With the pool night Che side for so many years, Fang Ye naturally understood the pool night Che's eyes. As a result, Qiao Xi Mo handed the ham sausage, and slightly smile to him: "thank you, Josh."

See Qiao Ximo so, Tang Xiaorui also found an opportunity to hand his chicken wings to Fang Ye. "Thank you, too."

Fang Ye slightly Leng for a while, reaching out also took Tang Xiaorui's chicken wings. "Thank you, Miss Tang."

One side of Tang Yunchen gently smile: "it seems that Fang Ye you are more popular than me and Che."

Fang Ye just lowered his head and did not answer.

Qiao Xi Mo's own baked ham sausage was given to Fang ye, and he took out the ham sausage which had not been opened on one side, and cut the seal with a knife. His hand shook carelessly. The sharp knife cut his finger, and Josh foam gave a painful "hiss".

When Josh Mo didn't react, his hand was pulled by Chi yeche fiercely. Seeing the blood coming out from the finger belly of Josh foam, Chi yeche couldn't help wringing his eyebrows.

"Why so careless." Pool night Che's voice with blame, but as if more It's care.

Josh pulls his hand back subconsciously. Pool night Che suddenly so concerned about themselves, Josh Mo inexplicably feel very strange There is a feeling that weasels don't have good intentions to pay New Year's greetings to chickens.

"What's wrong with you, Mo Mo?" Tang Xiaorui is also immersed in the joy of Fang Ye's acceptance of her chicken wings. Qiao Ximo accidentally bumps Tang Xiaorui's arm when she pulls her hand from the pool night Che. Tang Xiaorui looks at Qiao Ximo from the side of her head.

"Nothing. I cut my hand by accident." Said Josh, taking out a tissue and wrapping his fingers.

"Ah! Show me. "

"It's OK. It's just a little bit of a scratch. There's no blood left. "

"I'm going to buy a band aid." Chi yeche said and stood up because many people came to camp and there was a snack bar nearby.

Josh Mo looked at the pool night Che left the back, a place in the heart did not know why strange.

Why does Chi yeche suddenly look like this

Maybe it's because I felt that I had done too much to her some time ago, so now I want to make up for her?

But no matter what he does

The wound already exists. It's like a paper torn in two. Even if you stick it back, there will still be tiny gaps It will never stick back.

Tang Xiaorui continued to bake things while secretly looking at the opposite side of the field.

See Fang Ye picked up his own roasted chicken wings, Tang Xiaorui's heart seems to have been mentioned all of a sudden.

Don't seem to spit a little bit of wild chicken wings.

Found Fang ye such expression, Tang Xiaorui quickly asked: "what's the matter? Does my roast chicken wings taste bad? "

Ming Ming Tang Xiaorui roasted chicken wings are not fully baked or half raw, fangye still swallow the meat. "No

"I don't believe it." Tang Xiaorui grabs the chicken wings from fangye's hand and finds that the meat inside is still raw and bloody. Tang Xiaorui can't help but toot his mouth. "It's not baked yet."

"Oh Really... " Fang Ye pretended to be stupid.

"I'll bake you another one." Tang Xiaorui said and threw the chicken wings into the garbage can.

Chi yeche bought a band aid and came back.

"Give me your hand."

Knowing that Chi yeche is trying to help himself stick a band aid, Josh Mo did not reach out.

"Give it to me. I can post it myself."

Chi yeche pursed her lips and felt Qiao Ximo's obvious resistance to her. Now, no matter what he did, there was no way to save her heart?

Chi yeche handed the bandage to Josh mo.

After taking the bandage, Josh wrapped the wound himself.

After the barbecue, five people sit in the same place embarrassed.

After Chi yeche came here, the mood of Josh Mo was obviously not as good as before. Tang Xiaorui wants Chi yeche to go, but if he does Fang ye will follow him, right?

Chi yeche is also very clear that he came here to make Josh foam's mood become bad again.

"It's getting late. Let's go." Pool night Che said to Tang Yunchen.

"Good." Tang Yunchen should be a, with the pool night Che together stand up.

See Fang ye also ready to get up, pool night Che glanced at Fang Ye. "You stay here to protect them." When eating just now, Chi yeche saw a few boys who came to camp not far away. From time to time, Qiao Ximo and Tang Xiaorui seemed to be talking about something. If they're all gone, the men will come and talk to each other.

"Good." Fang ye should sit back in place.

Hear Chi yeche say let Fang ye continue to stay, Tang Xiaorui heart a burst of happiness, and Qiao Ximo is not very happy to get up, she does not know the white pool night Che's heart, she only think that pool night Che is looking for people to look at themselves 24 hours.

Can Fang Ye follow her to America?After Chi yeche and Tang Yunchen left, they were still embarrassed by silence.

"I'll get back in the car first, Miss Joe. You can call me if you want." Fang ye said to Tang Xiaorui and Qiao Xi Mo gently nodded his head and walked back to the car.

Put out the barbecue fire, Josh foam and Tang Xiaorui returned to the tent, the tent has a small night light. The light is not very bright, but you can see things roughly.

Tang Xiaorui tangled in the heart for a long time, or can't help but ask Qiao Xi Mo: "Mo Mo, that side wild he How old are you? "

Qiao Xi Mo does not understand looking at Tang Xiaorui: "why suddenly ask this?"

"Also I don't know why. I'm just curious. "

Qiao Xi Mo was slow to this kind of thing originally, also did not discover Tang Xiaorui today why some are different, just simply thought Tang Xiaorui is because of curiosity to ask.

"In fact, I'm not sure. I didn't ask him, but he should Five or six years older than us? " Although Fang Ye's character has become a little bit old, his appearance should be only about 24 years old.

"So..." Hearing the words of Qiao Xi Mo, Tang Xiaorui thought about it in his heart.

If they are 5 or 6 years older, they should be 23 or 4 years old. It's OK. Besides, she also likes mature boys

Tang Xiaorui also wants to ask Qiao Xi Mo, does that Fang ye have a girlfriend now?

But ask Is it a little too straightforward?

Although Tang Xiaorui looks a little bit female, it is actually a complete girl's heart.

"Boys like him seem to be very popular now. My girlfriend must be very beautiful Tang Xiaorui changed a euphemistic way of asking questions, as if he were simply gossiping with Qiao Ximo.

"It should be very popular." After all, fangye, though not as handsome and rich as Chi yeche, seems to be more down-to-earth and more secure. "But he doesn't seem to have a girlfriend yet."

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