Wen Yuhan came to the room of Chi yeche and Qiao Ximo, and opened the door softly.

At this time Chi yeche was just taking a bath in the bathroom. He heard the sound of water coming from the bathroom and saw the bathroom door closed. Compared with Chi yeche, he must be inside. This was a good time. Wen Yuhan crept into the room and took a look at the bathroom door. He quickly went to the bedside table and opened the second drawer. Because there was nothing in the second drawer, Wen Yuhan found the box at a glance And took it out of it.

After he got the box, Wen Yuhan was about to leave the room. When he got to the door, he happened to have finished his bath and opened the bathroom door and came out.

Did not expect the pool night Che will suddenly come, Wen Yuhan quickly put the box into his pocket.

Pool night Che also did not expect to meet Wen Yuhan to leave his room, can't help but doubt asked: "what's the matter?"

Since he has been discovered by Chi yeche, Wen Yuhan can't leave without saying anything: "ah I want to ask Uncle Chi if I have some words that I don't know. But as soon as I come in and see you in the bath, I'm ready to go out. "

Although Wen Yuhan doesn't want to lie to Chi yeche like this, he has already promised sister Qiao not to tell Uncle Chi about it.

Pool night Che low should a: "well, take me to teach you."

"I didn't bring the book. I'll go down and get it." Wen Yuhan said and left the pool night Che's room.

After returning to his room, Wen Yuhan took out the box and hid it under the pillow. He sent a short message to Qiao Ximo, telling him that he helped her get the box. He took out his English book, flipped through it casually for a word that looked very complicated and went upstairs.

It was almost time for Wen Yuhan to have a piano lesson. Qiao Ximo came to the door of the piano class ahead of time. It was summer, but Qiao Ximo wore a hat and pressed it very low. Then he wore a big mask and his small face was completely hidden.

Seeing the figure of Wen Yuhan coming to him, Qiao Ximo quickly waved to Wen Yuhan.

Although Qiao Xi Mo is covered tightly, Wen Yuhan recognizes him at the first sight when he sees Qiao Xi mo.

Wen Yuhan walked quickly to Qiao Xi Mo's face. Seeing Wen Yuhan, Qiao Xi Mo felt a burst of sour nose.

She has always felt very sorry for Wen Yuhan. She proposed to adopt Wen Yuhan and brought him to their home, but now she has left that home.

Although the relationship between Wen Yuhan and Chi yeche is not bad, it is not very good either. Wen Yuhan is sensitive and aware of life. He has the best relationship with him at home. Wen Yuhan must have been very upset after he left.

"Yuhan Sorry... " Qiao Xi Mo can't help apologizing to Wen Yuhan.

Knowing why Qiao Ximo apologized to himself, Wen Yuhan just shook his head and said wisely, "sister Qiao doesn't need to apologize to me. Sister Qiao, you didn't do anything to apologize to me. Here you are. This is the box you mentioned. It should not be taken wrong? There is only one box in that drawer. " Wen Yuhan hands the box he helped Qiao Ximo get to him.

Josh nodded gently and took the box. "Well, that's it. Thank you."

"Sister Qiao..." Wen Yuhan called Qiao Ximo and looked at him with expectant eyes: "sister Qiao, why do you want to break up with Uncle Chi? Although I'm still young, I don't know what adults see, but I know uncle Chi must love sister Qiao very much. After sister Qiao left, uncle Chi looked very haggard and couldn't eat anything to eat. "

From Wen Yuhan here heard about the pool night Che news, know that he looks like this, Qiao Xi Mo's heart is also very painful.

She can't bear to say anything to Wen Yuhan. She is worried that if she hears something about Chi yeche from Wen Yuhan's mouth, she can't help but change her mind.

"Yuhan, I'm sorry, I have to go. Although your uncle Chi is a little cold, he is a good man. He will take good care of you. Do you want to listen to his words?" Josie Mo asked.

Wen Yuhan just nodded gently.

Then Josh turned and walked away.

Because there was only one door, Qiao Ximo had to go out from the door where Wen Yuhan came in. However, the car to see Wen Yuhan off was still outside. Because it was too troublesome to go back and forth, Wen Yuhan's piano lesson only lasted two hours, so the driver waited until Wen Yuhan finished his class and then sent him back.

Even though he had covered up his hands tightly, Josh was still worried that he would be seen by the driver.

After leaving the gate in a hurry, he left quickly.

The driver just looked out of the window and saw a woman with a hat and a mask walking by quickly. Although he thought the figure seemed to be a little imaginary, the driver did not think that the man was Josh foam.

At lunch time, Jun HaoChen went downstairs. His father put down his newspaper and looked at him. "I've heard that Feifei seems to be ill. You can come and see her after lunch."

Hearing his father's words, Jun HaoChen just answered "um.". However, for Jiang Yuefei why suddenly ill, now how the body, Jun HaoChen did not care.After lunch, Jun HaoChen went back to his room to change a suit of clothes and drove to Jiang's house.

When he opened the door, he saw Jun HaoChen coming. The servant knew that Jun HaoChen must have come to see Jiang Yuefei: "Mr. Jun, you are here. Miss is in the room now. The fever reached 39.5 degrees last night, and the fever only subsided this morning."

"Well." Jun HaoChen answered and then walked to Jiang Yuefei's room.

"Knock knock" came to jiangyuefei room door, Jun HaoChen knocked on the door.

Jiang Yuefei has some deep and hoarse voice coming from the room.

"Come in."

After getting permission, Jun HaoChen opens the door. Originally, Jiang Yuefei thought that the person coming was a grandfather or a servant. He looked sideways at the door and saw that the person coming in was Jun HaoChen. Jiang Yuefei's weak eyes suddenly brightened up.

"HaoChen, why are you here? Cough... " Jiang Yuefei lies in bed, because Jun HaoChen has come. Although he wants to sit up, he can't make any strength.

Jiang Yuefei some did not expect Jun HaoChen will come, after all, he did not tell him about her illness.

"I heard from my dad that you were sick, so I came to see you." Jun HaoChen replied.

Hearing Jun HaoChen's reply, Jiang Yuefei's eyes darkened for a moment. Sure enough, Jun HaoChen must have come here because of his father's request? If it was not for your father's request, Jun HaoChen would certainly not come over, because he didn't care if she was sick or not.

"Are you all right?" Jun HaoChen asked with concern.

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