I didn't expect that Ron would suddenly grab his hand. Josh froze a little. Then he took his hand out of Ron's hand without any trace. He just answered with a faint voice: "HMM..."

Although Ron told himself that he was his fiance, Josh lost his memory and did not remember what happened to him and Ron.

Is he really his fiance Josh didn't think Ron needed to cheat himself. But even if he is really his fiance, but because of amnesia, Josh Mo can not accept, accept and a completely unfamiliar person together.

Ron naturally felt the resistance of joximo, but he didn't care. He could wait, he could wait slowly. Anyway, before meeting Josh, he never thought he would be with a woman.

"Knock knock knock" Chi yeche's door was suddenly knocked violently. Chi yeche went to the door and opened the door. Jiang Ziyu stood outside the door in a hurry: "there's news about foam."

Hearing Jiang Ziyu's words, Chi yeche grasped Jiang Ziyu's shoulder excitedly: "are you serious? Have you found foam? "

"although I haven't found Momo yet, my friend found the ring that Fromm brought to the United States. This morning the ring was sold to the second-hand market by a man at a low price. My friend found that he had asked the origin of the man's ring, and his words were ambiguous. My friend bought the ring and then investigated the basic letter of the man. He's just an American with a grant Jiang Ziyu said that he took out the ring from his pocket. Because the ring was very beautiful, he would never forget that it was the ring auctioned at the charity party.

Chi yeche excitedly took the ring from Jiang Ziyu's hand, and his sharp eyes carefully looked at him: "yes, this is the ring I gave foam."

"I know the man's address. Let's go over now."

"Good!" Pool night Che should a, looking at the ring in his hand, eyes light is very deep, why foam ring will be sold by an American man, is foam what happened? Think of pool night Che's heart can't help but pull a tight.

Chi yeche and Jiang Ziyu were just about to go out when they happened to meet Tang Xiaorui, who came to look for them.

Seeing that Chi yeche and Jiang Ziyu seem to be ready to go out, perhaps with the appearance of foam news, Tang Xiaorui, regardless of her own stomach and children, ran quickly in the past: "you want to go out, right? Have you found foam? "

Jiang Ziyu looked at Tang Xiaorui: "although we have not found the foam himself, but we have found the foam ring, there should be some clues."

Pool night Che did not want to delay another minute and a second: "let's go."

"I'm going with you too!" With the news of foam, how can Tang Xiaorui sit in the hotel and wait at ease.

Pool night Che know Tang Xiaorui is also worried about Qiao Xi Mo, looked at Fang ye one eye, said: "you drive behind us."

On the way to the man's residence, Jiang Ziyu drove and Chi yeche sat in the co driver's seat, holding the ring tightly in his hand. Pray secretly in the heart, Mo Mo, you can't have an accident

When he came to the man's house, he heard the doorbell ring. The man opened the door and found a group of aggressive Asians standing at the door. The man could not help but beat a drum. He could probably guess why these people came to him.

Pool night Che takes out this ring from the pocket, the cold eye looks at the man, seems to use the eye to be able to hurl the man generally. "Did you sell this ring?"

The American man swallowed his saliva: "this, this, this I found this ring from the bag of an Asian woman... "

Heard the man's words, Chi yeche can be sure that the man must have robbed Josh's bag.

"Where did you rob her bag? Did you do anything to her? " Seeing the scarlet eyes of Chi yeche, even though he is a tall white man, the American man can't help but shrink up in fear.

"I At that time, I just drank wine and saw that she seemed to have a lot of money. I robbed her bag when I was in a fever. I didn't hurt her But However, she was hit by a car when she was chasing me, but it didn't seem to be very fierce. Then she came down from the car to look at her. I was afraid that I ran away

Hearing that Josh Mo had a car accident, Chi yeche grabbed the collar of an American man excitedly: "where did the accident happen? Did you see the number of the car? "

The American man shook his head violently: "I I didn't see the license plate number because it was too dark for me to see clearly, but the car seemed to be a very expensive car. As for the brand, I didn't know, but I felt that it was definitely valuable. It happened at about 4:00 a.m. on XX street. "

Hearing the man's words, Chi yeche released his hand holding the man's collar and pushed him back. The huge American man was almost pushed down by Chi yeche. He took a few steps back and stood up again.

"What about the rest of her bag?"

"I I was worried that I would be caught, so after taking out the things that looked like before, I put some stones in her package and threw them into the lake. It seems that there are her passport and some things in it... " The man replied all the time.Jiang Ziyu patted Chi yeche on the shoulder and said, "there should be nothing to ask about this man here. Let's take a look at the surveillance video on that street, and we should be able to find the license plate number. If Mo Mo really had a car accident, she would have been sent to the hospital. Maybe she didn't register because she didn't have ID. I'll send someone to hospitals in New York State and other states in the United States to investigate. Maybe we can get information about Mo mo

Chi yeche responded with a thick nasal voice: "well, we're going to watch the surveillance video now."

Naturally, the surveillance video can't be seen casually, but Jiang Ziyu used his own power in the United States, and the other party agreed to help Jiang Ziyu call up the surveillance video of XX road during that period.

"I'm sorry, sir. I don't know what happened to the surveillance video of XX road during that time. Nothing was recorded."

Hear the words of the staff, pool night Che can't help but frown: "only that time of no?"

"Well There was no video for more than an hour before and after. " The staff replied.

Chi yeche and Jiang Ziyu take a look at each other. They both think that there must be something strange in them. Why do other places do well at other times, but there is no surveillance video of that place.

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