Chi Yuxin gently nodded: "then I'll go back first. Be careful on your way back." Chi Yuxin said and went to the door, but each step was very slow.

Chi Yuxin is still annoyed. If she didn't call her stomach at that time, she could kiss Fang Zhiyao, but she missed it.

Seeing Chi Yuxin walking so slowly step by step, Fang Zhiyao suddenly steps forward and grabs Chi Yuxin's hand. Before Chi Yuxin can react, he kisses Chi Yuxin's lip heavily.

Fang Zhiyao gently left Chi Yuxin's lips and looked at her with a pair of confused eyes. He said, "have you been expecting this all the time?"

Hearing Fang Zhiyao's words, Chi Yuxin's face can't help but blush. Unexpectedly, she was guessed by Fang Zhiyao.

"Where and where Where can I find it? They didn't expect that! " Chi Yuxin stammered because of her shyness.

Fang Zhiyao only thinks it's cute to see Chi Yuxin's shyness. Fang Zhiyao slightly picked up eyebrows, a pair of playful expression: "since there is no that, why do you want to stutter?"

"They don't have one anyway! I went back first. " Chi Yuxin said and quickly turned and ran in.

Fang Zhiyao looks at Chi Yuxin's back and smiles.

The next day, because he had made an appointment with Chen Yi and an Zhichun, he didn't go on a date with Fang Zhiyao.

Chen Yi and an Zhichun asked Chi Yuxin out to play mainly because she was not in a good mood before seeing her. But now when I see Chi Yuxin, they find that she is full of spring breeze, humming a little song and walking in a brisk pace. Chen Yi asks strangely, "what happened to Xiaoxin? Are you so happy? "

Chi Yuxin was embarrassed to spit out his tongue: "is the Yao back ah."

"Ah, is he back? Last night? I thought he would not come back until tomorrow. Would you be delayed if we asked you out today? Otherwise, you don't have to care about me and Zhichun. Go on a date with Fang Zhiyao. " Chen Yi knows that she hasn't seen Fang Zhiyao for so long. Chi Yuxin must Miss Fang Zhiyao very much. If Fang Zhiyao came back last night, Chen Yi would not ask Chi Yuxin out. Of course, she wants them to get together!

"It doesn't matter. Since I have made an appointment with you in advance, I will come out with you."

Seeing Chi Yuxin in a good mood, I know that some misunderstandings must have been solved after seeing Fang Zhiyao yesterday. An Zhichun asked, "did Fang Zhiyao not accept the invitation of the headmaster there?"

"No, he said he refused." Knowing that Fang Zhiyao refused the invitation of the headmaster there, Chi Yuxin's heart knot was untied at once.

The three friends went to a restaurant for dinner. When ordering, Chen Yi accidentally saw a bracelet on Chi Yuxin's hand, and could not help asking curiously, "Xiaoxin, when did you buy a bracelet? It looks beautiful. " Although Chen Yi is that kind of very boyish girl, but see this bracelet also feel very beautiful.

Unexpectedly, Chen Yi also felt that this bracelet friend. Chi Yuxin could not help but smile brightly on her face. It seemed that she said with pride: "it was Zhiyao who gave it to me yesterday. He bought it for me in the United States. Seeing this bracelet, he thought I would like it, so I bought it for me. My favorite flower is daisy. There is a daisy pendant on it

See Chi Yuxin gushing appearance, an Zhichun gently shook his head: "you don't stimulate me and Xiaoyi these two single dogs."

Chi Yuxin was embarrassed to spit out her tongue: "people can't help it..." Maybe people in love will be like this, can't help but talk about their partner with their friends, even if it's just a little thing, they will always talk about it.

After dinner, the three of them began to walk in the street.

Passing by a jewelry store, an Zhichun suddenly remembered something and said casually, "Fang Zhiyao has given you a bracelet. You can give him a pair of lovers' rings that you can bring together."

An Zhichun just casually said a word, but after Chi Yuxin heard that, it was really a good idea.

"Yes! I think a lot of couples will bring their rings. Let's go in and see if they are sold here Chi Yuxin said and then took Chen Yi and an Zhichun into the jewelry store.

Miss shopping guide saw three people come in and asked with a smile, "what do you need?"

Or for the first time to buy a ring, Chi Yuxin seems a little embarrassed: "do you have couple rings here?"

"Yes, here it is." The shopping guide took the three to the window with the couple's rings.

"The couple rings in our store are all here."

Chi Yuxin looks at dozens of couples in front of her. She is the first time to buy this kind of thing. She doesn't know what Fang Zhiyao will like.

Chi Yuxin cast a look for help to Chen Yi and an Zhichun: "Xiaoyi Zhichun, which pair do you think is more beautiful? What would Zhiyao like? "

Chen Yi speechless white Chi Yuxin one eye: "you don't know what your boyfriend likes. How can we know that?""I think boys don't like fancy things with Fang Zhiyao's character? It should be better to keep a low profile An Zhichun opened his mind.

"I think so too. Zhiyao won't like to be too fancy." Chi Yuxin looked as like as two peas. What's more, she chose a ring for men and women alike. The lady is only a little bit more strict than the man. The ring is simple, low-key, and has no drill or pattern. So it's not easy to find it when it's in school.

"Miss, I want this pair of rings. How much is it?" Chi Yuxin inquired.

"This pair is a little expensive. It costs 25000 yuan."

"Twenty five thousand?" Chen Yi can't help but stare at the words of Miss shopping guide. I'll go. It's too expensive, isn't it? It's just an ordinary ring. It doesn't even have a diamond. It costs 25000.

"Yes, although this pair of rings is very low-key, but because it is designed by well-known jewelry designers, the price will be relatively higher."

Chen Yi and an Zhichun want to tell Chi Yuxin that it's better to buy a new one. When they buy it, Chi Yuxin takes out her credit card from her bag and hands it over: "I'll take this pair. Wrap it for me."

As a result, Chi Yuxin's card went to check out first.

After the shopping guide left, Chen Yi pulled Chi Yuxin's hand: "Xiaoxin, I know you have money, but this pair of rings does not look so expensive."

It's still 25000. Chen Yi thinks it's about 5000!

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