Seeing that the door of the operating room was opened, everyone immediately rushed up.

"How is she, doctor?" Pool night Che anxious tone asks a way.

The doctor pulled down his mask and said, "the patient is now out of danger of life. It's OK for the moment, but the patient still needs to stay in the hospital for observation. We'll send the patient to the ward now."

At this time, several nurses pushed the bed out.

See lying on the hospital bed, there is no trace of blood on the face of Qiao Ximo, quietly closed eyes, pool night Che can not help but feel a burst of heartache.

Josh Mo is not awake now, because she does not want to disturb her, everyone is waiting outside the ward.

"Don't worry too much. She won't be in any trouble."

At this time, Tang Yunchen, who followed Tang Xiaorui but did not speak, went to the pool night Che and handed him a cup of coffee.

Chi yeche raised his eyes to Tang Yunchen and saw the coffee he handed him. He reached out and said "thank you" politely.

Hear pool night Che say thank you to oneself, Tang Yunchen some bitter Yang Yang lip Cape.

Even if Tang Yunchen knew from the beginning that it was impossible for him to be with Chi yeche, his feelings for him could only be buried in the bottom of his heart. Even if he could only be brothers with Chi yeche for a lifetime, he was already very happy. But now they may not even be brothers.

After hearing about wenxiya's accident, Wen's father and mother rushed to Q city. Because the two cities were not far away, Wen's father and mother's mother arrived in a few hours' drive from the highway.

Came to the door of the ward to find the pool night Che they, see the text father and mother came, Wen Yuhan hurriedly walked past.


Wen's mother squatted down and grabbed Wen Yuhan's shoulder excitedly: "where's your mother? Where is your mother? "

Hearing Wen's mother's question, Wen Yuhan just lowered his head. He didn't know where wenxiya was now. He only knew that wenxiya had passed away and had left him forever.

Wen Yuhan said in a choking voice: "mom has Died... "

Wen Yuhan's words came to Wen's mother Wen's father's ears. Time seemed to freeze in an instant. After a few seconds, Wen's mother held Wen Yuhan and cried bitterly.

Although Wen's father didn't speak, he was still in tears.

Seeing this scene, even though we all hate Qiao Ximo lying in the hospital now, we can't help but move when we see Wen's father and mother's appearance.

Poor parents!

Wen's father and mother Wen are so concerned about wenxiya and have raised her as her own daughter for so many years. Why can't wenxiya think about wenxiya and continue to live in this world.

Fang Ye got up and went to Wen's father and mother: "wenxiya's body is now in the mortuary of this hospital. If you don't mind, you can go and see her."

Wen's mother nodded and stood up with tears on her old face. Her white hair seemed to sprout a lot in a moment.

Wen's father and mother don't blame them. They know that wenxiya is not their fault. It's wenxiya who is too stubborn.

"Husband, let's go and have a look at Xiya. Yuhan, you'll wait for your grandparents here. We'll come to pick you up later." After all, Wen Yuhan is still a child to watch the dead. Wen's father and mother are afraid that Wen Yuhan can't accept it.

They don't know that Wen Yuhan was watching Wen Xiya commit suicide in front of him.

Wen Yuhan shook his head and said in a firm voice, "I also want to see my mother for the last time."

Seeing Wen Yuhan like this, I know that he has always loved Wen Xiya. Wen's mother didn't say anything and left with Wen Yuhan.

At the morgue, wenxiya's blood has been removed.

Seeing wenxiya's pale to green face with no sign of life, Wen's mother could not help covering her mouth with tears flowing.

"Xiya, why are you so stupid? Why are you doing such a stupid thing?"

Having raised so many years of daughter left them again, Wen's father and mother's heart are unable to say heartache.

After seeing Wen Xiya for the last time, Wen's father and mother intend to cremate wenxiya.

Now Wen Xiya has passed away. Wen Yuhan is naturally raised by Wen's father and mother. They are going to take Wen Yuhan back to X city.

"Grandma, I want to go up and see sister Joe again." When he was ready to leave, Wen Yuhan was still worried about Qiao Ximo. If it wasn't for himself, sister Qiao would not have happened Sister Joe came here because she wanted to save herself. She was hurt.

Thinking of this, Wen Yuhan can't help feeling guilty.

Wen's mother nodded: "I also have some things to say with Chi yeche, I'll go up with you."

Wen's father is waiting for them at the gate of the hospital. Wen's mother and Wen Yuhan come to Qiao Ximo's ward.

Seeing that they were still outside, he knew that Qiao Ximo must not have woken up. Wen Yuhan went to Tang Xiaorui and said, "sister Tang, I'm going to X city with my grandparents. When sister Qiao wakes up and is hungry, I hope you can help me tell her Wuhan. Well, thank her, and I'm sorry because I hurt her. If I have a chance, I'll come back to Q city to see her."Seeing Wen Yuhan so sensible, Tang Xiaorui reached out and touched Wen Yuhan's head: "don't worry. I'll tell her when Mo Mo wakes up. You don't have any psychological pressure. Foam won't blame you."

Tang Xiaorui naturally understand the character of Qiao Xi Mo, she will never blame Wen Yuhan.

Hearing Tang Xiaorui's words, Wen Yuhan also had some comfort and nodded gently.

Wen's mother went to Chi yeche's face. Because she had cried so much just now, her voice was very hoarse: "we decided to send Xiya to cremation. Do you know where her former family members were buried? If we knew, her father and I decided to bury her next to our former family

Chi yeche gently shook his head: "her father and mother died very early. She has been growing up with her grandmother. Later, her grandmother died of illness. She wrote in her diary that because she had no money, she cremated her grandmother and scattered the ashes in the river."


Heard Chi yeche's words, Wen's mother sighed: "then we also sprinkle Xiya's ashes on the place where I rescued her." They saved Xu Ruoling's life there and made her become wenxiya. Now, let's end wenxiya's life in that place.

Wen's mother waved to Wen Yuhan and left with him.

Looking at the back of Wen's mother and Wen Yuhan, Tang Xiaorui can't help but sigh. Life is really changeable. At least all the people she loves are still living in this world, so nice

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