Pool night Che also heavily nodded, eyes flashing firm, he will certainly foam to find back.

"Well, I'll check the security first. Yuhan will ask you to send it back."

"Well, you can rest assured that I will send him back safely."

Watching Chi yeche into the security check, Tang Xiaorui patted Wen Yuhan on the shoulder: "Yuhan don't worry, your uncle Chi will chase foam back, let's go back first."

Wen Yuhan gently nodded, and looked at the pool night Che into the security of the place to turn around and Tang Xiaorui left together.

I don't know why, Wen Yuhan feels that his little heart is pounding all the time. He always feels that things can't be so simple.

But Wen Yuhan did not dare to tell Tang Xiaorui how he felt now and was afraid of his crow mouth.

Sitting on the plane, Josh foam looked out of the window. It was evening, and the clouds were dyed red by the sun.

It was such a beautiful scene that Josh Mo was not in the mood to enjoy it now.

I may Will you leave him forever?

Thinking about it, Josh took out the box from the bag, opened the box, and looked at the ring shining with gorgeous light.

This is her only memorial to Chi yeche. She must take good care of it.

Thinking, Josh closed the box and put it in the bag.

After getting off the plane, it was already 4 or 5 a.m. in the United States. After he stopped a taxi and arrived in the city, he was going to find an ordinary hotel to check in.

Walking on the way to the hotel, there are almost no pedestrians outside now. All the shops on the street are closed, only the dim street lights.

At this time, a weak woman was walking on the street in a foreign country, and a sense of loneliness and fear attacked Josh's heart.

Even the security of the United States is not completely safe. Josh is very afraid of what will happen to him.

Maybe it's what you're afraid of. At this time, a man wandering around the street found Josh's foam, and saw her holding her bag carefully. The man recognized that the bag was very valuable. There must be a lot of money in it? Otherwise, the woman would not be so careful.

Thinking of a man, I suddenly had a bad idea.

The man rushed to josimou and grabbed the bag in his hand.

Although Qiao Ximo carefully held his bag tightly, but the man's strength was too big, and directly took the bag from his arms.

The man grabbed the bag and ran forward.

"Give it back to me!" Josimoto yelled in English and ran quickly after the man.

In fact, there was not much money in the bag, only the 20000 yuan that Tang Xiaorui lent herself, and it was still RMB. She had not had time to change it into US dollars.

But the most important thing is

Her ring

That ring is in the bag now!

That is the only memory for Chi yeche, she must not let that bag be robbed!

Chauximo ran after the man, and did not take into account the red light on the opposite side of the road, because it was very late now, there was no car on the street, and Josh Mo had no brain to think about. He was ready to cross the road directly. But at this time, a car turned and came face to face.

Seeing the glare of the light coming at him, Josh was illuminated by the light. He felt that his eyes suddenly lost sight of anything. Before he could react, he was knocked down by a car.

Hearing the screeching sound of the car braking sharply, the man who robbed the bag turned his hair and now the woman who had robbed the bag was knocked down by a luxury car.

The man did not dare to think much and ran away.

In the car, there are two men.

"Sir, this..." The man sitting in the driver's seat was also flustered for a moment. He didn't expect this kind of thing to happen suddenly.

It's not that he didn't drive well, but that the woman ran into the road without caring whether it was a traffic light or not, so he didn't have time to dodge to hit the woman.

"Go down and have a look." The handsome man in the back seat said in a low voice.


The driver got off the bus at once.

In front of the car, Josh foam was like a rag doll lying on the ground one meter away from the car. There was blood on his forehead, and his hands and legs were also cut by rolling on the ground.

The driver tentatively put his hand in the middle of Qiao Ximo's, OK! And breathing!

Fortunately, he stopped in time, and there was no serious accident. The woman must have been saved! Thinking of the driver rushed to the back window: "Sir, that woman should still be alive."

The man in the back seat had cold eyes. He looked through the mirror in front of the car to see Josh foam lying on the ground not far away. Because it was very dark and not close to each other, he could not see clearly the appearance of Josh foam. He could only see that she seemed to be Asian.

"Get her in the car."Hearing the man's order, the driver answered, "yes!"

The back seat of the limousine is very big. The driver holds up Josh's foam lying on the ground and opens the door of the back seat.

"Would you like to sit in the front, sir?" After all, Mr. A has a serious habit of cleanliness. It should be disgusting for him to let the woman with blood sit beside him.

The man glanced at Qiao Ximo in the driver's arms. "Just put her here."

The driver had to accept the order to put Josh foam into the back seat, let her sit down and then closed the door.

The man looks to the strange woman who is paralyzed with his eyes closed and leans on the seat beside him.

She seems to be an Asian, as for China, Japan or South Korea, because she can't speak, she can't tell.

Because half of his face was covered by his hair and the light in the car was very dark, the man did not fully see the face of Josh foam, only felt that it seemed to be a very delicate Asian face.

The driver took the driver's seat again: "Sir, do you want to take this woman to the hospital or?..."

The man took back his eyes and said, "go back."

"Yes." The driver answered and stepped on the gas pedal and drove away from here.

When turning the corner, because the car was turning, people also leaned over. Josh, who had been leaning against the other side of the car, leaned over. Because he had fainted and could not control himself, he fell to the other side and put his head on the man's shoulder.

I didn't expect that a woman would suddenly lean over, and she was still a strange woman with blood on her body and dirty all over her body. A man had a serious habit of cleanliness. Even acquaintances would not be too close to him. Suddenly, a strange woman leaned on his shoulder, and the man could not help frowning.

Just, the fragrance from the woman's hair drifted into the man's nose. It eased his brow a little.

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