Chi yeche bumped into the door, but found that he couldn't open it by himself. He gave everyone a look. Fang ye, Jun HaoChen and Tang Yunchen all rushed over. The four people worked together to break the door on the top of the building.

Bumping open the door, five people walk on the roof, only to see Jiang Yueqing one hand around the neck of Qiao Ximo, controlling her other hand's dagger pointing to the neck of Qiao Ximo.

Seeing them coming, Jiang Yueqing gradually retreats, and Qiao Ximo can only follow Jiang Yueqing's action to retreat.

I didn't expect to see this scene in the first place. Although we were ready for psychological preparation, we were still shocked.

Pool night Che frowned toward the river moon clear near.

"Jiang Yueqing, what do you want to do

"Don't come here!" See them close, Jiang Yueqing step by step back, "you don't come over!" Jiang Yueqing also threatened to put the dagger closer to Qiao Xi Mo's neck. The sharp side was against the neck of Qiao Xi Mo, and both of them were slightly trapped in the flesh. As long as Jiang Yueqing gently cut

Hearing Jiang Yueqing's words, we don't dare to move on. If Jiang Yueqing does something to Qiao Ximo

You don't know what you're doing in Qingyue The pond night Che roared to the river Yueqing.

He always knew Jiang Yueqing was crazy, but he didn't expect her to be so crazy. If he knew Jiang Yueqing would be like this, he shouldn't let Qiao Ximo go to school again!

Jiang Yueqing smiles coldly.

"Why don't I know what I'm doing? This fox spirit has taken you away, so I want to revenge her. What did I do wrong? "

"Jiang Yueqing, you are a madman!" Tang Xiaorui can't help scolding Jiang Yueqing.

"Ha ha!" Hearing Tang Xiaorui's words, Jiang Yueqing laughed heartily: "yes! I'm crazy! But who drove me crazy! Isn't that you?! If she doesn't seduce Che and rob men with me, I won't do anything to her. It's your own fault

Jiang Yueqing continues to take Qiao Xi Mo back, two people have already walked to the edge of the building roof.

"Che, you just want to play with her, right? I'll only give you one chance. Our engagement will not be broken, will we? You're going to marry me, right? Or I'll jump down from here with her in my arms! I will die with her

At this time, Jiang Yueqing is really crazy. We should die together She can do it!

What she can't get, she won't let others get it, and she won't want to see others good, so destroy it! Anyway, I can't get it! No one else can get it!

"The moon is clear on the river!" Chi yeche gnawed his teeth and called out the name of Jiang Yueqing. Chi yeche's hand was tightly squeezed, and his veins showed. It was imaginable how much strength he used.

Seeing Chi yeche's hesitation, Jiang Yueqing takes a step back again. At this time, she and Qiao Ximo have already stood on the edge of the roof. As long as we step back gently

"Che, you answer! Would you like to marry me, or would I jump out of here with her? "

Jiang Yueqing was very excited and didn't notice the strength of her hand. The blade gently cut off Qiao Ximo's neck and exuded a little blood. Because it wasn't too strong, she just cut a little bit of flesh, but it was already very painful. Qiao Xi's foam was so painful that she couldn't help but struggle. Jiang Yueqing's body turned back.

"Ah! ——”Tang Xiaorui covered her eyes and screamed.

Seeing that the situation was not good, the four rushed forward. Jun HaoChen ran faster and took the lead in catching Qiao Ximo, but Jiang Yueqing fell down from the 98th floor.

Qiao Ximo saw Jiang Yueqing fall down with his own eyes. Looking down from the 98th floor, everything on the ground looks like ants. Jiang Yueqing's figure is getting smaller and smaller until it falls on the ground.

Jun HaoChen picked up Qiao Xi Mo and took her to one side.

Josh was panting in shock.

It's almost Just a little bit She almost fell!

Tang Xiaorui ran to Qiao Ximo in front of him and hugged him with tears: "that's great, foam, you'll be ok if you're OK!"

Josh foam just a face at a loss, eyes no focus, seems to have not recovered from the things just now.

Although she had nothing to do with it, she witnessed the death of a man.

This man can not die, but because of himself

Qiao Ximo felt that he had indirectly killed Jiang Yueqing.

Although she is not a good person, she is a human life after all

If it wasn't for her If it wasn't for her relationship with Chi yeche, Jiang Yueqing would not have reached such a point and would not have died

Tang Xiaorui gently patted Qiao Xi Mo's back: "foam don't be afraid, it's OK."

On one side, Chi yeche frowned and looked at Josh foam. Because of him, let her encounter such danger.

Just a little bit The life and death of Josh Mo

Jun HaoChen put his hand on Josie Mo's shoulder and patted gently, as if to give her strength: "Mo Mo don't be afraid, it's OK." Jun HaoChen raised his eyes to see the pool night Che."Send foam back first."

Pool night Che said low body ready to pick up Josh foam, but Qiao Xi Mo saw pool night Che's action, know what he wanted to do, the body subconsciously dodged for a while.

Josie Mo's action lets pool night Che's hand Leng in the air.

She resisted him

Tang Xiaorui and Jun HaoChen naturally feel that Qiao Ximo now resists the pool night Che.

Tang Xiaorui glanced at the pool night Che, eyes are not so friendly, after all, if it is not pool night Che, Josh foam will not encounter this kind of thing.

She was scared to death just now! It's just a little bit short. Maybe foam

This is the 98th floor! It's impossible to survive if you fall down!

"HaoChen and I will send her down."

Said Tang Xiaorui gave Jun HaoChen a look, Jun HaoChen gently nodded, two people will Qiao Xi Mo support, let her arm put on their two shoulders, Qiao Ximo now legs completely soft, can not make a little strength.

Looking at Tang Xiaorui and Jun HaoChen escorting Qiao Xi Mo down, looking at Qiao Xi Mo's back, Chi Ye Che's eyebrows are just always tightly twisted.


One side of the field gently called the pool night Che a sound.

Now there are ambulances and police cars coming downstairs. The first lady of Jiangshi group has fallen from the building If this matter spreads out, it will certainly cause a great disturbance. They still have a lot of things to deal with.

The pool night Che should a, follow square wild to walk down the building quickly together.

Jiang Yueqing has been taken to the hospital by ambulance, although There's no chance of survival.

The gate of Jiangshi group building has been paid attention to, and the outside is full of reporters.

It's impossible to get out in front of us. We leave from the secret parking lot at the back door.

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