A few days later, Chi yeche had to attend an important meeting in the United States and had to go to the United States in person. Because he had classes in school, his freshman class was still quite tense. In addition, he had to accompany Chi Yuxin, so he didn't go with Chi yeche.

Early in the morning, Josh Mo sent the pool to the door of the villa.

"You should have come back in time? It will be Ziyu's wedding day in a few days. He said that he would go through it together. " Suddenly thought of this, Josh asked.

"Don't worry. I'll come back soon. I won't Miss Jiang Ziyu's wedding, but..." Chi yeche seems to think of something, pause for a moment, a pair of eyes seems to take a trace of resentment at Josh Mo, the tone with a trace of vinegar flavor: "I'm going out on a business trip, you think I'll come back soon, not because I'm not willing to give up, but because I'm afraid I can't come back to attend Jiang Ziyu's wedding?"

Chi yeche thought that Josh Mo should say, because she was not willing to leave for too long, so let him hurry up and come back so that it was right.

Josh Mo helplessly shook his head. I don't know why. I feel that Chi yeche seems to be more and more childish, just like a child. Maybe this is a man. No wonder men are the same childish no matter how old they are. If a man doesn't show you his real childish appearance in front of you, he doesn't love you so much.

"Well, well, I can't part with you. Go back quickly. Don't miss the plane." Although Josh foam is not willing to separate from the pool night Che, but pool night Che has business in the body, and Josh foam does not want to delay the work of pool night Che.

Pool night Che bowed his head and pecked gently on the pink lips of Josh foam, and then he was satisfied and said, "well, I'm gone. You can go back to make up for sleep."

After watching the car of Chi yeche leave, Josh Mo returns to the villa.

After another sleep, I went to class in the afternoon.

The next day, Qiao Ximo had no class, and Tang Xiaorui and Li Sha had nothing to do, so they made an appointment to go out for dinner and shopping.

After dinner, the three housewives didn't want to go to the clothing store, the jewelry store, but went to the supermarket.

"By the way, I'm going to buy tampons. There seems to be no more at home." Tang Xiaorui suddenly thought of this and said.

Hear Tang Xiaorui talk about sanitary napkin, Qiao Xi Mo suddenly thought, oneself seem to have more than a month did not come to that.

"Foam, what's the matter?" Found that Qiao Xi Mo stay in place do not go, has gone forward a few steps of Li Sha and Tang Xiaorui look back to Qiao Ximo.

"Just now Xiao Rui talked about sanitary napkins. I suddenly thought that I hadn't come for more than a month..."

Qiao Xi Mo's words have not finished, then be interrupted by Tang Xiaorui's excited voice. "Not for more than a month? Foam Are you pregnant? "

In fact, Josh also has this idea, but it can't be 100% sure. "I don't really know..."

But in this world, she and Chi yeche are really positive And did not do security measures, after all, Chi yeche also wants to have a child.

If I'm really pregnant Of course, josimo will be very happy. She and Chi yeche hope to have another child. Even if it's not the perfect combination of a daughter and a son, as long as you have another child, Josh will be very happy.

"Otherwise, we will accompany you to the hospital for a check-up."

Josie Mo nodded gently. She also wanted to know whether she was pregnant or not.

After coming out from the supermarket, the three went to the gynecology hospital.

After the inspection, Qiao Ximo and Tang Xiaorui accompanying her are waiting for the result together with Li Sha.

Although the result has not come out yet, he feels inexplicably that there is a little life in his belly

"Is the patient Qiao Ximo there? Your results are out. Please come to the doctor's office

Hearing the nurse call his name, Josh quickly got up and went to the doctor's office.

Sitting in the seat in front of the doctor, Qiao Ximo looked a little uneasy, "doctor, am I pregnant?"

The doctor looked at the examination report sheet of Qiao Ximo and said, "Congratulations, miss. You have been pregnant for about one and a half months."

Hearing that the doctor said he was pregnant, Josh could not help but smile happily.

But because of the doctor's words, the smile on Josh's face fell again.

"But miss, your uterus is very fragile, you must pay attention to take good care of the fetus, otherwise you may have the risk of miscarriage."

Hearing the doctor's words, Qiao Ximo's face turned pale. After all, she had been stabbed by wenxiya before, and her uterus was also hurt a little. Before that, Chi Yuxin gave birth prematurely less than 10 months ago. Fortunately, she was sent to the hospital in time. The medical technology in the United States is also good. Although Chi Yuxin is a premature baby, she doesn't have it physically What's the big problem? It's just that compared with ordinary children, they stay in the hospital for a long time."Here are some pills I prescribe to protect the fetus. When you go to pay for it, you will take the medicine on time. If you feel uncomfortable, you should continue to come to the hospital without delay. Then remember not to exercise violently, and it's better to stop the sexual intercourse."

Qiao Ximo nodded solemnly: "thank you, doctor. I will take good care of my baby."

After coming out of the doctor's office, Tang Xiaorui and Li Sha, who were waiting outside, rushed to meet him: "what's the matter with foam? Are you pregnant? "

Qiao Xi Mo raised his eyes and looked at Tang Xiaorui and Li Sha with a pair of expectant eyes. He said with a smile, "well, the doctor said that she has been pregnant for one and a half months."

"Wow, that's very nice, Mo mo. congratulations!" Tang Xiaorui and Li Sha said excitedly.

Looking at the happy appearance of his two good friends, Qiao Ximo could not help but feel a little lucky that he didn't let the two of them follow him into the doctor's office. If he knew that he might have miscarriage, they would be very worried, right?

After thinking about it for a while, Josh also felt that it was better not to tell them about it. As long as he took the medicine on time and paid attention to it, it should not matter.

Because she didn't want them to know that she didn't go to buy medicine directly. Instead, she followed them to the door, stopped a taxi and asked them to leave first. Then she went back to the hospital to buy the medicine and then took the bus home.

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