Jun HaoChen grinned bitterly and could only take back his eyes. And Jiang Ziyu, still looking at Qiao Ximo.

Today she It's really beautiful

Like a fairy from the sky, some of the beauty is not true.

At the same time, Chi yeche also found that Jun HaoChen and they had come, and their eyes turned to them, but their eyes fell on Jiang Ziyu.

At this time, Jiang Ziyu is looking at Qiao Ximo with no cover up.

They Do you know?

Thinking about it, Chi yeche walked towards Josie mo.

Chi yeche walked past, holding Qiao Ximo's waist with his big hand. Although it seemed to be a very natural action, I don't know why. In the eyes of Jun HaoChen and Jiang Ziyu, Chi yeche felt that Chi yeche was intentional.

"Is it boring?"

Josh shook his head gently: "it's OK. Anyway, Xiao Rui is with me. You can go and do your own work. "

Pool night close to Josie foam close, when speaking, the breath sprayed on her neck exposed in the air: "that can't do, someone has been eyeing you covetously."

It seems to know who Chi yeche refers to, and Josh's expression is embarrassed for a moment: "I won't do anything with him again..." She and Jun HaoChen It's no longer possible.

Or, even if there is, even if Jun HaoChen is not engaged to Jiang Yuefei, Qiao Ximo thinks, she won't have anything with Jun HaoChen, right?

Her feelings for Jun HaoChen It's more touching than liking.

But there is a difference between moving and liking.

Pool night Che deep voice rings in the ear of Josh foam: "but I am still worried that you will be robbed by others."

Maybe it's because Xu Ruo Ning left, Chi yeche is very insecure about love, he is very afraid Josh will leave him, too.

If that happens, he thinks that he may not be able to continue his life

In the face of Chi yeche's direct words, it doesn't seem to be from the mouth of people like him. It seems that the heart of Josh foam suddenly softened.

"Don't worry, I won't be robbed by others. It's you. Don't be seduced by other women." More women want to hook up with Chi yeche than men who want to hook up with her, OK?

Pool night Che mouth a good-looking smile, in the face of Josh foam gently kiss: "I only recognize you."

I didn't expect that Chi yeche would suddenly kiss himself, and Josh's face turned red: "why There are so many people here. "

Seeing that Chi yeche and Qiao Ximo show their love like no one else, Jiang Ziyu's eyes are dim.

The two of them look It's so sweet.

It seems that all the people around are black, only they are colored.

Pool night Che left, back to one side, do not disturb them Tang Xiaorui suddenly and together to Qiao Xi Mo in front of.

"Have you made up with Chi yeche?" Look at the way Josh Mo and Chi yeche just looked. Tut Tut, it's so sweet

Josh Mo embarrassed nodded: "well."

"Well, that's good." Tang Xiaorui sighed with envy.

Just now she saw Chi Yee's eyes gazing at Josh foam. It was full of love.

If one day Fang ye can look at her like this, how good it should be

Hearing that Jiang Ziyu and they were coming, master Tang welcomed them with a smile and said, "Ziyu, we met again. Why didn't your grandfather come today?"

"Grandfather didn't like the occasion very much, so he didn't come." Jiang Ziyu replied with a smile.

"By the way Didn't you meet Xiao Rui last time What do you think of Xiaorui? " Master Tang is not afraid to ask.

Hearing master Tang's words, Jiang Yuefei looks at Jiang Ziyu. Have Jiang Ziyu and Tang Xiaorui met? Listen to master Tang's tone of voice, is he going to set up the two of them?

No way! This is absolutely not possible! If Tang Xiaorui becomes her sister-in-law, she must be in a bad mood every day!

Although she thinks so in her heart, Jiang Yuefei knows something after all. How can she show it directly in front of master Tang.

Jiang Ziyu laughed awkwardly: "Xiao Rui and I It doesn't feel particularly appropriate... " Jiang Ziyu said tactfully.

"Alas..." Hearing Jiang Ziyu's words, master Tang can't help but sigh. This hope is also dashed. How bad is Xiaorui in their family? Why is it so hard to find a boyfriend for her?

Qiao Ximo came out of the bathroom and happened to meet Jiang Ziyu.

I don't know if he just happened to come to the bathroom or saw her in the bathroom and followed.

After looking at each other for a second, Qiao Ximo looks away from Jiang Ziyu and prepares to leave.

Jiang Ziyu stopped Qiao Ximo.

"I have something to tell you." Jiang Ziyu frowned and gazed at Qiao Ximo.

"But I have nothing to say to you." Qiao Ximo's eyes looked at one side and did not look at Jiang Ziyu.Even if Karry is not Jiang Ziyu and he is not Jiang Yueqing's younger brother, Qiao Ximo doesn't want to have anything to do with him.

After all Now that she has been with Chi yeche, she should not be too close to other boys.

No matter whether Jiang Ziyu really likes her or, as Tang Xiaorui guessed, it's just for revenge that she gets close to her. Qiao Ximo doesn't matter.

Because they won't be possible.

"I know Tang Xiaorui must have told you about my brother Jiang Yueqing, but I want to tell you that although the purpose of my approach to you at the beginning was not simple, now I really like you."

Jiang Ziyu looked at Qiao Ximo and said sincerely.

"I'm sorry, I'm already with Chi yeche." Josh still hung his eyes and did not look at him.

She can feel it. Jiang Ziyu looks at his eyes and his tone. It doesn't seem to be talking.

However, Qiao Ximo preferred that Jiang Ziyu approached him just for revenge.

"I know your relationship with Chi yeche has always been bad. He forced you, right? Is he threatening you with something? Didn't I tell you before? I'm more powerful than you think. I can help you escape from him

If it was the past, Qiao Ximo might also think about the ability of Jiang Zi Yu. He could help her escape from Chi yeche's side.

But now, she doesn't need it.

"He didn't threaten me. I liked him so much that I was with him."

"I don't believe that since you like him, why didn't you refuse me when I asked you out in America?"

Jiang Ziyu seems very excited. He doesn't believe that Qiao Ximo likes Chi yeche.

Qiao Ximo hung his head and did not have the courage to answer Jiang Ziyu.

She also felt that she had done too much at that time. She clearly didn't like him. When he asked her, she should have refused.

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