In the city, Qiao Ximo suddenly said: "stop in front of you. I have something to do. Aunt Li, you can send Yuhan back first."

"Take care of your health, Miss Joe." Aunt Li can't help but tell.

"I see. You go back first, and I'll be back soon. " Said Josh and closed the door.

Watching the car drive away, Josh Mo stopped a car: "driver, go to the first hospital of Q city."

Josh decided to go for treatment, even if she didn't know whether she could be cured, but even if there was only a glimmer of hope, she couldn't give up.

Josh is still the doctor's number.

"Doctor, I want to be treated. Please do your best to help me get well. I really want to have a baby!"

"Of course, I will try my best to help you with your treatment."

After the first treatment, the doctor prescribed some medicine for Josh foam and told him to take it on time.

Qiao Ximo put the medicine into the bag and left the hospital.

Back home, as soon as Josh went back to his room, he searched everywhere for a place to hide the medicine. After all, this thing must not be discovered by Chi yeche.

Josh foam thought of his bedside cabinet pool night Che seems to have never moved, so he went to squat down and opened the second drawer of the bedside table.

There are some small jewelry and a beautiful box in the drawer.

Seeing the box, Josh Mo's eyes not only flashed, but also reached out to pick up the beautiful box.

Open the box, only to see the inside is the charity party when Chi yeche spent an expensive price to shoot the ring.

This ring can be said to be the most expensive gift given to himself by Ikeuchi.

Josh closed the lid, put the box back in place, and put the medicine in the beautiful little bag at the bottom of the drawer.

Chi yeche should not open this drawer for no reason, right?

Josh Mo just closed the drawer, this time the door of the room opened, pool night Chuche voice from behind Josh foam: "what are you doing?"

Did not expect the pool night Che will suddenly come back, Josh foam was scared of the whole body can not help shaking.

"No Nothing. "

When he saw how frightened he looked, Chi yeche couldn't help laughing. After all, he looked so cute just now, like a rabbit who was scared and jumped.

"Nothing. How could I be scared? What are you doing Pool night Che joking tone, after all, he knows how Qiao Ximo can do anything heartless.

"I'll do something wrong. I'm just bored, so I'll just pack up in the room." Said Josh, his eyes drooping and wandering around.

When she heard Chi yeche's voice just now, her heart seemed to jump out of her chest.

She did have a guilty conscience ah, such a thing happened, but she did not tell him the pool night Che. Clearly, Chi yeche should also have the right to know.

At this time, Aunt Li's voice came from downstairs to ease the embarrassment for Josh foam.

"Sir, miss, dinner is ready."

Hearing Aunt Li's voice, Josh Mo hurriedly went to the pool night Che and pulled up his wrist: "Aunt Li is ready for dinner. Let's go down to eat."

"Well." The pool night Che should a, then obediently by Qiao Xi Mo to lead to leave the room downstairs.

Wen Yuhan also came out of the room and saw Chi yeche. He said to Chi yeche quickly: "Uncle Chi is good."

Wen Yuhan and Qiao Ximo have a good relationship, but he is afraid, or because he respects Chi yeche too much and admires him, so he feels a sense of distance.

Pool night Che's eyes fell on Wen Yuhan's body, and he answered with a low voice: "well."

To Wen Yuhan's attitude, Chi yeche is not good, but not bad.

Wen Yuhan doesn't know whether Chi yeche likes himself or not, but as long as he doesn't hate himself.

Today's dinner was very rich. Aunt Li specially cooked a lot of good dishes because she welcomed Wen Yuhan.

Seeing the rich dishes on the table, Josh Mo couldn't help joking: "Yuhan, it's really a drag on your luck to have such a rich dinner today." Today, Aunt Li can say that she has done all the good dishes she can cook. Usually, because only Qiao Ximo and Chi yeche are two people, although Aunt Li also makes a lot of good dishes, she won't do so much.

Wen Yuhan just smile a little embarrassed.

When eating, he thought that this was the first meal for the three of them to eat together. In the future, they might eat together every day and live under a roof. Qiao Ximo said to Wen Yuhan, "Yuhan, you will live with me and ChE in the future. If you have anything you want, don't be shy, just tell us or tell Aunt Li."

Qiao Ximo knows that Wen Yuhan is a very sensible and shy child. Before that, Wen Yuhan lived here because he didn't want to trouble Aunt Li. Although Aunt Li could wash clothes, Wen Yuhan washed his own clothes every day.So I'm worried that you wen Yuhan may feel stiff and embarrassed to say anything you want.

Hearing Qiao Ximo's words, Wen Yuhan just nodded, but if it's not very necessary, Wen Yuhan still hopes to solve it by himself, and don't bring trouble to Qiao Ximo and Chi yeche.

They are willing to adopt themselves. Wen Yuhan is very grateful. If how to give them trouble, Wen Yuhan will be very sorry.

"Then let's start eating."

Hearing Qiao Ximo's words, Wen Yuhan began to move chopsticks.

When eating, Josh Mo could not help but put vegetables in Wen Yuhan's bowl. In a gentle voice, he said, "Yuhan, it's time for you to grow up. Eat more nutritious things."

Seeing that Qiao Ximo has been serving Wen Yuhan with vegetables, he seems to have completely ignored himself. Chi yeche's heart can't help but eat, even though he is still concerned about a child.

"Why don't you bring me vegetables?" Pool night Che can not help but open a way, a sour taste in the tone.

"You don't have to grow up." Josie Mo Li should have answered, it seems that he did not pay attention to the strong jealousy in Chi yeche's tone.

"But I'm lucky to suffer during the day and night. If I don't strengthen my nutrition, do you contribute?"

When she heard Chi yeche's words, her face turned red. She didn't know whether it was her own thought evil or Chi yeche's words were too imaginative.

Josh foam lowered his eyes, embarrassed to see the pool night Che, some coquettish voice: "there are children in you nonsense."

Pool night Che a don't understand what the words of Josie Mo mean. "What did I say?"

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