Chen Yi didn't expect that Chi Yuxin's reason for liking Fang Zhiyao was so simple and crude.

This makes it even more difficult for her to understand, because Fang Zhiyao is not the only one who is smart, although Fang Zhiyao is the only one with full marks in the whole city But Fang Zhiyao is really smart against the sky, ordinary smart people are enough, ah, what to do so smart.

"But Xiaoxin, don't you think that even if Fang Zhiyao is smart, his character is really rotten? You see, he turned down three girls' confessions in the morning, and he said too much. What's more, he said something too much: "you look so ugly." "come and look in the mirror first." "I don't like girls with short legs." Chen Yi imitated Fang Zhiyao's tone and said: "I depend on it. It's too much. If you refuse, you don't need to attack yourself! If you are smart, the person next to you is not inferior to Fang's. besides, his character is much better than his Chen Yi couldn't help praising Wu Luoyi.

Although Chen Yi is praising himself, Wu Luoyi doesn't like to be compared with Fang Zhiyao.

Wu Luoyi said with a smile: "Mr. Chen only knew Fang for the first day today. He shouldn't have said that. In fact, it's a very distressing thing to be confessed by a girl I don't like. I just say it too euphemistically every time, so they still pester me all the time, which makes me feel very depressed. Although Fang's words may be too much A little bit, but after he said this absolutely, those girls will not pester him again Wu Luoyi seems to be still saying good things to Fang Zhiyao.

Chen Yi just sighed: "anyway, I think you are much better than Fang Zhiyao. If Xiaoxin met you earlier, you might be the one you like."

Hearing Chen Yi's words, Chi Yuxin's face flushed with shame. Although she didn't mean Wu Luoyi in that way, Chen Yi made a joke of herself in front of Wu Luoyi, which embarrassed Chi Yuxin. Chi Yuxin pushed Chen Yi with her hand: "don't make such a joke It's embarrassing. "

Wu Luoyi's smile was a little stiff, but he was the only one who could feel it: "yes, Chen Yi, don't make such a joke. It will embarrass Xiaoxin." In fact, when hearing Chen Yi's words, Wu Luoyi also thought, if she met Chi Yuxin first, would the person Chi Yuxin like now be herself?

If Chi Yuxin liked herself, he would have promised to associate with Chi Yuxin.

Because at the first sight of seeing Chi Yuxin, he fell in love with her.

Like this girl like an angel.

After lunch, the four walked back to the teaching building. Wu Luoyi's classroom arrived before them: "then I'll go back to class. We'll talk again when we have time." Wu Luoyi waved her hand to Chi Yuxin. Although she said goodbye to the three of them, Wu Luoyi's eyes obviously only fell on Chi Yuxin alone.

Wu Luoyi's actions all fall into the eyes of an Zhichun who doesn't speak much. An Zhichun vaguely thinks that Wu Luoyi likes Chi Yuxin? However, because there is no complete certainty, it can not be said directly, so as not to make a joke very embarrassing.

"Good." Chi Yuxin also waved to Wu Luoyi.

After school, Chi Yuxin and Chen Yian Zhichun walked out of the classroom to the school gate.

"Xiaoxin, which way are you going? I'm going this way with him Chen Yi pointed to a direction.

"I'm not in the same direction as you. You go first. We'll see you tomorrow."

"Good bye." Chen Yi and an Zhichun wave goodbye to Chi Yuxin and leave together.

Chi Yuxin stood in place and did not leave, but stood at the school gate, as if waiting for something.

When she and Chen Yi left the classroom together, Fang Zhiyao was still in the classroom. He should not have come out yet.

Fang Zhiyao had just come out of the back door of the classroom and met Wu Luoyi who came out of the front door of class two classroom.

After they looked at each other, Fang Zhiyao continued to move forward as if he had not seen him. Wu Luoyi walked behind Fang Zhiyao.

Fang Zhiyao and Wu Luoyi went to the school gate one after another.

She found Chi Yuxin standing at the school gate, and Wu Luoyi passed Chi Yuxin quickly.

"Xiaoxin, haven't you left yet? Am I going this way? Let's go along the way. " Wu Luoyi smiles and invites Chi Yuxin.

"Ah We're on our way, but I'm engaged with him today, so I can't go with you. " Yuchixin said sorry.

Hearing Chi Yuxin's words, Wu Luoyi's smile at the corner of her mouth was stiff, but it only lasted for a second. "In that case, I won't be forced."

At this time, Fang Zhiyao came over and took a cold look at Chi Yuxin. Chi Yuxin left with Fang Zhiyao like a pug.

Looking at Fang Zhiyao's back, Wu Luoyi's lips can't help pursing, and her fist hanging on her side pinches fiercely.

From childhood to adulthood, he has always been the first one. No matter where he is, he can be heard to praise the opening ceremony of each semester, and it is always him who speaks as a student representative on the stage.He graduated from the No.1 junior high school in Q city. Both the teachers and the headmaster knew that he was going to take the first place in the examination, so he was able to prepare the speech as early as possible. However, after he had prepared the speech manuscript and got the result, he didn't expect that he was given a full mark by Fang Zhiyao because of his English.

Because Fang Zhiyao has never participated in any competition, no matter what competition is the first, Wu Luoyi never thought that he would be killed in the middle of a black horse than.

But even if the score is not enough, even a point will be counted. He is not such a stingy person. It's not that he doesn't know that there are people out there. It's just that Wu Luoyi didn't think of the girl she fell in love with for the first time, waiting for her to fall in love with at first sight.

I like Fang Zhiyao

Fang Zhiyao's express walking is always very fast. Chi Yuxin can barely keep up with the speed of the upper one by running and jumping on short legs.

"Well, what did my aunt say this morning to help us buy when we go back? I forgot... "

Chi Yuxin clearly remembers clearly in the morning, and suddenly forgets everything at the end of the day.

Fang Zhiyao glanced at the pond Yuxin side eyes: "cake, disposable garbage bag, dishwashing towel."

"Ah, yes, yes, you are smart! I forgot all about it Chi Yuxin, with a bright smile on her face, praised.

However, every time Fang Zhiyao heard Chi Yuxin collapse his intelligence, he always felt that his IQ was insulted.

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