"Every day after school, he still comes to me on time. No matter how late he is, he has to see me before he goes back.

Whenever I see him always so gentle smile looking at me, my heart ache.

I can Is it worth his liking?

With my dirty body

I asked him, why do you like me?

This is the first time I have asked him this question.

Because I've been afraid to hear from him, because you don't like me, so I'm chasing your answer.

He said to me sincerely, because seeing me for the first time made him think of his mother.

I laughed. Say, do I look like your mother? I really want to have a look.

When he heard what I said, his eyes were lonely. He told me that his mother ran away with a rich man after he gave birth to his brother. After two years of running with others, his father's business suddenly grew bigger and bigger and became a nouveau riche.

I also told him what I had never told him.

He looked at me with a brilliant smile. It seems that we are really destined to be a pair of ah, even encounter the same tragic.

I just smile did not answer, in fact, I and his experience is not the same, he is much happier than me.

I asked him, if anything happened, he would not like me.

He told me that no matter what happened, he would always like me.

I know He just didn't know what happened to me, so he said that.

If he knew I was dirty, maybe he would abandon me.

Although it's selfish, I won't tell him about my being raped. I pretended that I didn't have that film because I used to ride a bicycle when I was a child.

Even if it's selfish to cheat him like this, I really More afraid to lose him! "

"I'm going crazy! Unexpectedly, grandma died suddenly.

I feel very uncomfortable today. I feel like vomiting from time to time. When I was in the hospital, I saw that I couldn't vomit. The nurse asked me if I was pregnant.

Hearing the nurse's words, I seem to have been poured a basin of cold water from head to toe.

I secretly went to the drugstore to buy a pregnancy test stick, but I didn't expect I'm really pregnant.

Why should God treat me so cruelly.

Yesterday, he told me that today he would like to go abroad with his father, and he would come back in a few days.

When he comes back, how should I explain to him and how I should face him.

I don't think I can do it. I can't live with such a dirty body. " In the last diary, there are several words that seem to be dizzy by Xu Ruoling's tears.

Here is the end of the diary.

At the back, there is a letter with a clip.

Qiao Ximo finished reading the letter.

In the letter, Xu Ruo Ning told Chi yeche the reason for his suicide. However, this letter seems to be given to Chi yeche alone, and the diary was found later.

Because in the letter, Xu Ruoling told Chi yeche that she left because she couldn't accept her grandmother's sudden death. Xu Ruoling didn't tell Chi yeche about Qiao Daye's invasion of her.

Qiao Xi Mo thought that Xu Ruo Ning was deliberately like this, in order not to let Chi yeche live in hatred, she was afraid that he would do something stupid to avenge her.

After reading Xu Ruoling's diary, there are tears in Qiao Xi Mo's eyes.

From Xu Ruoling's words, Qiao Xi Mo can feel it.

She is a very good woman indeed.

She really loves Chi yeche very much.

Closing the diary, Josh suddenly thought that it was too late! She even forgot to open the eight treasures porridge.

Thinking of Qiao Ximo, he quickly put Xu Ruoling's diary aside, took his chopsticks and moved the vent of the pressure cooker. After the gas was released, he opened the pressure cooker and prepared to take out the eight treasure porridge.

He took out the porridge with heat insulation gloves. Suddenly, a strange noise came. He felt something crash and ran past his feet. A black figure could not be seen again.

he knew that it was a mouse, and he screamed with fright. The porridge held by the thick heat insulation gloves was not stable at all Release from her hand, directly whole pounce on Xu Ruoling's notebook.

Eight treasure porridge from the table fell on her feet, this is just cooked eight treasure porridge, just took out from the pressure cooker, very hot. Because of the heating at home, it's not too cold now. Josh doesn't wear socks at all. Her feet were scalded, but she was not in the mood.

See this scene, Qiao Xi Mo quickly stretched out his hand to take Xu Ruoling's notebook from that beach of eight treasures porridge.

But It's too late, almost all the papers in the notebook are soaked in eight treasure porridge and stuck together.

Hearing the scream of Josh foam, although it was only a faint sound, Chi yeche was not sure whether he heard it or not, but rushed down from the study at the first time.

When he found the eight treasures porridge scattered on the table, Chi yeche hurriedly came over and found that Josh's tearful eyes were whirling. He frowned and asked, "is it hot? Where's the scald? "Josie Mo raised his eyes and looked at the pool night Che with tears.

"I'm sorry..."

Pool night Che's eyebrows can't help but twist more tightly, don't understand to look at Qiao Xi mo.

"Why tell me I'm sorry."

"I saw a mouse with a loose hand holding a bowl. Babao porridge spoiled Ruo Ning's notes. I I didn't mean to... " Josie Mo cried and explained to Chi yeche.

After reading the contents of the diary, Qiao Ximo knew more about the significance of this diary to Chi yeche.


Josie Mo was so afraid that he thought he was on purpose.

Deliberately told him that he wanted to read Xu Ruoling's diary, and deliberately made this diary look like this

Seeing the diary which has been pasted by eight treasures porridge in the hand of Josh foam, I can see the red and red eyes of Josh foam crying.

Pool night Che body will Josie Mo embrace in the bosom.

Don't blame me for not crying again

Although Chi yeche said he didn't blame himself, Josh Mo still felt very sorry.

For Chi yeche It's really a very important thing. It's a wonderful memory.

"I didn't mean to I didn't expect it to be like this... " Josie Mo in the pool night Chuche's arms crying shoulders a shrug.

Chi yeche's hand gently patted the back of Josh foam: "I know you won't mean it." Of course he knew that Qiao Ximo was not the kind of person with evil intentions.

She wants to read Xu Ruoling's diary, just want to know once he.

Gently released holding the embrace of Josh foam, pool night Che down his eyes, suddenly found that the feet of Josh foam are full of eight treasure porridge.

You don't have to think about it. It must have been the table that fell over and hit Josh's feet.

Pool night Che to find a clean towel, let Qiao Ximo do on the side of the chair, will Qiao Xi Mo feet on the eight treasure porridge wipe clean.

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