Li shazheng went to Tang Xiaorui's home to find Tang Xiaorui because of her work. Not long after she arrived at Tang Xiaorui's home, her phone rang suddenly. Seeing that it was her cousin's call, Li Sha quickly connected the phone.

"Hello, sister. What can I do for you?"

"I've come to China now."

"What?! ——”Hearing her cousin's words, Li Sha couldn't help but stare at her eyes, "are you here today? Didn't you say that genius came? "

"Oh, I can't wait for tomorrow, so I'm here now. Where are you now? May I come to you? "

After all, I'm in Tang Xiaorui's house now, and I can't finish my work for a while and a half: "I'm at a friend's house now. I'll ask her, wait a minute." Li Sha said she put the mobile phone aside and went to Tang Xiaorui: "Xiaorui, my cousin has now arrived in China. She asked if she could come to me. Can I let her come to your home directly?"

Tang Xiaorui such a generous person, naturally won't want to: "it doesn't matter, you call her to come."

"Well." The management gauze should a, then went to pick up the phone: "sister, my friend said you can come over, I will send you the address, you can directly show the driver." After hanging up the phone, Li Sha sent Tang Xiaorui's address to her cousin.

About an hour later, Tang Xiaorui's doorbell rang.

"I guess it's my cousin. I'll open the door."

She went to the door and opened the door. A woman with long flaxen curly hair and two large suitcases behind her appeared at the door.

"Cut the yarn!" After all, they haven't seen each other for a long time.

The woman saw Tang Xiaorui behind Li Sha and said with a smile, "Hello, are you a good friend of Li Sha? I'm her cousin. My name is Keiko ITO. You can call me meihuiko. "

I didn't expect that my cousin could speak Chinese. Tang Xiaorui asked in surprise: "I didn't expect your Chinese is so good..."

Li Sha helped explain: "because my cousin's father is Chinese, so Chinese is so good. When I first learned Chinese, I would ask her."

"Well, let's not stand at the door. Come in." Tang Xiaorui quickly said politely.

MEIHUIZI dragged two big suitcases in and put them in a corner of the living room. Tang Xiaorui went to the kitchen and poured three cups of juice.

"Would you like some juice?" Tang Xiaorui asked politely.

"Thank you."

Three people sat on the soft sofa chatting, Li Sha can't help but ask curiously: "say elder sister, why do you want to come to China all of a sudden? Isn't your job in Japan very good? It's stable and your salary is high. Why did you quit suddenly and come to China? " It's strange to cut the yarn.

Before, MEIHUIZI just called her and told her that she would come to China and asked her if she had any secretarial work. However, as for why MEIHUIZI came to China, I haven't had time to ask.

Hearing the problem, MEIHUIZI sighed heavily and looked sad: "it's not because my parents urged me to get married, but I don't want to. I came to China."

I didn't expect that the reason why MEIHUIZI came to China was because of this. Li Sha shook her head helplessly: "but I think what my uncle and aunt did is right. You are 26. Generally speaking, you should start looking for a partner. Can you stop immersing yourself in the world of two dimensions every day? I can't stand seeing your room full of BL cartoons "Yes." Li Sha said, but also white MEIHUIZI one eye.

"But I like the second dimension, I like reading BL comics. Am I wrong! If a boy I can not accept my hobbies, let alone love me! What's more, I'm 26, am I old? " MEIHUIZI is very unconvinced and pours her mouth.

"It's not old. Just the one beside you. She's not 25. Her children are almost four years old. So is my other friend, Mo Mo, whose child is also three and a half years old. Why has Xi been together for several years? It's sooner or later to get married. You are 26 years old, and you don't even have a partner."

Under the repeated attacks of Li Sha, MEIHUIZI really began to doubt whether she was old

"But I still don't want a blind date! I want to find someone I like by myself. In short, I will stay in China and I will start looking for a job tomorrow

Seeing MEIHUIZI like this, Li Sha just shook her head helplessly and didn't continue to persuade her. After all, it's better for everyone to make their own decisions.

"Ding Dong Ding Dong..." At this time, Tang Xiaorui's doorbell suddenly rang.

Tang Xiaorui looked at the clock on the wall: "eh, who will come this time?" At this time, Fang Zhiyao has not finished school, and Fang Ye has not finished work. Who will come?

Tang Xiaorui wants to get up and walk to the door. He opens the door and sees Tang Yunchen standing at the door with his hands in his trouser pocket.

I didn't expect to come to Tang Yunchen. Tang Xiaorui couldn't help but stare at him in surprise: "brother, how did you come?"Tang Yunchen shrunk his mouth: "listen to your tone, as if I don't welcome me."

Tang Xiaorui quickly shook his head: "of course not."

"I happened to be passing by, so I came to see you. Aren't you going to let me in?" Tang Yunchen looked inside and found that there seemed to be two people in the living room, "do you have friends? If you don't bother me, I'll come and see if I'm free

After all, MEIHUIZI is inside now. If another stranger is afraid that she will be embarrassed, Tang Xiaorui does not detain Tang Yunchen and nods gently.

"Then I'll go first." Tang Yunchen said and left.

Tang Xiaorui closed the door and walked back.

"Who was it just now?" MEIHUIZI asked curiously. She looked at the door, as if she saw a very handsome man. Because she was a little far away, she didn't see it clearly. However, she seemed to be a very tall and handsome man.

"Oh, he's my brother. He said he'd come by to see me. When he saw that I had guests, he said he would go first." Tang Xiaorui explained.

MEIHUIZI understood and nodded.

"By the way, Xiao Rui, has your brother not found a partner yet?" Li Sha thought of this can not help but curious gossip. Because she was not familiar with Jiang Ziyu, Jiang Ziyu didn't ask Li Sha and Chi Yexi when they got married. Jiang Ziyu didn't meet Tang Yunchen on the day of their marriage. He only knew that when Mo Mo and Chi yeche got married last time, he seemed to be alone.

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