When Jiang Ziyu got on the car and passed the mobile phone store on the way back to his apartment, he got out of the car and bought a new mobile phone for Qiao Ximo, so that he could get in touch with him easily. Then Jiang Ziyu went to the supermarket and bought some toiletries. He thought that Qiao Ximo only wore his own clothes and didn't even have the underwear changed.

Although embarrassed, Jiang Ziyu ran to the women's goods area and picked up the women's underwear in the box.

Hearing the sound of opening the door, Qiao Ximo came back from the guest room. Jiang Ziyu came to Qiao Ximo with large and small bags.

Jiang Ziyu handed the supermarket shopping bag to Qiao Ximo: "here are some toiletries for you."

"Thank you." Josh took the shopping bag and opened it. There were cups, towels, toothbrushes and ointment in it. He also found something. He couldn't see clearly what it was in the bag. He took it out and saw through the transparent diaphragm that there were women's underpants inside. He could not help but feel a little embarrassed.

"Thank you Thank you... " Qiao Ximo didn't expect Jiang Ziyu to be so considerate for himself, knowing that she didn't change her underwear. When he bought it for himself, he must be very embarrassed, right?

"Nothing." Jiang Ziyu can't help feeling embarrassed. After all, he bought underwear for girls For the first time

"I'm sorry to let you spend so much money for me. Although I don't have money to give you now, I can help you clean your house and cook something." There was no cash on Josh's body. Although there was a card, it was the card of Chi yeche. Now that he has decided to separate from Chi yeche, he thinks he should not use Chi yeche's money.

"You don't mind that much money." For Jiang Ziyu, if Qiao Ximo is willing to be with him, no matter how much money Jiang Ziyu is willing to spend for her. It's nothing to spend money on a woman you like.

"Hungry? Let's eat. " Although Qiao Ximo is not in the mood, has no appetite, and doesn't want to eat anything, she still wants to live in this world. She can't abandon herself, so she decides to eat well.

Chi yeche drove home.

Aunt Li and Wen Yuhan have been waiting anxiously in the living room.

Hearing the sound of opening the door, Aunt Li and Wen Yuhan want to ask Qiao Ximo Ren, but when they see Chi yeche's gloomy face, the state seems to be very bad. Aunt Li and Wen Yuhan look at each other and dare not speak.

Seeing Chi yeche's figure ready to go upstairs, Aunt Li can't help but say, "Sir, dinner is ready."

"I don't eat." Pool night Che deep voice came, and then went upstairs.

Now he is not in the mood to eat.

After Chi yeche went upstairs, Wen Yuhan raised his head and looked at Aunt Li carefully and asked, "Aunt Li, why hasn't sister Qiao come back?" The original text Yuhan thought that Chi yeche would bring back Qiao Ximo when he came back, but now only Chi yeche came back alone, and his expression was still so poor

Aunt Li touched Wen Yuhan's head and comforted him: "maybe Miss Qiao has lost her temper and went to live in a friend's house. You don't have to worry. It's normal for young people to be noisy in love. They'll make up in a few days Aunt Li doesn't want Wen Yuhan to worry too much about adults. After all, he is still a child. But Aunt Li's own heart is also unspeakable worry. I don't know why, she always felt that this time and together seem to be a little different.

Since Miss Qiao and her husband were officially together, Miss Qiao has never lost her temper. Miss Qiao's good-natured person is not the kind of person who casually says to break up and run away from home when she is angry.

What happened?

Although Wen Yuhan is still young, he also knows that Aunt Li is comforting himself.

I'm afraid uncle Chi and sister Qiao are very unusual this time? At least Wen Yuhan didn't expect that Qiao Ximo would not go home. Wen Yuhan always had a feeling, an ominous premonition, that sister Qiao might Not coming back

Pool night Che returned to the room and lay limply on the bed, which was originally his bed with Qiao Ximo, but now he is the only one.

There seems to be a breath of Josh foam in the room. On the quilt on the pillow, it seems that there is still the fragrance of the bath gel used by Josh foam.

The room was so quiet that only the tick of the clock passed by.

At this time, Chi yeche suddenly heard the mobile phone ring coming from his pocket.

Because when he was driving, his brain was in a mess, his attention was completely lost, and his cell phone ring was turned to be smaller. Chi yeche didn't hear it all the time.

The cell phone rings. Who's calling?

Is it foam?

Is Mo Mo right? Do you want to make up with yourself?

Think of pool night Che excited from his pocket to take out the mobile phone, but see the call display written Tang Xiaorui three words, pool night Che eyes can not help but dim.

It's not foam.

Fang Ye just returned home and walked into the door and saw Tang Xiaorui walking anxiously in the living room with a mobile phone.See Tang Xiaorui frown, hand biting nails, a pair of anxious look.

Fang ye can't help but ask curiously: "Xiao Rui, what's the matter?" Is something going on? Why is Tang Xiaorui so anxious?

At this time, Chi yeche connected the phone, and some feeble voice came from the other end: "hello."

Because pool night Che connected the phone, Tang Xiaorui also did not attend to answer Fang Ye's words, "Hello! what's happening? Have you found foam? "

"I didn't see Mo Mo, but I know Mo Mo should be with Jiang Ziyu now."

Hear the words of pool night Che, Tang Xiaorui can't help but stare big eyes: "foam and Jiangzi Yu together?" Why is Mo Mo and Jiang Ziyu together? These two people don't usually contact each other? Tang Xiaorui feels very strange.

"I don't know, but I feel that Momo is really breaking up with me."

If Qiao Ximo is just having a bad temper, she must be looking for Tang Xiaorui instead of Jiang Ziyu, and she will not lose her mobile phone so that she can't find her.

Josie Mo is determined to break up with himself.

"Do you know why Mo Mo suddenly said he wanted to break up with you?" Tang Xiaorui continued to ask.

"I don't know, but I heard Jiang Ziyu say that Mo Mo wanted to break up with me because she felt that she had suffered a lot with me. Although I don't know whether this is the real idea of Momo, I did let Momo suffer a lot with me, right..." He did, indeed, not take good care of foam, so she felt tired, tired?

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