
Hearing a familiar voice, Tang Xiaorui looked up and saw that the person who appeared in front of him was Fang ye?

Tang Xiaorui's eyes are still hung with tears, and for a time, she forgot to cry.

Fang ye How could ad locum?

"You You... " Tang Xiaorui opened his mouth but stammered and didn't know what to say. She had too many questions to ask, and all of a sudden, she didn't know how to open her mouth.

Fang Ye embarrassed red face, eyes glanced to one side, dare not stay on Tang Xiaorui's body: "Xiaorui, put on your clothes first..."

Hearing Fang Ye's words, Tang Xiaorui suddenly thought of I'm not wearing anything now.

It's "ah!" again A cry of surprise, Tang Xiaorui quickly retracted in the quilt.

Fang Ye handed Tang Xiaorui's clothes to her and said, "call me when I've changed" and walked to the bathroom.

Tang Xiaorui put on her clothes three times and five times, and her voice called in a quiet voice: "I'm ready to wear..."

Hear Tang Xiaorui's voice, Fang Ye comes out from the bathroom.

They looked at each other and quickly moved away.

Fang Ye sat down beside the bed, two people separated by a distance.

After a long silence, Tang Xiaorui couldn't help but say: "how do you Will it be here? "

She only remembers that yesterday she went to the bar because of fangye and drank too much, and then she did not remember anything.

"You called me last night, so I went to see you." Fang Ye replied.

She called him last night? But she didn't remember anything

"Well..." Tang Xiaorui opened his mouth but could not ask.

"Last night We... "

I wake up in the morning and find myself wearing nothing, and There was a faint pain between the legs.

Last night, she and Fang ye Is

Hearing Tang Xiaorui's question, Fang Ye is also flushed with a face. "You were drugged last night. We... " Fang Ye was embarrassed to say it.

Fang Ye has always been loyal and honest, and has never been in love with each other Still very shy

She was drugged last night? Vaguely, Tang Xiaorui seems to remember that he drank the juice that the stranger gave her.

So Fang ye came to see her yesterday and found that she was drugged. Then they

Found Tang Xiaorui half a day did not speak, Fang Ye side head to Tang Xiaorui seriously said: "Xiaorui, since I am your first man, I will be responsible for you."

He is her first man, he took away her virginity, fangye has always been honest and responsible, as a man, fangye felt it necessary to be responsible for Tang Xiaorui!

Hearing Fang Ye's words, Fang Ye doesn't mean that, but Tang Xiaorui hears that Why does she think fangye is willing to be responsible for her because he is her first man and she gave her first time to him.

If If she was not a virgin, her first time would have been given to another man. Would Fang ye not have planned to be responsible for him at all.

He didn't like her before and said he was willing to be responsible for her after such a thing happened.

"Thank you, but I don't think I need your responsibility."

"Xiaorui?" Hearing Tang Xiaorui's words, Fang Ye frowned and looked at her.

What does Tang Xiaorui mean? He said he was willing to be responsible for her. Why did she react like this?

She's not Do you like him?

"Don't tell anyone about last night. I'll go first." Tang Xiaorui said, turning out of bed with his bag left the room.

Fang Ye is just sitting in situ, he has no courage to chase Tang Xiaorui.

He had the courage to say that she was responsible. Why did she react like this?

Maybe she doesn't like him anymore?

The phone call I made to him yesterday was probably just the gibberish after I was drunk.

After leaving the room, Tang Xiaorui walked slowly towards the elevator.

Tang Xiaorui hopes fangye can catch up with her and tell her that he is willing to be responsible for her, not only because she gave it to him for the first time, but because He likes her.

The second reason for walking so slowly is that

Tang Xiaorui felt that the middle of his legs really hurt! Every step will hurt!

Tang Xiaorui can't remember what happened last night.

But judging from the pain, yesterday she and Fang ye It must be hot

Think, Tang Xiaorui's face can not help but red.

Go to the elevator door, found that Fang Ye has not caught up.

Tang Xiaorui's heart couldn't help but feel a pain.

As expected, he was willing to be responsible for her only because he gave him the first time He had no feelings for her, did he?

I'm afraid he's just afraid that his brother and grandfather will know about it. He will not let him go easilyThink of this Tang Xiaorui can not help but red eyes.

Back home, Tang Xiaorui did not expect so "good luck", just walked into the house and ran into Tang Yunchen who came down the stairs.

"Brother Good morning Good morning... " Seeing Tang Yunchen, Tang Xiaorui was almost breathless. Is she going to be so unlucky?!

Seeing Tang Xiaorui, Tang Yunchen frowned strangely.

Tang Xiaorui obviously came back from the outside, but now it's only nine o'clock in the morning. At this time, Tang Xiaorui hasn't got up at all, let alone go out and come back so early.


"You didn't go home last night?"

"I I was resting at Mo Mo's house. My cell phone ran out of power, and then I forgot to call you again. I I went upstairs first. " Tang Xiaorui said, like fleeing, ran upstairs.

Looking at Tang Xiaorui's back, Tang Yunchen's eyebrows can't help wrinkling more tightly. Tang Xiaorui's present appearance is not right, very wrong.

Thinking of Tang Yunchen took out his mobile phone and dialed Chi yeche's phone.

He has I haven't called him for a long time.

In the past, he could call Chi yeche no matter what happened, but now Every time before calling, Tang Yunchen needs to think about what reason he calls Chi yeche?

The quiet atmosphere was disturbed by a burst of cell phone ring, Chi yeche took a look at the sleeping little woman in her arms, and quickly took the mobile phone to connect the phone, so as not to wake her up.

"Hello." Pool night Che's voice is small.

"Che, I want to ask, did my sister stay with you all night yesterday?"

Hearing the words of Tang Yunchen on the other end of the phone, the pool night dropped his eyes and looked at Qiao Xi Mo who was sleeping in his arms. Chi yeche is very smart, of course know why Tang Yunchen suddenly called to ask this.

Tang Xiaorui and Qiao Xi Mo have such a good relationship. If he said that Tang Xiaorui didn't come at all yesterday, it is estimated that Qiao Ximo will lose his temper when he knows it?

"Yes, what's the matter?"

"Nothing. She just came back this morning and worried about her, so she called to ask. It's OK. I'll hang up."

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