Wu Luoyi just came out of the student union room and saw Yun Chulei.

"Is there no one else in it?" Yun Chulei asked.

Wooloy shook her head slightly.

"Then let's go in and talk, lest we be heard." Yun Chulei said that this side walked into the student union room.

Although Wu Luoyi didn't know what Yun Chulei was doing when she came to find herself, she also walked in with her door.

Seeing them go into the student union room and close the door, an Zhichun can't help frowning.

Do you have a good relationship with Luo Lei?

Although it's true that I know each other, I don't think it's good enough that I need to talk to wooloy alone?

What do they say together?

Although an Zhichun would like to know, she did not dare to go over to eavesdrop. It is estimated that eavesdropping can not be heard. If it is found, it will be bad.

On the way back to the classroom, an Zhichun frowns tightly. It is obvious that Wu Luoyi likes Chi Yuxin. Wu Luoyi also confesses to Chi Yuxin. Even if she is rejected, even if Chi Yuxin is now with Fang Zhiyao, Wu Luoyi has not given up.

And what about Yunchu Lei Although she didn't say it, she felt that yunchulei liked Fang Zhiyao, and yunchulei had a deep mind and would like to get Fang Zhiyao.

Besides, Wu Luoyi's and Chi Yuxin's love affair is widely spread in the school, and Yun Chulei must have heard it?

So Did the two of them join hands?

Want to separate Chi Yuxin from Fang Zhiyao?

Think of an Zhichun can not help clenching his fist, she will not let them two succeed.

"Did you come to me with any plans?" As soon as she entered the student union room and closed the door, she asked.

Because they don't want to let others know about their relationship, the two of them are not very familiar in front of the public, and they avoid talking together alone.

Cloud Chulei now suddenly came to find herself, it should be because she thought of a good way.

"Tomorrow is the 30th day of my coming to school. I'm known as an exchange student. Even if I plan to continue to study here, I have to go back to the United States. If I can't get Fang Zhiyao, I don't have to go back home to study, so I'm going to make a last ditch effort." Yun Chulei said, a pair of beautiful eyes are full of sinister.

Since it's the last fight, of course, it's a little harder.

Wu Luoyi frowned and looked at Yun Chulei. Although she had long thought that this woman was unusual, she still felt that this woman was really terrible when she saw her expression like this.

But I and Yun Chulei, maybe they are the same terrible people.

Now that Yun Chulei is ready to go all out, Wu Luoyi, as an ally of yunchulei, has to fight side by side with Yun Chulei.

There was no extra expression on her face, and her voice was faint: "what's your plan?"

With a cold smile on her lips, Yun Chulei walked to Wu Luoyi's side. Even though no one should have heard their conversation, Yun Chulei stood on tiptoe and whispered her plan to Wu Luoyi.

Hearing Yun Chulei's plan, Wu Luoyi could not help frowning: "is this really OK? Is it too big? "

Yun Chulei just sneered: "since it's the last fight, how can it be done if it's not a little bit? Besides, I'm not afraid. What else are you afraid of? To be honest, you don't need to do anything, do you? It feels like you're just sitting on a fishing boat. Even if you fail, you can still retreat, right? To tell you the truth, it's me who is more dangerous, isn't it? "

Wu Luoyi looked at the woman in front of her. Her eyes were dignified. She was silent for a moment. She said, "OK. I'll listen to you. "

The next day after school, Chi Yuxin and Fang Zhiyao are preparing to go home after school. Suddenly, a voice from behind stops them.

"Xiaoxin, Zhiyao!"

Chi Yuxin looks back and sees Yun Chulei running over quickly. Wu Luoyi is also with Yun Chulei.

Chi Yuxin can't help but be a little surprised. First, she is surprised why Yun Chulei and Wu Luoyi are together. Do they have a good relationship? The second is why Yun Chulei suddenly came to stop him and Fang Zhiyao.

Yun Chulei trotted to Chi Yuxin and said, "Xiaoxin, today is my last day at school. I will return to the United States on the plane tomorrow at noon. You are the best friends I know here. Roy is going to send me off instead of the headmaster, so I want to invite you to join me in singing and eating. Tomorrow is Saturday. If you have time, I hope you can come to the airport to see me off. After all, I may never meet you again this time. "

Cloud Chu Lei looks at Chi Yuxin with a look on her face, as if she is really reluctant.

Chi Yuxin has always been soft hearted, and although she has not had a good relationship with Yun Chulei as well as with Chen Yian Zhichun, she is also a friend. She can't help feeling sad when she thinks that she may never see her again in her whole life.Chi Yuxin nodded: "OK, I called my mother and said that I would go back later today."

I didn't expect or expected that Chi Yuxin would agree. Although Fang Zhiyao didn't want to go, he didn't want to let Chi Yuxin and Wu Luoyi get along alone.

"Can Zhiyao go as well?" Yunchu Lei looks at Fang Zhiyao again.

After all, her goal this time is Fang Zhiyao. If Fang Zhiyao doesn't go, she will have finished all her plans.

Fang Zhiyao just answered softly.

"I have a good restaurant. Let's eat there." Yun Chulei said, holding the hand of Chi Yuxin, she walked forward.

Fang Zhiyao and Wu Luoyi walked behind them without speaking. There was a strange feeling between them.

After eating in the restaurant, everyone came to KTV together.

Although Chi Yuxin has been to KTV several times, she is with her family and friends. This is her first time.

"Zhiyao, what song are you going to sing?" Yun Chulei smiles and invites Fang Zhiyao.

Fang Zhiyao did not answer, just shook his head.

After all, chiyao and his family did not like to sit on one side and sing well.

She also knew that she would be rejected, and Yun Chulei was not disappointed. After all, Fang Zhiyao was always sitting quietly by herself at parties in the United States.

Yunchulei ordered herself a piece of Adele's rolling in the deep. I have to say that yunchulei sings really well.

Chi Yuxin thinks that yunchulei can join the voice of China! Thinking of this, Chi Yuxin can't help admiring yunchulei. After all, people are really beautiful and smart, and they sing well. Compared with Yun Chulei, Chi Yuxin feels that she is simply inferior.

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