Hearing Chen Yi and an Zhichun's words, Chi Yuxin can't help but feel embarrassed.

Chi Yuxin is not sure whether Wu Luoyi likes herself or not. She thinks that if she is her own, if Fang Zhiyao refuses to communicate with other girls, she should not be able to pretend that she has nothing to do with each other.

But wooloy could say good morning to herself as if nothing had happened.

Maybe it's just the difference between people

"What shall I do? Is it time to stay away from him and not talk to him? "

In fact, Chi Yuxin has already avoided meeting Wu Luoyi, but their class is close to each other, and occasionally they meet in the corridor. Sometimes, Wu Luoyi takes the initiative to talk to herself. Chi Yuxin is also embarrassed to pretend that she didn't hear her. It seems too impolite.

"Er I don't know what to do with this, Zhichun, what do you think? " Chen Yi looks at Xiang an Zhichun again.

An Zhichun's face was speechless: "why do you ask me every time I come to this kind of question? I have never been in love!" I have never been in love, but I always act as a love consultant.

"But I think, after all, I'm also a classmate. If I meet him in school and he wants to talk to you, it's impolite to treat him as if he didn't see him. He can feel that you don't want to pay attention to him. After a long time, naturally, he won't talk to you again. No one likes hot face and cold butt. If he says something to you again, you can say it heartlessly and refuse him

Hearing an Zhichun's words, Chi Yuxin nodded with great reason.

Although it seems cruel to Wu Luoyi, I can't agree with her. It's more excessive than to keep others full of hope.

In the afternoon, after PE class, Chi Yuxin went back to her seat and suddenly found a note in her drawer that she had never seen before.

Did someone write her a note?

Chi Yuxin left and right look, students are doing their own things, no one looked at her here.

Strange Who would write her a note?

Thinking of Chi Yuxin opening the note, I saw that it said.

In the afternoon, I'll meet you in the small garden behind XX teaching building after school. It's about Fang Zhiyao. Don't tell anyone, just you.

Seeing the content above, Chi Yuxin can't help frowning.

Who wrote to her? Why let her go to the garden after school? And why didn't she tell anyone?

Although Chi Yuxin can't understand why, but because the note says something about Fang Zhiyao, Chi Yuxin can't ignore it.

After school, Chi Yuxin walks to the school gate with Chen Yi and an Zhichun. After seeing the two people leave, Chi Yuxin goes back to school by herself.

XX teaching building is a redundant teaching building. In front of the closed back door of the school, almost no students will walk from there. It is a very remote place of the school.

Who on earth asked her to meet there? What about Fang Zhiyao?

As soon as Wu Luoyi came out of the student union office, she saw Chi Yuxin walking towards the back of the school.

Wooloy frowned a little.

What is Xiaoxin going to do there? The back door doesn't work.

Wu Luoyi felt that something was wrong. After thinking about it, she still followed him.

It's just that Chi Yuxin has gone far away. Wu Luoyi is not sure where Chi Yuxin is going. She just goes to the direction Chi Yuxin just walked.

Chi Yuxin came to the small garden, but did not see a person.

Strange Why is there no one here? Who told her to come?

At this time, it was determined that only Chi Yuxin came alone, and several girls did not know where they came from.

Seeing these girls, Chi Yuxin can't help but frown at them strangely. These girls She seems to have never seen it. It seems that she is not a student in her class.

Because there are so many people in the school, there are almost thousands of people at one age, and there are thousands of people at the three ages of senior high school. Of course, Chi Yuxin has not seen everyone.

Although Chi Yuxin hasn't seen these girls, they know Chi Yuxin.

"Did you come to me? What can I do for you Chi Yuxin asked.

She and these girls don't know each other. Why do they write a note to let them come over?

And what do they have to tell themselves about Fang Zhiyao?

One of the girls walks up to Chi Yuxin.

"It's true that you are associating with Fang Zhiyao Asked the girl in a questioning tone.

"Yes, yes, what happened?" Chi Yuxin doesn't quite understand why these girls ask her in such a tone.

"What about you and woo? What's wrong with you and Wu? Have you ever been with him? " The girl continued to question."No, I haven't been with wooloy." Chi Yuxin replied. "What's the matter with you asking me to come here? Isn't it that you want to tell me something about Zhiyao? " Chi Yuxin also foolishly thought that they really had something to tell themselves about Fang Zhiyao.

"We don't have anything to tell you about Fang, but if you don't write like that, you won't come. We just want to warn you that you shouldn't be too fickle in being a woman. If you hook up with one, don't hold on to both. I don't know what kind of skills you have. I don't know how to make students Fang and Wu like you. "

Chi Yuxin now can understand the purpose of these girls calling themselves. These girls should be the pursuers of Fang Zhiyao or Wu Luoyi? Chi Yuxin also seems to recognize one of the girls before, as if the other side of the Yao confessed.

"I don't hold on to both." Chi Yuxin defends herself by saying that she doesn't like the tone of these girls' speeches. Why does she speak like that kind of woman? She only liked Fang Zhiyao from the beginning. Before Wu Luoyi confessed to herself, she always regarded Wu Luoyi as a common friend. After contacting Fang Zhiyao, she began to avoid Wu Luoyi. What else do these girls want to do?

Although Chi Yuxin said so, of course that group of girls would not believe it.

"Well, you'll never know how good we are if we don't give you a lesson." The girl said suddenly reached out and pushed Chi Yuxin forward.

Chi Yuxin didn't expect that the girl would suddenly be like this and was pushed to the ground.

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