Hearing Chi Yuxin's words, Fang Zhiyao just glanced at Chi Yuxin coldly: "are you sure you're not helping?"

"Which I can help you with the washing and chopping, and I will still do it Chi Yuxin quickly proves that she is not a worthless person. Although she can't cook, she can't even wash dishes.

"Then go and wash the garlic sprouts in the refrigerator for me." Fang Zhiyao said and motioned to Chi Yuxin to take the garlic sprouts there.

"Oh Good... " Chi Yuxin said and went to open the refrigerator. There were many vegetables in the refrigerator. Chi Yuxin searched for a while and took out a handful of green things from it.

"Garlic sprouts Is that it? " Chi Yuxin asked Fang Zhiyao weakly.

Fang Zhiyao looked sideways and saw what Chi Yuxin was holding. If it wasn't for Chi Yuxin who looked at herself with a pair of water spirit eyes, it would be lovely, like a little white rabbit, and people couldn't say it. Otherwise, Fang Zhiyao really wanted to blow out: "what's in your head? Is this garlic sprout? Can't you tell what the garlic sprouts look like from the green onions? "

When Fang Zhiyao roared, Chi Yuxin could not help but lower her head and explained in a low voice: "I don't think it looks like garlic sprouts, so I asked you..."

"Forget it. You go out and wait. I don't need your help. I'll make it myself." Fang Zhiyao said to go to the pool Yuxin side, will her hands of green onion, and then open the refrigerator put in.

Chi Yuxin can only hang her head and walk out of the kitchen.

After a while, Fang Zhiyao finished his lunch.

Chi Yuxin looked at Fang Zhiyao's steak and couldn't help praising: "it looks great!" Whether it's taste or appearance, it looks like it's no different from that in a western restaurant.

Found Chi Yuxin her pair of black and white eyes, full of worship to look at themselves, Fang Zhiyao shrunk his mouth, suppress his heart do not know why suddenly out of a little joy: "don't talk, eat."

After lunch, Chi Yuxin went back to her room to continue her study.

It's just because there is no Zou Kai and no one answers the questions she can't solve for herself. After watching for more than an hour, Chi Yuxin still hasn't made much progress.

It's better to Ask Fang Zhiyao?

Thinking of Chi Yuxin taking her textbook to the door of Fang Zhiyao's room and standing at the door of the room, Chi Yuxin swallowed heavily and took a few deep breaths. After adding some oil to herself in her heart, she summoned up the courage to knock on Fang Zhiyao's door.

He is sick now, and there is no way to find a tutor immediately. Fang Zhiyao won't refuse himself so mercilessly?

"Come in."

With Fang Zhiyao's consent, Chi Yuxin gently opens the door.

Fang Zhiyao looked at the door and found that Chi Yuxin came in with the textbook in her hand. She knew what she had come to look for herself.

"What's the matter?"

"That..." Chi Yuxin pursed her lips and tangled for a moment before opening her mouth: "now miss Zou can't give me a make-up lesson I don't know a lot of things. If I drag on like this I'm afraid there's no way to get into No. 1 middle school. So can you make up for my class for a while? When I find a new make-up teacher, I won't have to trouble you, absolutely! " Chi Yuxin looks at Fang Zhiyao with a pathetic look. Chi Yuxin's eyes are very big. Her black pupils are like black gemstones. Her eyes are like water. She looks at him like a wounded white rabbit. It seems that no one can refuse. If she refuses, it seems that she has become a villain.

Fang Zhiyao pursed his lips. Although he decided to read No.1 middle school at the beginning, he knew that Chi Yuxin would definitely fail in the examination and didn't want her to follow him like that again. So he planned to take a middle school entrance examination. If he taught her now, maybe Chi Yuxin would get into the exam, and he would be entangled by Chi Yuxin all over the high school.

Although he thought so, Fang Zhiyao said, "OK, I'll teach you."

"Really?" Hearing Fang Zhiyao's words, she didn't expect Fang Zhiyao to teach herself. Chi Yuxin's eyes flashed with a happy look, totally unexpected.

In fact, Fang Zhiyao didn't know why he was so crazy that he agreed, but the words he said were like water thrown out. It's impossible to take it back.

Fang Zhiyao comes to Chi Yuxin's room to give chi Yuxin a supplementary lesson.

"Your English is pretty good, so you don't need to make up for your English. Your Chinese is still moderate. Even if you make up, you won't get many points. What's worse is mathematics and physical chemistry. Mathematics is the worst. Make up for it first. " As soon as she sat down, Chi Yuxin didn't ask Fang Zhiyao to teach her what Fang Zhiyao taught her. She took the lead in deciding mathematics.

However, Chi Yuxin's math score is so poor that Fang Zhiyao can't bear to look directly at her. If she makes up for her math, she can at least pull up 7 or 80 points.

Then Fang Zhiyao earnestly made up for Chi Yuxin's lessons. If she had been so close to Fang Zhiyao, maybe Chi Yuxin would have looked at Fang Zhiyao in a daze, but now Chi Yuxin is listening to her class very seriously.

She must work hard to get into a middle school, so that she can follow Fang Zhiyao every day!On Monday, Tang Xiaorui returned home from a business trip one day ahead of schedule.

As soon as he got home, he said strangely, "Xiaoxin, do you know what happened to Zou Kai? As soon as I came back, I heard from the personnel department that he had left his job. He said that he wanted to study hard and would not come to make up lessons for you. "

Tang Xiaorui can't help but feel strange. After all, although Zou Kai is still in University, it's normal to resign because he wants to study, but it's too sudden.

Chi Yuxin and Fang Zhiyao look at each other. Fang Zhiyao takes back his eyes and continues to look at himself. The meaning of the book is to let Chi Yuxin explain himself.

Chi Yuxin said with a smile of embarrassment: "maybe it's because Mr. Zou is really busy, so he resigned."

Naturally, Chi Yuxin doesn't want to tell Tang Xiaorui about Zou Kai's plot. Chi Yuxin doesn't want to make a big fuss. Aunt Zou Kai wants to know too much, but his mother will not be able to deal with anything too bad.

"But Xiaoxin, what can you do to make up the lesson? I'll find you another tutor. "

Tang Xiaorui's voice just fell, but suddenly listen to Fang Zhiyao's mouth: "don't look for it."

"Why? But Xiaoxin has to make up her lessons and get into No.1 middle school Tang Xiaorui doesn't understand why Fang Zhiyao doesn't let himself find a tutor for Chi Yuxin.

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