"Xiaoxin." Hearing Zou Kai call herself Chi Yuxin, she walked over.

"Miss Zou, why are you here?" Chi Yuxin asked, after all, she did not expect to see Zou Kai here.

Zou Kai's mouth with a smile: "just passed by after work, think you should be after school, so come to pick you up, am I too abrupt?"

"Ah No, No Chi Yuxin quickly waved her hand. After all, Zou Kai was just kind enough to pick herself up.

"Get in the car, then."

"Oh "Good." Chi Yuxin regained her consciousness and nodded and got into Zou Kai's car.

At this time, Fang Zhiyao also came out of the school gate and saw Zou Kai's car driving in front of him. Although he didn't see clearly, he felt that the people in the car seemed to be Chi Yuxin?

When Fang Zhiyao saw Chi Yuxin get on the bus, the students began to gossip: "who is that man? He is so handsome! How could Chi Yuxin get on his car

"Maybe it's Chi Yuxin's brother? It should not be her boyfriend. Chi Yuxin doesn't like Fang Zhiyao. "

"Who knows, maybe we can't catch up with Fang Zhiyao, so we'll leave? But the man looks like he's in his 20s. "

When he heard the gossip coming into his ears, Fang Zhiyao felt upset and irritable. This is one of the reasons why he hates girls. He can gossip about a world without knowing anything.

Fang Zhiyao stopped a taxi to leave the school.

After getting off Zou Kai's car, Chi Yuxin couldn't help asking curiously, "should this car be very expensive?" Chi Yuxin is also a lady of a wealthy family. Naturally, she can recognize that this car is a Porsche. At least it should start at 2 million yuan? Since Zou Kai's family is so rich, why do you come to teach yourself?

Chi Yuxin doesn't understand.

Zou Kai just laughed: "it's OK."

Why are you all back together, Zou Kai Tang Xiaorui can't help but ask curiously when they come in together.

Before Chi Yuxin opened her mouth, she only heard Zou Kaixian explain: "I passed Xiaoxin's school after work, and thought that she should be about to finish school at this time, so I waited for her to come back with her at the gate of her school."

"Oh, well. Thank you very much Tang Xiaorui said thanks. Tang Xiaorui didn't think there was any strange place. After all, it was a good way from their company to their home, and Zou Kai was 21 and handsome, and his family conditions were good. How could he like so many girls who were small himself. Although he and Chi Yuxin's age difference is not big, but Chi Yuxin is still too young, only 15 years old.

"Auntie, let's go to my room to make up lessons first." Chi Yuxin said and Zou Kai went to their own room.

After a month, Chi Yuxin and Fang Zhiyao's relationship is still so cold and flat, because Chi Yuxin listens carefully in the school and does his own questions after class. He doesn't stare at Fang Zhiyao as he did before. She does what he does behind Fang Zhiyao's back. After returning home, Chi Yuxin followed Zou Kai to make up for her lessons, which was until 11 o'clock.

During this period, Fang Ye didn't come back for a business trip to the United States. Tang Xiaorui and Lisha have to go to fashion week again and have to go to Japan for a few days.

"Xiaoxin, I'm not at home these days. You and Zhiyao are at home. Take care of yourself."

Before leaving, Tang Xiaorui told Chi Yuxin and Fang Zhiyao.

Chi Yuxin nodded obediently: "aunt Xiaorui, you can rest assured that I can take care of myself."

And Fang Zhiyao just answered coldly.

"Then I'll go." Tang Xiaorui waved her hand, and Chi Yuxin stood at the door watching Tang Xiaorui leave the elevator.

An hour later Zou Kai came.

Hearing the doorbell, she knew it must be Zou Kai. Chi Yuxin went to the door and opened the door.

"Have you had dinner? I brought some food. " Zou Kai works in the design company of Tang Xiaorui and Li Sha, and naturally knows that Tang Xiaorui went on a business trip to Japan. Moreover, he hasn't seen Tang Xiaorui's husband back in recent days. It seems that he is also out on a business trip.

"Wow! How could you have thought of bringing food? It just happened that my aunt went on a business trip today, and my uncle was not in. I was still thinking about how we could solve the problem of dinner when you came I didn't expect Zou Kai even brought Chi Yuxin and was very happy.

They went into the dining room and put the food on the table.

"I bought it for three. Let Zhiyao come out to eat together."


Chi Yuxin went to the door of Fang Zhiyao's room and called Fang Zhiyao: "Zhiyao, Mr. Zou bought dinner. Let's eat together."

The door of Fang Zhiyao's room with a "click" sound is opened, and Fang Zhiyao in casual clothes comes out.

When he came to the restaurant, he saw that all the dishes on the table had green onions. Fang Zhiyao couldn't help frowning: "I don't eat onions. I went out to eat them myself." With that, Fang Zhiyao turned and walked directly like the door, opened the door and left home.

In fact, Zou Kai knew that Fang Zhiyao didn't eat scallions. Once Tang Xiaorui couldn't go back to cook for them, so he ordered a meal and sent it to him. He specifically said that her son didn't eat onions, so he didn't want to let them go. Zou Kai knew that he wanted to let Fang Zhiyao go.After Fang Zhiyao left, Chi Yuxin said with an embarrassed face: "sorry, Zhiyao doesn't eat scallion." Zou Kai clearly bought a meal for Fang Zhiyao to eat. However, Fang Zhiyao hated going out because of the green onion in the meal. Chi Yuxin could not help feeling embarrassed. After all, Zou Kai didn't know that Fang Zhiyao didn't eat scallions.

Zou Kai is just smiling and understanding. "It's OK. By the way, Xiaoxin, can you get two pairs of chopsticks? I dropped them on the ground just now."

"Oh, yes." Chi Yuxin should a, then turned to the kitchen.

As soon as Chi Yuxin left Zou Kai, she took out something and threw it into the juice that Chi Yuxin had just taken a sip of. She quickly stirred it, and the thing the size of a red bean that Zou Kai threw in instantly dissolved.

Chi Yuxin took the chopsticks and walked out of the kitchen. She didn't find anything unusual.

After eating and drinking, they went back to their room and began to make up lessons as usual. As soon as she walked back to her room and sat down, Chi Yuxin felt a little dizzy in her head.

"I'm sorry, Mr. Zou. I don't feel comfortable today. Otherwise, you should go back today and come back tomorrow. I'm really sorry." If she didn't feel her mind was in chaos and her eyes were in a trance, she couldn't concentrate at all. Chi Yuxin would not let Zou Kai leave, but try to listen to the class, but now she feels uncomfortable.

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