Chi yeche's working speed is naturally very fast. In addition, he can't wait to get married with Qiao Ximo.

The wedding was scheduled for two days.

In the past two days and nights, the hall and hotel for the wedding ceremony were set up. Qiao Ximo bought a wedding ring for Qiao Ximo. Accompanied by Tang Xiaorui and Li Sha, Qiao Ximo chose the wedding dress and invitation card.

In a flash, it was the wedding day of the two.

Chi yeche and Qiao Ximo stood outside the hall to greet the guests.

Their wedding didn't have a big deal. Josh just wanted a warm and simple wedding. In addition to the familiar friends, he didn't invite anyone else, because happiness, as long as they, and the friends around him, knew it.

Fang Ye's family and Li Sha Chi have been together for a long time.

A black car came and Mr. Jiang stepped down from the car.

Seeing master Jiang coming, Chi yeche hurriedly helped him.

After all, it was a happy day for the two, so they didn't feel the rain on their family.

"Grandfather, didn't Ziyu come?" Qiao Ximo also invited Jiang Ziyu and Jiang Yuefei. Jiang Yuefei said he would come. Qiao Ximo thought Jiang Ziyu would come with master Jiang.

"Ziyu said early in the morning that he was going to pick up a man. I don't know where he went. He should come here soon." As soon as master Jiang's voice dropped, Jiang Ziyu's sports car stopped behind him.

After getting off the bus, Jiang Ziyu went to the co driver's cab and opened the door.

"Come down." Jiang Ziyu's gentle voice said to Han Zhenzhen in the car.

After all, it was the first time to see Jiang Ziyu's relatives and friends. Han Zhenzhen could not help being nervous. He saw Jiang Ziyu reach out to himself and hold him with his hand, and then walked out of the car.

Jiang Ziyu leads Han Zhenzhen to come over.

"Congratulations." Jiang Ziyu said to Qiao Ximo.

"Thank you, this is..." Found that even grandfather looked at Han Zhenzhen strangely, presumably grandfather also did not know her, Josh Mo can not help but ask.

Look at Jiang Ziyu holding her. Is this girl Jiang Ziyu's girlfriend?

Hearing Qiao Ximo's question, Han Zhenzhen could not help but bow his head in some shyness and fear. He did not know how Jiang Ziyu would answer this question in front of his relatives and friends.

Jiang Ziyu pinched Han Zhenzhen's small hand tightly: "her name is Han Zhenzhen. She is my girlfriend."

Hearing Jiang Ziyu say that this sweet looking girl is his girlfriend, Mr. Jiang can't help but be excited: "you boy, you are finally willing to find a girlfriend! Really, I'm Ziyu's grandfather. Let's go in and have a chat. Ziyu, stop first. " Mr. Jiang said excitedly holding Han Zhenzhen's hand and preparing to take her to the auditorium.

After all, Jiang Ziyu is twenty-six or seven years old, and master Jiang has been worried about Jiang Ziyu's marriage. Now, Jiang Ziyu finally finds a girlfriend.

Han Zhenzhen looked at Jiang Ziyu timidly. Jiang Ziyu raised a shallow smile and comforted him: "Zhenzhen, don't be afraid. My grandfather is very kind. You should go to talk first and I'll stop the car."

Han Zhenzhen had to nod and follow master Jiang into the auditorium.

After a while, Tang Yunchen's car came.

"Che, congratulations." Tang Yunchen mouth with a good-looking smile, sincere blessing pool night Che way.

"Thank you. I hope you can find your destination earlier." Chi yeche said, after all, Tang Yunchen is now over 30. Although master Tang has passed away and no one will urge him, Chi yeche still hopes that Tang Yunchen can find a woman who can love him and take care of him.

Heard the words of pool night Che, Tang Yunchen some bitter Yang lip Cape: "I will try my best." In fact, Tang Yunchen has been dating all these years. After all, when his grandfather passed away, he held his hand and said that although he would not see his children in his lifetime, he hoped that he could get married as soon as possible and complete this important life event. However, although I have met many women, and there are also some women with good looks, there is no one who can make Tang Yunchen moved.

"Xiao Rui, they are in it." Said Josh, pointing to the auditorium.

"Well, I'll go first." Tang Yunchen smiles and nods to Qiao Ximo, then enters the auditorium.

Pool night Che and Qiao Ximo's friends are not many, now only poor Jiang Yuefei and Jun HaoChen did not come.

After a few more minutes, a white business car stopped at the entrance of the auditorium.

Jun HaoChen got out of the car first, nodded gently to Qiao Ximo and Chi yeche, then went to the co driver's cab, opened the door and helped Jiang Yuefei to walk down.

Although Qiao Ximo has heard that Jun HaoChen and Jiang Yuefei have been married, he did not expect Jiang Yuefei to be pregnant now. Seeing Jun HaoChen carefully supporting Jiang Yuefei, and the happy expression on Jiang Yuefei's face, Qiao Ximo could not help but show a faint smile. See Jun HaoChen seems to be very happy appearance, Qiao Xi Mo is also relieved.

"Congratulations." Go to two people in front of, Jiang Yuefei blessing said. Although she once thought Chi yeche would be her brother-in-law, she came to Chi yeche's wedding today, but Jiang Yuefei was full of blessings instead of resentment. Maybe it's because people grow up and mature. Jiang Yuefei thinks that many things may be fate.Fate is to arrange that Chi yeche will not be with his sister, and Jiang Yueqing will die in such an accident. Since fate is like this, no one can blame.

"How many months have you had a child now?" Qiao Xi Mo asks with concern, Jiang Yuefei's stomach looks very big, should be born soon.

When she heard Qiao Xi Mo ask about the child in her stomach, Jiang Yuefei could not help but hang a happy smile on her face and subconsciously stroked her bulging stomach: "it's only two months from the due date."

"Go in and have a seat." Jiang Yuefei is pregnant, and it's not good for her to stand for too long.

All the guests are here and the wedding can begin.

Because there is no parent's company, Josh Mo is holding the hand of master Jiang to go to the pool night Che's side.

Josie foam step by step to the pool, night Che, the heart of the flutter of tension. Looking at Chi yeche's handsome face, although it is not the first time to see it, it makes Josh's heart beat faster.

In the Holy Church, Chi yeche, dressed in a black suit, and joximo, wearing a white wedding dress, stood side by side in front of the priest.

At 10 o'clock in the morning, the sunlight shone through the colored windows of the auditorium, and projected on their faces, as if plating a holy halo on them.

In the auditorium, the eyes of all the guests are focused on the two people, with sincere and blessing eyes.

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