After getting off the ferris wheel, Fang Zhiyao didn't want to play anything, and Chi Yuxin had nothing to play with except these things, so they walked aimlessly in the park.

Seeing the two old men and women with white hair in front of them, holding hands and walking slowly together, Chi Yuxin can't help but sigh: "how envious."

Fang Zhiyao knows what Chi Yuxin refers to. In fact, when he sees the two grandparents walking together, Fang Zhiyao has a very warm feeling inexplicably.

I should also be able to be with a person like this hand in hand to go to the old how good.

Thinking of Fang Zhiyao, she takes a sneak look at Chi Yuxin. The warm sunshine in the noon and autumn day shines on Chi Yuxin's body. The ground is covered with withered leaves. Chi Yuxin's side face and mouth corners have a shallow smile. Everything looks so warm and beautiful. I hope that time can stop at this moment

In a flash, it was 1:00 p.m., and Chi Yuxin felt a little hungry, so she left the amusement park with Fang Zhiyao, went to a nearby restaurant for dinner, and then went to see a movie. In a flash, it was time for dinner in the afternoon. Chi Yuxin also felt that she should go back.

"Let's go back. You're going to America tomorrow. Pack up today and rest early." Thinking that Fang Zhiyao is going to America tomorrow, Chi Yuxin can't help but give up.

Today, I spent a happy day with Fang Zhiyao. It seems that this is the first time that I spent a day alone with Fang Zhiyao. I always feel that the time has passed quickly. Now it is already five o'clock in the afternoon. Maybe the happy time will pass quickly.

"The luggage was packed yesterday."

"Er..." Chi Yuxin choked because of Fang Zhiyao's words.

In fact, Fang Zhiyao still wants to stay with Chi Yuxin for a while, but since Chi Yuxin has offered to go back, Fang Zhiyao doesn't want to keep anything.

"Let's go. I'll take you back. "

Chi Yuxin nodded gently.

Because it was not far from home, they walked home.

"Well, what time is the plane tomorrow?" Chi Yuxin asked. If you can Of course, she would like to see Fang Zhiyao off.

"Eight o'clock in the morning." Fang Zhiyao replied.

At 8:00 in the morning, you have to leave for the airport at least at 6:30, right? I have to get up at least at half past five Half past five Chi Yuxin has never got up so early.

"That May I come and see you off? " Chi Yuxin asked in a low voice.

Fang Zhiyao glanced at Chi Yuxin: "of course, why ask me."

Hearing Fang Zhiyao say yes, Chi Yuxin can't help but get excited, "Hmm! I'll get up early tomorrow morning

Two people walked to the door of chiyuxin's community.

"Just send me here. I'll see you in the morning Chi Yuxin said the other side of the Yao waved, and then turned to leave.

I don't know why. Although I had a very happy and substantial life today, Chi Yuxin always felt that there was something wrong But Chi Yuxin couldn't say why.

As soon as Chi Yuxin returned home, Qiao Ximo said happily, "Xiaoxin, you're back. How about today's date?"

Chi yeche is looking at the newspaper in the living room and hears Josh's words. Although his eyes are still on the newspaper, his ears are up to listen to their conversation.

"And Not bad... " Talking about this topic with her mother, Chi Yuxin still feels a little shy.

"Well..." The heart of Qiao Xi Mo's eight trigrams all of a sudden: "Xiaoxin, have you and the Yao kiss?"

"What -" as soon as he heard the words of Josh foam, Chi yeche finally put down the newspaper, stood up and went to Chi Yuxin: "Xiaoxin, dad doesn't allow you to kiss boys so early!"

Although Chi Yuxin and Fang Zhiyao are involved, Chi yeche knows and doesn't object to it. After all, Fang Zhiyao is a very good boy, which makes Chi yeche feel at ease more than other boys.

But Chi yeche or not willing to give up his baby daughter so early by other boys kiss ah!

Did not expect pool night Che so excited, Josh Mo quickly said: "husband, why are you so excited?"! Now what age, high school students fall in love with what is very normal, OK! Who falls in love and doesn't kiss! You think it's still the '80s! " Josh Mo speechless white pool night Che one eye.

Chi yeche also knows that the current social atmosphere is very open, but on his daughter's body, Chi yeche has some acceptance incompetence!

"Oh, parents, don't do this I haven't kissed Zhiyao yet... " Chi Yuxin blushed and whispered.

Hearing Chi Yuxin say that she hasn't kiss yet, Chi yeche puts down her heart.

"Xiaoxin, dad told you that although people are very open now, my father believes that my daughter is the purest! I don't believe in Fang Zhiyao, but you should believe my father's words. Boys in high school are sex wolves. No, all men are sex wolves. Even if it's your boyfriend, Xiaoxin, you must be on guard. Do you know that? Kiss or something. You can't get pregnant before you get marriedNow the social atmosphere is very open, Chi yeche can often see the news of high school girls' pregnancy on TV and newspapers, but Chi yeche absolutely does not allow his daughter to do this!

Unexpectedly, Chi yeche mentioned to himself that he was unmarried first, and Chi Yuxin's face became even more red.

"Dad! What are you talking about! I and Zhiyao are not that kind of person

Unmarried pregnant or something How could she do that!

Think about it already makes people very shy!

"That's right, husband. You want too much. Xiaoxin and Zhiyao are not pregnant with children. They will have their own sense of propriety. Let's leave their affairs alone."

Pool night Che just sighed: "yes, my daughter has grown up, I have been old."

It is said that her daughter is the lover of her father's last life. Chi yeche has always been so fond of Chi Yuxin. Now when I think about Chi Yuxin's future marriage to other men, Chi yeche is now reluctant to give up.

"Xiaoxin, are you hungry? Mom goes to cook, you go to change clothes first

Chi Yuxin should have a sound and then returned to her room.

When she changed her clothes, Chi Yuxin finally thought about why she felt like something was wrong today.

It turns out that I had no intimate contact with Fang Zhiyao on my first date today

At least There was no kiss.

Last time, although Fang Zhiyao gently kisses her lips, it's really light. It's like a dragonfly skimming the water. She left after a second. She almost didn't feel it

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