Back to his room, Jun HaoChen sat limply on the bed.

Because of your father's words, Jun HaoChen took out his mobile phone and prepared to call Jiang Yuefei.

Open the phone book to see Jiang Yuefei's name. Jun HaoChen stares at Jiang Yuefei's name on the screen. Jun HaoChen can't help but lose his mind.

Will I spend the rest of my life with this woman?

Jun HaoChen knew that was for sure.

I have been engaged to Jiang Yuefei. Because of the Jiang family, my father has been able to go more smoothly in the official career, and their royal family has not declined.

It is impossible for him and Jiang Yuefei to propose to cancel the engagement.

So Jun HaoChen is no longer struggling, and he has accepted his fate.

In any case, there is no way to change things, and I can continue to follow this path, even if it is not what I hope

Life in the world, there will be some things can not do according to their own want to do it.

Back to God, Jun HaoChen pressed the dial through button and dialed Jiang Yuefei's phone number.

At this time, Jiang Yuefei just stopped a taxi and got on.

When she heard the phone ring, Jiang Yuefei took out her mobile phone. Originally, Jiang Yuefei was in a bad mood because of the affair between Jiang Ziyu and Qiao Ximo. When she saw the name of Jun HaoChen on the caller ID, she immediately raised a shallow smile.

Want to know Jun HaoChen is very rare, very few take the initiative to call oneself, no matter what matter is oneself contact Jun HaoChen.

"Hello." Jiang Yuefei connected the phone and said in a light tone.

"Are you home now?" Telephone desk Jun HaoChen no tone of voice.

Did not expect Jun HaoChen to call himself unexpectedly is to ask whether he has been home, Jiang Yuefei heart can not help a burst of joy Zizi, Jun HaoChen is worried about himself?

"Not yet. I'm in the car and ready to go home."

Hearing Jiang Yuefei say that she hasn't come home, Jun HaoChen can't help frowning slightly. He thought Jiang Yuefei would go home directly after dinner. Did she go to another place? "You're not home yet?" According to the time, Jiang Yuefei should have been home at this time?

When he comes back, the road is very clear. There should be no traffic jam.

Jiang Yuefei thought for a while, afraid that Jun HaoChen was worried about himself, so he truthfully replied, "I just went to my brother's apartment."

Jun HaoChen knew that Jiang Ziyu had been living outside by himself.

I heard Jiang Yuefei's words. Want to put before Tang Xiaorui call her to Jiang Ziyu's number, Jun HaoChen can't help but contact with Qiao Ximo.

"What are you doing with your brother?" Jun HaoChen asked, but he did not dare to directly say whether it was something related to Qiao Ximo.

Jiang Yuefei was silent for three seconds. Naturally, she couldn't tell junhaochen what happened in her brother's place.

If Jun HaoChen knows that Qiao Ximo and Chi yeche have broken up and want to cancel the engagement with him, what should he do if he grabs Qiao Ximo back from Jiang Ziyu?

"Recently, my grandfather's rheumatism has not been committed again. My brother went to the hospital to take medicine for my grandfather today. He said he didn't want to go home and asked me to take it." Jiang Yuefei's words seem to be perfect, and there is no flaw.

But Jun HaoChen still felt that Jiang Yuefei was lying. Something must have happened

Why did Tang Xiaorui suddenly contact Jiang Ziyu?

Do you mean Is Qiao Ximo there now?

Although Jiang Yuefei didn't know about it before, Jun HaoChen knew it a long time ago. Jiang Ziyu liked Qiao Ximo

Knowing that Jiang Yuefei certainly didn't want to tell herself that Jun HaoChen was not good enough to ask again, "well, you'd better go back earlier. That's it. I'll hang up first."

Jiang Yuefei's "good" word has just been said, then heard that the phone over there has been hung up "Dudu" voice.

Jiang Yuefei can't help but drop her eyes. She can feel that there is no concern in Jun HaoChen's tone in her conversation with herself just now. It is estimated that he went back alone, so uncle Jun asked him to call him and ask if she was home.

Jun HaoChen is just finishing the task

After just now, Yuefei's house was quiet.

When Jiang Ziyu came to Qiao Ximo's room, he felt a pang of heartache when he saw that Qiao Ximo was still standing with his head down.

"You don't have to worry about Feifei's words just now. She's just a little over talking, but she's not a bad person." After all, Jiang Yuefei is also his sister. Naturally, Jiang Ziyu will say something good for Jiang Yuefei.

Josh shook his head gently. "I didn't care."

Although it's impossible to say that you don't care, after all, no one will not care if you hear others describe yourself with "fox spirit" and "broken shoes".

But Josh thought Maybe there is nothing wrong with Jiang Yuefei?

He clearly did not intend to be with Jiang Ziyu, but because he wanted to break up with Chi yeche and needed Jiang Ziyu's help, he temporarily lived in his home, and Jiang Ziyu's hope was kindled for him.She looks like this Is that too much?

She pursed her lips and Qiao Ximo said, "I feel like I'm disturbing you. Your sister seems very unhappy that I live here. I'd better go to Xiaorui for help." Said Josh, and came to the door.

Seeing that Qiao Ximo seemed to be leaving, Jiang Ziyu quickly took Qiao Ximo's hand: "it doesn't matter! You don't have to care! I don't feel any trouble at all. This is my home. I don't think it's inconvenient for you to live here. Please live here for the time being. Xiao Rui is already married. It's not good for you to disturb her home. " Naturally, Jiang Ziyu tried his best to keep Qiao Ximo in his home.

Jiang Ziyu gently grasped the shoulders on both sides of Qiao Xi Mo and sent him to the side to let him sit down: "in a word, you can live here with peace of mind now, it doesn't matter."

Jiang Ziyu insisted on this again and again, thinking that it was not good to disturb Tang Xiaorui. Qiao Ximo still nodded gently. "Thank you."

With a good smile, Jiang Ziyu reached out and touched the soft hair on Josh's head. His action was very spoiled: "don't tell me thank you."

Jiang Ziyu said and left the guest room.

After Jiang Yuefei returned home, the servant saw Jiang Yuefei back, and bowed quickly and said, "Miss, you are back."

"And grandfather? Where is grandfather now? " Jiang Yuefei asked the servant for help.

The servant didn't know why Jiang Yuefei was so anxious. He was slightly stunned and replied, "the master is in his own room now."

Jiang Yuefei replied and handed the medicine Jiang Ziyu asked him to bring back to the servant. After that, he went upstairs in a hurry.

She didn't forget what she was rushing back for!

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