"Ah? Brother, are you allergic to alcohol If it wasn't for Chi yeche, Tang Xiaorui never knew Tang Yunchen was allergic to alcohol.

She didn't know anything about her sister. I didn't expect Chi yeche to know it. Good foundation friend, tut.

Tang Yunchen shallow hook hook lip corner: "just a little beer, no problem, willing to gamble and admit defeat." Tang Yunchen said, picking up a cup and drinking.

Tang Xiaorui gave Tang Yunchen a thumbs up: "my brother is really different! That's a man

Then Tang Xiaorui began to turn the second time, this time the mouth of the bottle pointed to the pool night Che.

"Do you choose truth or adventure?" Tang Xiaorui asked pool night Che way.

"Big adventure." The pool night Che face has no expression to say.

Tang Xiaorui felt bored and skimmed his lips: "how do you all choose big adventure, no meaning at all."

Said Tang Xiaorui and the bottle rotation.

Josh looked at the bottle and prayed silently in his heart. Point to me, point to me!

But the sky is not as good as people wish, and finally the mouth of the bottle points to Tang Xiaorui.

Tang Xiaorui Tuotuo chin, think to let pool night Che do what?

Too much estimation pool night Che certainly will not do, think about, Tang Xiaorui said: "to sing a song!"

Hear Tang Xiaorui's words, Qiao Xi Mo can't help but sigh in the heart, they are indeed destined to be good friends! If the bottle mouth only thinks of her, Josh foam will let Chi yeche sing a song.

She really wants to hear his song

Since willing to gamble and admit defeat, Chi yeche stood up and went to the table and ordered a song.

Although Josh Mo didn't listen to many songs, she had heard this song in Chi yeche. She used to play this song when she worked in a western restaurant.

Tao Zhe's Melody

Qiao Ximo didn't expect that Chi yeche could sing this song

Joximo has always liked this song and Tao Zhe's voice. It can be said that every lyric of this song is written so well.

Although the pool night Che's voice is not as gentle as Tao Zhe, it is more deep and has an indescribable taste.

The reason why Chi yeche wants to order this song is that there are not many songs that he can sing, and then The lyrics in this song can represent my mood.

"If all the mistakes are repeated, can it change the outcome?"

If everything goes back to the origin, back to the beginning, will they be different now

Maybe they are in love, not like now, Josh so hate him.

However, to Qiao Ximo, Chi yeche's song seems to be singing Xu Ruoling

"Suddenly my heart ache can't be repressed any more. I never forget it."

"I don't know how to cherish until I lose you."

"Why can't we say goodbye after so many years."

These lyrics Isn't it a good representation of Chi yeche's missing mood for Xu Ruoling?

Even after so many years, Chi yeche still can't say goodbye and can't forget her. She thinks of Xu Ruoling Pool night Che still can heartache?

And myself At most, it will make Chi yeche frown

Originally, I wanted to hear Chi yeche sing. I have to say that Chi yeche sings very well, but listening to it, Josh's mood is getting lower and lower.

Why is this She didn't understand.

After singing, Chi yeche put down the microphone and took a look at Josh.

I saw Josh drooping his eyes and didn't know where he was looking. It seemed that he had no heart to listen to his singing.

Although Tang Xiaorui doesn't like Chi yeche, he sings really well, which is beyond saying. His singing voice is even better than Tang Yunchen and fangye!

If he, Fang ye, and Tang Yunchen form a group to make a debut, they will look, build and sing. It is estimated that the handsome men groups in South Korea dare not come to China.

"I didn't expect you to sing very well."

Pool night Che did not answer. After all, Tang Xiaorui thinks whether he sings well or not doesn't matter. What he wants to hear It's Josh's praise.

But Josh Mo did not respond, as if he had not heard him sing at all.

"Let's go on."

Tang Xiaorui said and turned the wine bottle, silently praying in the heart, this time must point to Fang Ye! Definitely, definitely!

It seems that God heard Tang Xiaorui's pious prayer, and the mouth of the bottle pointed to fangye.

Tang Xiaorui has not asked, then listen to Fang ye said: "I choose..."

Know that Fang ye must plan to take a big risk, how can it be done!

Tang Xiaorui quickly interrupted. "They all choose big adventure, you also choose, everyone chooses the same, how boring! Today I has the final say on my birthday, you must choose the truth! "

Tang Xiaorui said so, Fang Ye seems to have no way to refuse.

"All right."

Hearing Fang Ye promise Tang Xiaorui, he smiles and turns the bottle.But God seems to think that Tang Xiaorui is too greedy, this time did not stop in front of himself, but pointed to Josh foam.

Although it is not their own Tang Xiaorui is very disappointed, but can have a chance later! "Mo Mo, ask him a question."

Qiao Ximo is not a person who can be very tricky. He suddenly thinks that Tang Xiaorui asked her whether fangye has a girlfriend that day. Qiao Ximo also can't help but have some gossip and some curiosity. "Fangye, do you have a girlfriend?"

Heard the problem of Qiao Xi Mo, Tang Xiaorui patted her leg under the table.

They are really good friends! Although in fact, she wants to ask Fang ye, do you have anyone you like? But it's nice to know if he has a girlfriend! If he didn't, she would have a chance!

"Not yet."

Fang Ye answers honestly, after all, he really doesn't have a girlfriend.

Hearing Fang Ye's answer, Tang Xiaorui's eyes flickered obviously.

Great! He really doesn't have a girlfriend! Then she has a big chance!

"Let's play again." Tang Xiaorui doesn't believe it. He has no way to let the loser be Fang ye, and the winner is himself.

Tang Xiaorui is also ready to come again, but Tang Yunchen's voice suddenly came: "it's not early. Let's play to this today. I'm a little dizzy."

Tang Xiaorui raised her eyes to Tang Yunchen. She saw something wrong with Tang Yunchen's face. Her eyes drooped and she seemed to fall asleep.

After all, Tang Yunchen is allergic to alcohol. Although he can drink a little, he can drink only one glass. After drinking that half glass of beer just now, Tang Yunchen feels that his head has always been very confused. If it were not for his strong endurance, he would have been lying down.

Seeing Tang Yunchen like this, Qiao Ximo gently shook Tang Xiaorui's arm: "since your brother is not comfortable, let's go today."

although he failed to ask Fang ye, he was very satisfied to know that Fang ye had no girlfriend Tang Xiaorui. "All right, that's it."

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