see.

I saw Chi yeche's eyes fall on an 18, 9-year-old boy, with a smile on his mouth, and a middle-aged man talking with his grandfather.

"I don't know him either, but the man around him seems to be the vice mayor, maybe the vice mayor's son." Tang Yunchen guessed.

Pool night Che sipped a mouthful of red wine, looking at Jun HaoChen's eyes light some deep.

"What's the matter? Would you like me to ask Xiao Rui for you Tang Yunchen probably knows why Chi yeche suddenly asked about this young man.

Just now this teenager went to talk to Tang Xiaorui. To be exact It should be to talk to Josh.

"No more."

The vice mayor's son, isn't he?

For him, there is no threat.

In the bathroom, several sexy girls in front of the mirror are mending their makeup and chatting.

Jiang Yueqing is about to open the door and come out of the compartment, but stop because of their words.

"It's the same as today's Qingjiang girls."

"Yes, the little girl seems to be Tang Xiaorui's friend. She seems to have a good relationship with her."

"Do you think it's Jiang Yueqing who looks good in that dress or that girl?"

"I think of course it's the girl who wears beautiful clothes. How young are others? At the age of 18 or 9, she wears a white skirt with black hair and no makeup. She looks white and tender."

"I also think that although Jiang Yueqing is pretty, she is still in her twenties. Other people are young girls in flower season. Moreover, men nowadays seem to like the pure type. Jiang Yueqing didn't choose the color of her skirt at all. She was dark purple. She looked curious and wore such heavy makeup


at this time, Jiang Yueqing opened the door of the compartment and went out.

I didn't expect Jiang Yueqing to be in the bathroom. The women who spoke ill of her just now stood up.

Jiang Yueqing's pungent personality circle almost everyone knows, offended her that end is really ugly.

Jiang Yueqing walked to the mirror without any expression on her face.

Fiddling with her hair, Jiang Yueqing said to herself, "is my makeup too thick? It's also true that I'm not the age of a girl in bloom. I have to do something to cover up the traces of time. "

Knowing that Jiang Yueqing had completely heard what they had just said, the women looked at each other in horror.

Finally, a woman plucked up her courage and whispered in a trembling voice, "how can it be? Miss Jiang has always been our recognized beauty."

"Yes, yes." Several other women echoed.

"Hua La" sound, put in front of the dresser, women's cosmetics are all suddenly picked up to the ground by Jiang Yueqing.

"I say you women are disgusting. You are the same as the others."

Knowing that Jiang Yueqing was angry, the women lowered their heads one by one.

"Miss Jiang, we don't mean that..."

"Not that?" Jiang Yueqing snorted coldly. "No, what do you mean? You think I didn't hear that? I'm old, aren't I? I can't compare with a girl in bloom, can I? I'm so old and make up so much that I look like an old witch, right? "

"No, no, of course not!" The women were scared to cry by Jiang Yueqing.

After all, many of them are small honey wrapped by the big boss. Even the big boss dare not offend Jiang Yueqing, let alone them.

Jiang Yueqing coldly horizontal, they turned around and left the bathroom.

"Sister. What's the matter with you? " Jiang Yuefei's expression was originally very bad. She was trying to find Jiang Yueqing to complain, but she found that Jiang Yueqing's face was even worse than her own.

"Because the girl with Tang Xiaorui was humiliated. Just now I was in the bathroom, and I heard a group of women saying that this dress looks better than me. She said that she was pure and beautiful. I'm oldThe more I think about Jiang Yueqing, the more crazy I feel.

You know, a woman cares about her face very much. She has been using all kinds of famous cosmetics since she was 16 years old, and the beauty salon is sure to visit every week.

But she was said by those women She's old!

Unexpectedly, Jiang Yueqing was also unhappy because of Qiao Ximo. Jiang Yuefei also bit her lips angrily: "sister, do you know, just now HaoChen came to talk to her first! I went to talk to HaoChen. He didn't want to talk to me! Sister, do you know there is a legend about famous brand in our school? A few days ago, her famous brand was lost. The person who found her famous brand was HaoChen. Then those boring people said that HaoChen liked her. I doubt whether she deliberately threw the famous brand in front of HaoChen and let him pick it up! "

Hearing Jiang Yuefei's accusation, Jiang Yueqing coldly tugged at the corners of her mouth, and her tone was full of disdain: "people of her family background must want to strive to climb up. It's impossible to rely on themselves, so we can only rely on seducing men. We don't look at the innocent appearance of human beings and animals. Who knows how many flowers are in their hearts."

"I don't think so! She doesn't look like a good person. She always looks lofty. I guess she doesn't know how coquettish she is. When she came to our school, she fell in love with Chi Yexi. Isn't it good to hook up with Chi Yexi? She still wants to make HaoChen's idea! "

"She still has an affair with Chi Yexi?" Jiang Yueqing is a bit incredible.

After all, she knows Chi Yexi, who can say how cold he is.

"Yes, I heard Chi Yexi was touching her head in the canteen. Some girls came to bully her. Chi Yexi also came to our class to protect her."

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