"I'm sorry. I'm a little too excited at the moment. But Xiaoxin, Wu Luoyi has confessed to you. How are you going to reply to others? " Chen Yi couldn't help asking curiously.

After all, Chi Yuxin's favorite person should still be Fang Zhiyao? It's just that Fang Zhiyao broke her heart like that Maybe Chi Yuxin will waver or not.

Chen Yi's question let Chi Yuxin go to one side and sit down with a heavy sigh: "I just don't know, so I told you that I want you to give me advice."

Chi Yuxin didn't expect that Wu Luoyi would like herself. Last night, she struggled all night and didn't know how to answer Wu Luoyi.

I have to say that I still like Fang Zhiyao in my heart, but Fang Zhiyao is really disappointing Chi Yuxin, and Wu Luoyi is really good. If she can't be with Fang Zhiyao, Wu Luoyi is the best choice.

But now I don't want to promise Wu Luoyi

Chen Yi shrugged helplessly: "men and women between things do not ask me, but I do not understand." Thinking of the complicated affairs between men and women, Chen Yi is too lazy to understand why his parents don't give him a third leg? It's too much trouble to be a woman

"Xiaoxin, I ask you, do you like wooloy?" At this time, an Zhichun said.

"I..." An Zhichun's question made Chi Yuxin pause for a moment. "I'm probably more of a friend of mine."

"If you only regard Woolley as your ordinary friend, why do you still bother to refuse him? Is it true that you have a little affection for him in your heart? "

An Zhichun's question made Chi Yuxin even more confused: "it's not good feeling But after all, I took him as a friend and refused his words directly. It would be very embarrassing when I met him at school... "

"But if you don't refuse him, he continues to pursue you, and you don't intend to promise him, isn't it embarrassing. Xiaoxin, are you struggling to refuse Wu Luoyi? Is it because you think that you and Fang Zhiyao may not work out, but Wu Luoyi is very good. If you can't catch up with Fang Zhiyao, there will be no good boy like Wu Luoyi? "

An Zhichun's words make Chi Yuxin speechless. To tell the truth, she has a little bit of such an idea in her heart.

Chi Yuxin hung down her head in embarrassment: "Zhichun, do I take Roy as a spare tire? Isn't that bad for me? "

An Zhichun patted Chi Yuxin on the shoulder: "Xiaoxin, you don't have to think that there is anything wrong with this. Everyone is thinking for themselves. Having a spare tire and having a plan B is also a good thing for you. Moreover, I can feel that Wu Luoyi is so smart that he must know that you can't shine down so quickly. The reason why he confesses to you now is hope If you take him as a spare tire, at least the spare tire still has a chance. If he doesn't say that, you will be together with Fang Zhiyao later, he will have no chance at all. I think that's what he thinks. "

It has to be said that an Zhichun is not very familiar with matters between men and women, but she can also have her own opinions.

"So pure, what am I going to do now?" Chi Yuxin raised her eyes to an Zhichun, as if to see a straw, an Zhichun is simply an angel sent by heaven to save her!

"Don't agree to Wu Luoyi or refuse directly, and then continue to try to see if we can make up with Fang Zhiyao." An Zhichun gives Chi Yuxin an idea.

"But so Is it too much? " It's like stepping on two boats

An Zhichun's hands were placed on Chi Yuxin's shoulder: "Xiaoxin, you should remember that people are selfish, and you should also consider yourself. Otherwise, if you really don't have Fang Zhiyao, what can you do if Wu Luoyi doesn't have Fang Zhiyao?"

Chi Yuxin listens to an Zhichun's words and just nods gently. Although she thinks that an Zhichun's words are not wrong at all, people are naturally selfish and hope that they can be happy, but she is very skillful between Wu Luoyi and Fang Zhiyao.

Chi Yuxin feels that You may not be able to

Fang Zhiyao just walked into the school gate and saw Wu Luoyi who seemed to be waiting at the school gate.

Feeling that Wu Luoyi was definitely not waiting for himself, Fang Zhiyao took a look at Wu Luoyi and then walked forward, but he didn't expect that Wu Luoyi was in front of him.

"Fang, I want to talk to you about something."

Fang Zhiyao looked at Wu Luoyi, his eyes were very cold: "I should have nothing to talk about with you?" Fang Zhiyao finished and went on. Wu Luoyi did not catch up, but said.

"It's about Xiaoxin. I want to talk to you about it."

Wu Luoyi's words stopped Fang Zhiyao's steps. Wu Luoyi knew that Fang Zhiyao knew it was about Chi Yuxin. She would still like to talk with herself.

"There are too many people here. Let's go where there are fewer people." Wu Luoyi went to Fang Zhiyao and said.

Fang Zhiyao took a look at Wu Luoyi, pursed his lips and did not speak. However, he followed Wu Luoyi to the school where there were not so many students.

Chi Yuxin and Chen Yian Zhichun are about to go back to the classroom after they have talked about it. Chen Yi sees Fang Zhiyao and Wu Luoyi coming towards this side: "eh, how can they be together?" Because there are many trees here, Fang Zhiyao and Wu Luoyi did not find them.Chi Yuxin looks at the place Chen Yi points to. Seeing Wu Luoyi and Fang Zhiyao walking together one after another, she can't help but feel strange: "yes It's not the way to the class. " What's more, Zhiyao seems to have been looking at Roy all the time. Why does he have Roy together now? Chi Yuxin felt very strange.

"Or let's sneak over and see what's going on." An Zhichun said.

Chen Yi and Chi Yuxin also nodded slightly, and the three squatted down to hide in the bushes.

Wooloy stopped. "It should be OK to get here. There's no student union here."

Fang Zhiyao looked at Wu Luoyi. There was no expression on his face. He was still so indifferent. His voice was cold and there was no ups and downs in his voice: "what do you want to say to me?" In fact, Fang Zhiyao himself is not very clear, why Wu Luoyi told himself that it was about Chi Yuxin that he would follow him

Wu Luoyi looked at Fang Zhiyao with a serious expression, and asked solemnly, "I just want to ask you, do you like Xiaoxin?"

Unexpectedly, Wu Luoyi came here to ask this question. Fang Zhiyao thought that he was a bit ridiculous and said, "do I have to tell you?"

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